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The role of the trichomes and their importance in resisting the olea europaea trees of air pollution resulting from the Banias refinery

دور الأوبار و أهميتها في مقاومة أشجار الزيتون لتلوث الهواء الناتج عن مصفاة بانياس

1429   1   15   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2017
  fields Biology
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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We discussed the importance of studying the trichomes award in olive trees, leaves and its role in the resistance to these trees against pollution resulting from the Banias refinery intake, through the study of their density and distribution on a superficial paper and examine the concentration of chlorophyll in the leaves, and comparing the results between the contaminated areas and the control area . Results showed that the density of the trichomes play a role in protecting the ports of entry into force of pollutants into the plant tissue, and its impact on the pigments of photosynthesis, and thus the process of photosynthesis.

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
تتناول هذه الدراسة أهمية الأوبار الترسية الموجودة في أوراق أشجار الزيتون ودورها في مقاومة التلوث الناتج عن مصفاة بانياس. تم تحليل كثافة الأوبار وتوزيعها على سطحي الورقة، بالإضافة إلى دراسة تركيز اليخضور في الأوراق ومقارنة النتائج بين المناطق الملوثة ومنطقة الشاهد. أظهرت النتائج أن كثافة الأوبار تلعب دوراً في حماية التغور من نفاذ الملوثات إلى داخل الأنسجة النباتية، مما يؤثر على أصبغة التركيب الضوئي وعملية التركيب الضوئي بشكل عام. تم تحديد ثلاثة مواقع للدراسة: قرية ابتله (الأقرب للمصفاة)، قرية بلغونس، وقرية العقيبة (منطقة الشاهد). أظهرت النتائج زيادة في كثافة الأوبار في المناطق الأقرب للمصفاة، مما يشير إلى دورها في حماية النبات من التلوث. كما تم دراسة تأثير التلوث على تركيز اليخضور في الأوراق، حيث تبين أن تركيز اليخضور a كان أكبر من اليخضور b في جميع مناطق الدراسة، مع انخفاض غير معنوي في كمية اليخضور في المنطقة الملوثة مقارنة بالمناطق الأخرى. توصي الدراسة بزراعة أشجار الزيتون في المناطق الملوثة نظراً لقدرتها على مقاومة التلوث.
Critical review
تعتبر هذه الدراسة مهمة لأنها تسلط الضوء على دور الأوبار الترسية في مقاومة أشجار الزيتون للتلوث، إلا أن هناك بعض النقاط التي يمكن تحسينها. أولاً، كان من الممكن توسيع نطاق الدراسة لتشمل أنواع أخرى من الأشجار المثمرة لمقارنة فعالية الأوبار الترسية في مقاومة التلوث. ثانياً، الدراسة اعتمدت على مواقع محددة بالقرب من مصفاة بانياس، وكان من الممكن أن تشمل مواقع أخرى متنوعة لزيادة دقة النتائج. ثالثاً، لم تتناول الدراسة تأثيرات التلوث على المدى الطويل على أشجار الزيتون، وهو جانب مهم لفهم التأثيرات البيئية بشكل كامل. وأخيراً، كان من الممكن استخدام تقنيات تحليلية أكثر تقدماً لتحليل تركيز اليخضور والأوبار بشكل أكثر دقة.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هو الهدف الرئيسي من الدراسة؟

    الهدف الرئيسي من الدراسة هو دراسة أهمية الأوبار الترسية الموجودة في أوراق الزيتون ودورها في مقاومة التلوث الناتج عن مصفاة بانياس.

  2. ما هي المواقع التي تم اختيارها للدراسة؟

    تم اختيار ثلاثة مواقع للدراسة: قرية ابتله (الأقرب للمصفاة)، قرية بلغونس، وقرية العقيبة (منطقة الشاهد).

  3. ما هي النتائج التي توصلت إليها الدراسة بشأن كثافة الأوبار؟

    أظهرت النتائج زيادة في كثافة الأوبار في المناطق الأقرب للمصفاة، مما يشير إلى دورها في حماية النبات من التلوث.

  4. هل كان هناك اختلاف معنوي في تركيز اليخضور بين المناطق المدروسة؟

    تبين أن هناك انخفاض غير معنوي في كمية اليخضور في المنطقة الملوثة مقارنة بالمناطق الأخرى.

