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Brachytherapy - Curietherapie

المعالجة الشعاعية الموضعية

391   0   2   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 1998
  fields Medicine
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Brachytherapy is considered one of the most important departments in the international centers of oncology. It is noteworthy that the application of brachytherapy does not require costly equipment, but it requires good knowledge of its principles and perfect handling of isotopes and to be committed to means of complete radio protection by physicians, physicists, and technicians working in this field.

References used
Bomford C.K & Kunkler 1.H. Textbook of Radiotherapy Churchill Livingstone, 5th Edition - 1993
Devita V.T. & Hellman J.S., & Rosenberg S.A. Cancer Lippincott, 2nd edition - 1985
Fletcher G.H. Textbook of Radiotherapy Lea & Febiger, 3eme edition - 1985
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Larynx cancer is the most common cancer of the head and neck with the exception of the skin and it accounts for 2% of all cancer diagnoses, its genesis is directly associated with alcohol drinking and smoking, squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the m ost common histological type (95%) of larynx cancer. Aim: The purpose of this study was to evaluate 3D conformal radiotherapy of accelerated system for early larynx cancer and to estimate acute and late toxicity which appear because of irradiated normal tissues around the tumor (thyroid gland, spine cord, ….) and also to evaluate the rate of recurrence and survival. Materials and methods: The study was performed of 44 patients of scc larengeal cancer stage T1/T2, that underwent RT (2015 – 2017), 84% with glottic cancer, the median age was 63 years, all patients were treated 3D conformal RT, Total dose between (60-66) Gy, 2Gy/fraction (5 fractions in week).Our analysis was to evaluate the acute and late toxicity dure and after radiotherapy, and also the rate of recurrence and survival. Results: The most toxicity was dysphagia (42 PTs) 96%, radiodermitis (30 PTs) 70%, the least toxicity was tooth damage. No evidence of late toxicity, the rate of recurrence (11 PTs) 25%, metastases occur in (1 PT). (6/ 41 PTs) 16.4% were dead. Conclusion: Radiotherapy is the important role to control early larynx cancer, and 3DRadiotherapy is giving a large dose to treat the tumor and save the normal tissues around the tumor from effect of radiation, therefor absence the late toxicity.
مفهوم التابع لعدة متحولات التمثيل البياني لتابع لمتحولين نهايات التوابع لمتحولين واستمرارها النهايات النهايات التكرارية الاستمرار المشتقات الجزئية التفاضل التام التفاضل التام من المراتب العليا الجاكوبي (Jacobian) التوابع الشعاعية (Vec tor functions) المنحنيات الفراغية (Space curves) السطوح (Surfaces) المؤثر التفاضلي الموجه (Differential vector operator) تدرج التابع السلمي (Gradient of scalar function) خواص شعاع التدرج (Properties of the gradient) تباعد الحقل الشعاعي(Divergence of vector field) المعنى الفيزيائي للتباعد دوران الحقل الشعاعي (Curl of vector field) المعنى الهندسي للدوران
In order to preserve word-order information in a non-autoregressive setting, transformer architectures tend to include positional knowledge, by (for instance) adding positional encodings to token embeddings. Several modifications have been proposed o ver the sinusoidal positional encodings used in the original transformer architecture; these include, for instance, separating position encodings and token embeddings, or directly modifying attention weights based on the distance between word pairs. We first show that surprisingly, while these modifications tend to improve monolingual language models, none of them result in better multilingual language models. We then answer why that is: sinusoidal encodings were explicitly designed to facilitate compositionality by allowing linear projections over arbitrary time steps. Higher variances in multilingual training distributions requires higher compression, in which case, compositionality becomes indispensable. Learned absolute positional encodings (e.g., in mBERT) tend to approximate sinusoidal embeddings in multilingual settings, but more complex positional encoding architectures lack the inductive bias to effectively learn cross-lingual alignment. In other words, while sinusoidal positional encodings were designed for monolingual applications, they are particularly useful in multilingual language models.
The aims of this study by sample of dentists to identify the percentage were used of some common topical anesthetics and the sedation in their practice and to know if there is a influence of specialize in OMFS in the results.
تعدُّ شبكات توزيع الطاقة الكهربائية الشعاعية أحد أبرز أجزاء نظام القدرة الكهربائيـة التـي توصل الطاقة الكهربائية إلى المستهلك، لذلك فإن دقة حسابات هذه الشبكات يجب أن تراعـى بشكل جيد من خلال اتباع أساليب و طرق حديثة تعتمد على استخدام الحاسوب. في هذا البحث و ضمن هذا الإطار سوف نقترح طريقة لتمثيل الشبكات الشعاعية في ذاكرة الحاسـوب، إذْ إنَّ هذه المسألة هي الخطوة الأولى التي يجب التفكير بها عند حل أي مسألة شـبكات كهربائيـة باستخدام الحاسوب. إن الطريقة تعتمد على تمثيل الشبكة الكهربائية الشـعاعية فـي ذاكـرة الحاسوب باستخدام مصفوفة التشكيل العكسي.هذه المصفوفة سيتم اسـتنتاجها عـن طريـق استخدام مجموعة من الخوارزميات الجزئية و بناءً عليها مجموعة من البرامج انطلاقـاً مـن مصفوفة التشكيل المباشر للشبكة.

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