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Evaluation Responses of Seeds Germination in Some Varieties of Cucumber (cucumis sativa) to Drought Stress

تقييم استجابة إنبات بذور أصناف مختلفة من الخيار (sativa cucumis) لإجهاد الجفاف

2548   0   38   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2009
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The study was conducted on six varieties of cucumber: Napleon, Ampres, Sendian, Prence, Samara and Baladi. To study the responses of these varieties to drought stress, on the seed germination and seedling growth under different Polyethylen glycol concentrations (0 control, 10 mM, 20 mM and 40 mM PEG). The results of this research showed a some varieties to its tolerance to drought stress. The varieties Ampres, Prence and samara showed more resistance to drought stress. It s indicated with increasing seed germination and growth of seedlings with the higher concentration of PEG in compared to another varieties.

References used
Agnes G., Csiszar, J., Irma T. and, L. Erdei. 2002. Changes in water and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters under osmotic stress in wheat cultivars.Proceedings of the 7th Hungarian Congress on Plant Physiology, 2002, S2-P05
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Dapeng, D. Hongqiang, Y., Wensuo, J. and H. Conglin. 2001. Protein phosphorylation is involved in the water stress-induced ABA accumulation in the roots of Malus hupehensis Rehd. Chinese Science Bulletin, Volume 46, Number 10, p. 855-858
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This research was conducted at Izraa research station of The General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research during the growing season 2010/2011 to study the performance of six durum wheat varieties at early growth stage under water defici t stress. The experiment was designed using randomized complete block design with three replication. The statistical analysis results of the experiment clearly showed genetic variations among cultivars under water stress. Drought stress caused a depression in all studied traits. Mean yield decreased in average 31.7 %. The number of spiks/ m2 was the most trait affected by drought stress, It decreased in average 29.1% while biological yield decreased in average 24.26%. It was observed that the number of spikes per m2 was the highest in the variety Hourani (191) and the highest number of grain per spike (34.1) whereas the variety Bohouth7 and the variety hourani recorded the highest thousand grain weight (40.5 g). The statistical analysis results showed that the variety Cha5 a achieved the highest grain yield per m2 (239.4 g), whereas, the variety Bohouth7 recorded the lowest grain yield per m2 (182.8 g), under water deficit stress conditions.
The research was performed in AL-Gab region, Hama Province during the agricultural season 2012-2013. The investigation was carried out to assess five varieties of muskmelon from central Asia "Gezel Zametsha, Ak Gorbek, Pakeraman, Kara Kaon, Ak Kash ", plus control (Ananas Hollar) The results showed that two varieties "Ak Kash and Kara Kaon " had better leaf area, while the variety of "Ak Gorbek" had more number of feminine blossoms on the plant and higher percentage of node blooms. "Kara Kaon" Which gave high productivity 6850 Kg/Dunm in comparison with the control 4724 Kg/Dunm to "Ananas Hollar". A strong Correlation link had been found out between the area of leaf surface and productivity. The number of feminine blossoms and the percentage of the node productive blooms. But a strong negative link was found between the number of picked fruit and average weight of the fruit.
A study was carried out in the 2nd agro-ecological zone at the General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research/Sirbaya Research Station/Aleppo during the growing season 2011-2012. The study aimed at evaluating the response of different vari eties of lentil to supplemental irrigation. The experiment adopted a split plot design with three replicates. Two water treatments, supplemental irrigation (R) and rain feed (Ro) were applied to three varieties of lentil: IDLEB1 (D1), IDLEB1 (D2), and IDLEB1 (D3). The results showed that R was more significant than Ro at a confidence level 5% for grain, hay yield, and 100-grain weight. The differences were significant between the varieties that applied Ro; the most significant of which was D3 for grain and hay yield, and D2 for 100- grain weight. As for R, the differences were significant for grain yield (the most significant was D3) and 100-grain weight (the most significant was D2), while there was no significant difference for hay yield. There was no interaction between water treatment and the variety in terms of grain yield and 100-grain weight, while it was observed for hay yield.
A laboratory experiment was conducted during 2002-003. The purpose was to develop an effective and rapid screening tool to assess the genetic variability for the response of some local barley varieties to polyethylene glycol- induced osmotic stres s at early growth stage. Also this will help to evaluate the relevance of pre-exposure of barley seedlings to sub-lethal (induction) levels of osmotic stress. This might enhance the capacity of seedlings to tolerate the lethal levels of stress.
Six durum cultivars were compared in relation to germination percentage, mean germination time, and germination “Catch up” from stress under different soil moisture contents in the labs. Both soil moisture and cultivars have shown effects on the s tudied parameters. Increasing moisture tension had caused a significant reduction in the germination percentage. The cultivars differed in their germination. Haurani 27 and Cham3 showed a higher germination potential and their germination times were shorter than the two varieties Bohouth 5 and Cham1. The varieties Lahn and Senator Capelli were intermediate among the other examined cultivars.
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