References used
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CHAUHAN, A., (2010).- Photosynthetic Pigment Changes in Some Selected Trees Induced by Automobile Exhaust in Dehradun.,J. New York Sci., 3(2):45-51
Rai,P.K.,(2013). Enveronment magnetic studies of particularwith special reference to biomagnetic monitoring using roadside plant leaves . Atoms. Environ ., 72:113-129
rate research

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The present research was conducted to study the resistance of Acasia tree which were near to Banias- Jableh freeway. This study was performed by study the stomata and its distribution on the upper and down leaf surfaces. Also, a concentration of c hlorophyll and a severity of photosynthesis, then compared the results between the polluted region with the control one. Results showed that a number of stomata decreased in polluted region compared to the control one, where this reduction play a role in reduce the injury resulting from gas air pollutants, and this reflexes on the severity of photosynthesis and the chlorophyll.
The study aimed to clarify the economic concept to the problem of environmental pollution and the economic effects of him. How is the confrontation of this economic problem through the following steps: 1- Quantification of environmental pollution (air quality monitoring in the surrounding medium). 2- Quantification of the results of environmental pollution (the negative impact on health and property due to air pollution , and loss of agricultural and animal wealth . 3- Estimate of the results of environmental pollution ( the cost of treatment and alternative employment opportunities , loss of GDP as a result of the inability to work due to illness or disability or early death , property damage costs in agricultural and animal wealth , the cost of damage in the aesthetic value . The study concluded that a range of results, including :  Monitoring and Pollution reality in Banias , and then compare the average cost incurred by the population as a result of ( health damage , property damage, damage in agricultural and animal wealth ).  Determination of environmental costs through the expense of a decline in the quality of people's lives and the deterioration of the quality of the environment , such as exposure to diseases caused by environmental pollution and the cost of treating these diseases physically and years of work and life that are lost due to disease , in addition to the loss of the value of environmental services and resources, especially non-renewable ones, as well as the loss opportunities and environmental features such as the aesthetic standards of the tourist areas . The study recommended that the industrial strategies in Syria adopt Sustainable Industrial Development Policy, which include an integrated and comprehensive environmental dimension in the administration of any industrial development project . This is in line with the concept of sustainable development, which calls for enterprises of different types to preserve the assets and resources of the community of human, material and environmental which is considered the property of the current and future generations.
This research was aimed to assess the pollution from Tartous Cement Factory of some heavy metal by using of the bark of olive trees and Lichens as Bio-indicators. The olive trees was chosen as that predominant vegetation type in the study area. Bar k samples of olive trees and the lichens were collected from several villages surrounding the Cement Factory at different distances (1-2-3-4-5-6-7) km from the center of the Cement Factory in the eastern and north-eastern region of the Cement plant (where the prevailing winds in the region is western and southern Western). The results showed that the concentration of heavy elements in the bark of olive trees and lichens (ppm) take the same trend even thought there are differences in concentration between them by the overall average for all sites was as follows: iron > manganese > copper > lead. We note the high concentration of iron in bark of olive trees compared to lichens, but the rest of the elements it was statistically identical. The results also showed a significant correlation between the concentrations of manganese element in each of the bark and Lichens, and the existence of a negative correlation between the concentration of manganese and distance for both Lichens and bark. Concerning the altitude above sea level the results showed existence of significant and negative correlation with all of Iron, Manganese and Lead in Lichens.
The research aimed to determine the role of incentives in improving the work performance of the Banias Refinery, by defining the role of incentives represented (job stability, employee involvement, rewards) in improving the work performance of the Ba nias Refinery, the researcher relied on the deductive approach as a method of thinking, and on the descriptive approach a procedural approach To find out the availability of incentive dimensions at Baniyas refinery. Where the researcher distributed a questionnaire to 350 workers, the study concluded that the lowest mean of the responses of the sample members to the phrases that measure the delegated participation of decision-making workers is 2.43, which is less than the mean of neutrality 3, and moral, meaning that workers do not participate in the discussion of any decision The company issues it according to the answers of the sample members. At lower levels, this affects their performance which is reflected in the performance of the work.
The research was conducted to study the resistance of Nerium plant which are planting on sides of roads and the cities portals. The research was performed by studying the leaves of Nerium plant, through studying the length and weigh of the leaf, an d its area and water content. In addition to studying the wools and hiatus and chlorophyll concentration, and compared the results between the polluted region which is the entry of Banias City, and the control one which is the gardens of Tishreen University. Results showed non significant reduction in length, weight and area of the leaf in the polluted region compared with the control one. It attained (16.2 cm, 0.97 g and 26.3 cm2), respectively in the polluted region. Where it was (17.8 cm, 1.25 g and 27.7 cm2), for control region, respectively. Also, there was no significant differences in water content between the two studied regions. It attained respectively (52.2 and 53.9 %). Our results showed: - That a number of hiatus decreased, whereas the wools increased in the polluted region compared with control region insignificantly. The mean of a number of it was 12 in polluted region, compared with 14 in the control region. - A simple insignificant reduction in the concentration of chlorophyll A in polluted region compared with the control, where it attained (0.93 and 0.98), respectively. The Nerium oleander plant was resistance and tolerance to the air pollution.
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