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تأثير علم الأصوات في تدريس المهارات اللفظيّة و الكتابيّة

805   0   6   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2017
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Learning any language, including Arabic, depends on having the well-known language skills. To possess these skills, we need many helpful sciences including phonetics. Phonetics is essential in teaching the lingual skill and repairing any defect, if exists, in teaching it. This research have explained phonetics use in learning, teaching oral and written skills and correcting some mistakes in our curriculum.

References used
Aliedah fi ouloum albalagha, alkhateeb alkazweeny, tahkeek muhammed abdulkader alfadely, bierut wa saida, almaktabah alasreiah,1422 Hijri,2001 Calendar
Tahzeeb allugha, Abu Mansour muhammed ibn ahmad alazhary, tahkeek abdulsalam haroun, alkaherah, aldar almasreiah leltaaleef wa altarjamah,1384 Hijri,1964 Calendar
Jamharat allugha, abu bakr muhammed ibn alhasan almaarouf bi ibn duraid alazdy, bierut, dar sader
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This study tries to settle some rules for the law of pharyngeal sounds. These rules rely on the existent live language usages. In order to put these rules, this study presents some information about the area of pharyngeal sounds, and the view of pre vious and more recent researchers to pharyngeal sounds. After this, the study presents pharyngeals in comparison between Arabic and Semitic languages. Later, the study proposes the existence of a general rule that applies to all members of the group of those languages; where all Semitic languages are obligated with this rule, except Arabic, in which the rule is applied optionally. This voluntary application of such a rule in Arabic resulted in the existence of many alternative forms much more than in other languages. The study has used two methods: The descriptive analytical and the comparative historical methods.
With the advent of Experimental Psychology in the middle of the last century and took control of scientists on the research and studies that have appeared in that period, which was on the whole attempt to find and understand the cognitive processes taking place during the learning and performance of the studies that appeared in that period, and is a model unique to the relationship between cognition and motor performance Contextual Interference that have received since the appearance of the many studies that have proven the effect of overlapping content is that some of the results did not demonstrate this effect, scientists these results are attributed to the nature of the tasks and subject to the influence of one general motor program. This research is an applied study of overlapping content adopted in his experience on the skill of the correction in basketball from different points in order to verify or deny the impact of the emergence of overlapping content in skills which are subject to the influence of one general motor program. Find showed the impact of the emergence of overlapping content in skills which are subject to the influence of one general motor program, the results of which is a pilot for the use of unconditional support for overlapping content by teaching motor skills.
يقدم علم البيانات Science Data ،باعتباره تخصصا مستحدثا اتجاهات تعليمية جديدة وحيوَّية في مدارس علم المكتبات والمعلومات في الوقت الراهن، ومع ذلك لا يزال الغموض يكتنف كيفية ارتباطه بعلم المعلومات في مدارس علم المكتبات والمعلومات، وتسعى هذه الورقة إلى مناقشة هذه القضية وبلورهتا. التصميم والمنهجية والتوجيه: تم تحليل البيان الخاص برسالة وطبيعة كل من : علم البيانات وعلم المعلومات من خلال مراجعة العمل القائم في كلا التخصصين، ووضع تسلسل هرمي للبيانات، والمعلومات، والمعرفة، والحكمة (DIKW (Wisdom - Knowledge - Information - Data .لقد تم التفكير في الطرق التي تستحضر من خلالها نظريات علم المعلومات الرؤى، والافكار الجديدة، وإلقاء ضوء ٍ جديد على أساسيات علم البيانات.
أهداف البحث: -تعرف أثر التعلم الإلكتروني على تحصيل طلبة دبلوم التأهيل التربوي لمقرر طرائق تدريس علم الأحياء مقارنة بالطريقة التقليدية. - تعرف فاعلية التعلم الإلكتروني في تحصيل طلبة دبلوم التأهيل التربوي لمقرر طرائق تدريس علم الأحياء حسب متغيري ال طريقة و الجنس . و قد طبقت الدراسة على مجموعة تجريبية ( 26 ) طالباً و طالبة من طلبة دبلوم التأهيل التربوي في الجامعة الافتراضية السورية تعلموا من خلال التعلم الإلكتروني، و مجموعة ضابطة ( 26 ) طالباً و طالبة من طلبة دبلوم التأهيل التربوي في كلية التربية/جامعة دمشق، تعلموا من خلال الصفوف التقليدية و باستخدام الطرائق التقليدية.
The researcher prepared materials and tools for his study , he prepared guide for teachers to guide them how they teach with some cognitive load strategies and developed a lot of dependent variables and behavior in various domain such as cognitive an d affective and psychomotor domain , researcher prepared too two tools to measure two dependent variables , he prepare test in skills of futuristic thinking , and also prepare questionnaire to measure successful cognitive academic administration , he used secondary student , the sample of study contained 30 student. The researcher had controlled the tools of his study he used various statistical methods , he used co efficient for measure validity and used alpha crookback to measure stability of tools of its study , study used one sample experimental design , study due to that there effective of using of some cognitive load strategies in teaching psychology for developing skills of futuristic thinking and successful cognitive academic administration to secondary stage students, and study due to that there was different between pre and post application for post one in developing skills of futuristic thinking and successful cognitive academic administration
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