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Cim and Bayezid II, Mohammad the Conqueror's sons, and their Conflict for the Throne A Study of the Struggle-Reasons for the Throne and its effects on the Domestic State of the Ottoman State in the Reign of Sultan Bayezid II (1481-1512)

الصراع على العرش بين ولدي السلطان محمد الفاتح: جم و بايزيد دراسة في أسباب الصراع على العرش و انعكاسه على الوضع الداخلي للدولة العثمانية في عهد السلطان بايزيد الثاني (886-918ﻫ/ 1481-1512م)

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 Publication date 2017
  fields History
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Struggle for the throne in the Ottoman State started since it was created. Ottoman sultans tried by all available ways to protect their positions. This explains the various preventive measures, they adopted, to protect their thrones. Relying on 'religious fatwa' Mohammad the Conqueror issued his law which allowed him to kill his brothers in order to prevent disfigurement of the national unity. This law stayed in use for a century, till it was replaced by a new law: keeping all princes under repressive home arrest in the suites In the palace, called cages. The children of the present sultan were exempted from this treatment. This struggle led to many civil wars which contributed to the decline of the Ottoman State, like the ferocious conflict between the two sons of Sultan Mohammad the Conqueror.

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Research summary
تناقش هذه الدراسة الصراع على العرش بين ولدي السلطان محمد الفاتح، جم وبايزيد الثاني، وأثر هذا الصراع على الوضع الداخلي للدولة العثمانية في عهد السلطان بايزيد الثاني (1481-1512م). يوضح البحث أن الصراع على العرش بدأ منذ نشأة الدولة العثمانية، حيث حاول السلاطين حماية مراكزهم السلطانية بطرق مختلفة، بما في ذلك سن قوانين تسمح بقتل الإخوة لمنع التمزق الوطني. استمر العمل بهذه القوانين لمدة قرن حتى تم استبدالها بقوانين جديدة تقضي بوضع الأمراء تحت الإقامة الجبرية. أدى الصراع بين جم وبايزيد إلى حروب أهلية أضعفت الدولة العثمانية، حيث انقسمت الدولة إلى كتلتين: الطبقة الأرستقراطية القديمة والانكشارية. دعم الانكشارية بايزيد، مما ساعده في الوصول إلى العرش بعد مقتل الصدر الأعظم ونهب إسطنبول. تركز الدراسة على تأثير هذا الصراع على السياسة الداخلية للدولة العثمانية، وكيف ساهم في زيادة نفوذ الانكشارية وتدخلهم في تعيين السلاطين. كما يسلط البحث الضوء على التغيرات الاقتصادية والاجتماعية التي حدثت في عهد بايزيد الثاني، وكيف حاول التخفيف من الحروب التي أرهقت البلاد في عهد والده محمد الفاتح.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: تقدم هذه الدراسة نظرة شاملة ومفصلة حول الصراع على العرش بين جم وبايزيد الثاني وتأثيره على الدولة العثمانية. ومع ذلك، يمكن القول إن الدراسة تفتقر إلى تحليل أعمق للعوامل الخارجية التي قد تكون أثرت على هذا الصراع، مثل تدخل القوى الأجنبية. كما أن التركيز الكبير على الجانب العسكري والسياسي قد أغفل بعض الجوانب الاجتماعية والثقافية التي كانت تلعب دوراً مهماً في تلك الفترة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، كان يمكن أن تكون الدراسة أكثر شمولية إذا تضمنت مقارنة مع صراعات أخرى على العرش في تاريخ الدولة العثمانية أو في دول أخرى.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هو القانون الذي أصدره السلطان محمد الفاتح لحماية العرش؟

    أصدر السلطان محمد الفاتح قانوناً يستند إلى فتوى شرعية، يخول من يتولى عرش السلطنة حق قتل إخوته الآخرين لمنع احتمال تمزيق الوطنية. استمر العمل بهذا القانون لمدة قرن من الزمان حتى تم استبداله بقانون جديد يقضي بوضع جميع الأمراء تحت الإقامة الجبرية باستثناء أبناء السلطان الحاكم.

  2. كيف أثر الصراع بين جم وبايزيد الثاني على الوضع الداخلي للدولة العثمانية؟

    أدى الصراع بين جم وبايزيد الثاني إلى حروب أهلية أضعفت الدولة العثمانية. انقسمت الدولة إلى كتلتين: الطبقة الأرستقراطية القديمة والانكشارية. دعم الانكشارية بايزيد، مما ساعده في الوصول إلى العرش بعد مقتل الصدر الأعظم ونهب إسطنبول. كما زاد نفوذ الانكشارية وتدخلهم في تعيين السلاطين.

  3. ما هي التغيرات الاقتصادية والاجتماعية التي حدثت في عهد بايزيد الثاني؟

    في عهد بايزيد الثاني، تم التخفيف من الحروب التي أرهقت البلاد في عهد والده محمد الفاتح. أعاد بايزيد الأوقاف والممتلكات إلى مستحقيها الشرعيين، واسترد الدراويش اعتبارهم. كما حاول التخفيف من الأعباء الاقتصادية التي فرضها والده، مما أدى إلى تحسين الوضع الاجتماعي والاقتصادي في الدولة.

