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Vector functions

التوابع الشعاعية

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 Publication date 2019
  fields Mathematics
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This research aimed to define a new class of complex functions , which depends in its definition on the definition of famous Holder class. We studied the relation between the new and Holder classes, then we proved some properties of the class. We fi nally applied this study to approximate the class of complex functions on closed curves , which belong to a wide class of curves.
This research suggests a new method that aims to verify the manual signature image which is written by person, and specify whether this signature back to this person or that forged signature. This was done by extracting geometric features of the sign ature image and applying statistical functions on them as a way to verify the signature of that person. The features from the signature image have been extracted on many stages so a signature image has been transformed from the gray scale to binary format, and then extracting the statistical features from the original signature image which is the maximum value from the most repeated values in the ones' coordination line that determine the signature shape, in addition to the number of ones which also determine the signature shape. Finally two ranges have been identified for the values accepted for original signature image. By the same way, statistical features have been extracted from the foreign signature image and tested if they aggregate within the specified domain of acceptable values. This research also includes the results of the proposed approach that compared with the previous methods in this scope. The proposed method has been tested to the data base consisting of 16200 signatures back to 300 persons, and as a result the signature image has been verified with a good percentage.
Let denote the class of functions that are analytic and univalent in the unit disk such that: Using De Brange Theorem it has been shown for the functinos of this class that the the following estimations are true: For the Subclass ( e.i. The Class of Convex functionswhdch in analytic and univalent in unit disk) the following estimations are true.
We prove that the sum A + B of closed subspaces A and B of the inverse limit of finite dimensional vector spaces, V = limVn (n ∈ N) over an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0 is closed. We extend also the basic fact that every ideal of a finite dimensional semisimple Lie algebra has a unique complement to the case of closed ideals of prosemisimple Lie algebras.
This paper presents parallel computers architectures especially Superscalar processors and Vector processors, building a simulator depending on the basic characteristics for each architecture, the simulator simulates their mechanism of work progra mmatically at the aim of comparing the performance of the two architectures in executing Data Level Parallelism (DLP) and Instruction Level Parallelism ILP. The results shows that the effectiveness of executing instructions in parallel depends significantly on choosing the appropriate architecture for execution, according to the type of parallelism that can be applied to instructions, and the vector features in the vector architecture achieve remarkable improvement in performance that cannot be ignored in execution of DLP, simplify the code and reduce the number of instruction. The provided simulator is a good core that can be developed and modified especially in the field of education for the students of Computer Science and Engineering and the research field.

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