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Some Linguistic and Grammatical Phenomena in the Poetry of Al-Akhtal Al-Taglibi

بعض الظواهر اللغوية و النحوية في شعر الأخطل التغلبي

5259   3   208   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2014
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This paper offered an image about Al-Aktal's life, evolution, tribe, poetry and his rank among his age's poets. It also presented the views of critics, linguists and grammarians on his poetry. Besides, it examined the most prominent linguistic and grammatical phenomena in his poetry. These phenomena took the form of the following: the use of odd words, this was discussed in terms of its definition and types. Examples of his use of odd were presented to illustrate this phenomenon. The other phenomenon is that of departure from accepted norms. Again, the meaning of this phenomenon together with its kinds were explored in the poetry of Al-Aktal. Appropriate instances were offered. The third was the deletion phenomenon whose types, incidents and forms were anaysed from the grammarians' points of view. Lastly, the phenomenon Points of view. Lastly,the phenomenon of using the devices of preceding and reversing words,whose functions were studied in terms of grammarians views supported by proper quotations. The conclusion was an exposition of the most significant findings following this research.

References used
الأخطل في سيرته و نفسيته و شعره ,إيليا حاوي ,دار الثقافة ,بيروت-لبنان,د.ت.
الأخطل شاعر بني أمية , د.سيد غازي , دار المعارف بمصر , ط3 , 1976م.
الأشباه و النظائر في النحو ,جلال الدين السيوطيّ ,تح :د.عبد الإله نبهان ,مطبوعات مجمع اللغة العربية بدمشق ,د.ط, 1985م.
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