  4. ما هو دور الانكشارية في الصراع على العرش بين جم وبايزيد الثاني؟

    لعبت الانكشارية دوراً حاسماً في الصراع على العرش بين جم وبايزيد الثاني. دعموا بايزيد وساعدوه في الوصول إلى العرش بعد مقتل الصدر الأعظم ونهب إسطنبول. ابتداءً من هذا التاريخ، بدأ تدخل الانكشارية في تعيين السلاطين وأخذ الأعطيات السلطانية لقاء مواقفهم، مما زاد من نفوذهم في الدولة العثمانية.

References used
AGOSTON ,G AND MASTERS , B . Encyclopedia Of The Ottoman Empire. Facts On File , New York , 2004
DIMITRIADOU , A . The Reign Of Bayezid II . The University Of Edinburgh, 2000
INALCIK , H . The Middle East And The Balkans Under The Ottoman Empire .Indiana University Turkish Studies And Turkish Minisstry Of Culture Joint Series , Bilkent University, HalilInalcik Center
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Compared with his father, Sultan Mohammad the Conqueror , Sultan Bayezid II achieved little – in the military field- on the European front. However, strategically looked at, they were of great importance. He managed to annex both cities Kilia and C rimean. Doing this the black sea became an Ottoman lake. He got involved in a war against Venice, and captured some positions; that helped to advance in the eastern basin of the Mediterranean Sea, and in its western basin as well. on the eastern front failure was dominant. Mamluks' forces managed in defeating several Ottoman armies. His peaceful policies and his slackness in front of the Safavids led to the eruption of several hostile anti- Ottoman movements, and allowed more Safavids influence in Anatolia. Finally to Sultan Bayzid II virtue is attributed for modernizing sea and land forces. Relying on fire arms his son, sultan Selim I succeeded in scoring decisive victories against the Safavids and Mamluks.
One of the gravest problems that the political system in the Mamluki period experienced was the that related to power where there was not a well-set principle for being in power. For example, power and reign were a thorny fluctuating subject which gets finally settled in behalf of the most powerful Mamluki person. The case concerning the accidence to (inheriting) the throne in the Mamluki age was a temporary issue - despite the fact that it was often in the hands of the Qlawoon Family – that brings to the throne a powerful sultan who lays his hands on the throne and becomes the declared sultan. This, consequently, used to lead to an overheated struggle between Mamluki princes.
The "Middle East" is one of the most tense regions of the world, and these tensions linked mainly to the existence of the Zionist entity as an outside intity cruel implanted in the heart of the region, and which seeks to exploit and steal any land a nd wealth lies in his hands. And with the discoveries of reserves the vast gas and oil in the levant basin escalated tensions in the region after Israeli efforts to exploit these reserves and stealing these resourses without taking and this led to the outbreak of differences bilateral and multilateral conflicts of interests among the countries in the region which allows Israel to play a key role in these issues, especially the Lebanese – Israeli conflict ,the Turkish – Cyprios case which Israel is third party in such conflicts.
The Public budget of the state is deemed as a mirror reflecting all the state activities and functions in all political, economic, social, cultural and military fields. Furthermore, It is also considered one of important fundamental issues to the State to perform the functions conferred upon it in the management of the national economy and directing it in accordance with the set plan. The public budget can be defined as a financial plan issued annually by legislative deed determining the public expenditure and revenue, in which the state leads its role in carrying out its administrative functions and the implementation of economic and social plans. Moreover, the public budget has several stages prior to issuing it. The first one is preparation in which every ministry to prepare a Bill budget in line with the overall objectives of the plan for economic state, and then the Ministry of Finance to prepare the state budget project after its study of the Bill budget for each ministry separately, taking into consideration creating some kind of balance between expenditure and revenue in order to get parliament's approval on the Bill of the public budget.
The research centers around the conflict between the Ayyubid and Romanians Seljuks in the Levant. the causes behind these conflicts were mainly personal reasons and ambitions of expansion began in the reign of Alsultanyen Saladin and Kilij Arslan I I Seljuk, when Arslan wanted to expand to south and included both Kisom and Raban forts. so the relationship between the two parties tensed and continued like that to the end of the two Sultans' eras. the relationship between the two countries wasn't even better after their death,too. tensions continued in the era of Aladel Ayoubi and Ghayath KaiKhosrow Seljuk and this conflict attracted several alliances which did not produce any result but deepening the disagreements and exhausting these alliances forces. Then the modern research talked about Seljuk Sultan Rukn al-Din KayKāvus's desire to seize Aleppo, his excuse was that the city had been under control of his ancestors. In this context, he made a contact with ALafdal Ayyubid and added him to his army because he knew the benefit he would obtain by one of the Ayyubid princes being on his side, but the Ayyubid were able to stand up to him and force him to withdraw. the relationship between the two parties continued to be tense till the Seljuk Sultan Rukn al- Din died, then Alaa Aldeen Keykubad took over his place and set his eyes on Armenia Minor to dominate it so he concluded a peace with the Ayyubid and married the king Aladel Ayoub's daughter to make the relationship between them stronger.
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