من أكثر المشاكل التي عانت منها المنظومة السياسية في العصر المملوكي،
هي مسألة السلطة، و عدم وجود مبدأ ثابت للحكم، فالسلطة و الحكم كانت تتأرجح و تميل،
لكنها تستقر في النهاية للشخص صاحب القوة و السطوة و الأكثر مماليكاً و نفوذاً، و ما مبدأ
وراثة العرش في العصر المملوكي إلا مرحلة مؤقتة على الرغم من تداولها في أسرة
قلاون حتى تنجلي عن سلطان قوي يستبد بالسلطة و يتبوأ عرش السلطنة، و من ثم ليهدأ
الصراع القائم بين الأمراء المماليك.
One of the gravest problems that the political system in the
Mamluki period experienced was the that related to power where
there was not a well-set principle for being in power. For example,
power and reign were a thorny fluctuating subject which gets
finally settled in behalf of the most powerful Mamluki person. The
case concerning the accidence to (inheriting) the throne in the
Mamluki age was a temporary issue - despite the fact that it was
often in the hands of the Qlawoon Family – that brings to the
throne a powerful sultan who lays his hands on the throne and
becomes the declared sultan. This, consequently, used to lead to
an overheated struggle between Mamluki princes.
References used
قاسم، عبده قاسم: (عصر سلاطين المماليك - التاريخ السياسي و الاجتماعي) عين للدراسات و البحوث، القاهرة, ط1, 1998م, ص11.
حمزة: عادل عبد الحافظ (نيابة حلب في عصر سلاطين المماليك ) الهيئة المصرية العامة للكتب 2000م, ج1, ص91.
الزيدي، مفيد: (العصر المملوكي) دار أسامة، عمان، 2003 م، ص 26
The "Mamalik" Estate has been a raised after the vanishing of
the estate of "Bani Ayobe", Egypt in the "Mamalik" era has
witnessed the coming of many different rates, and nationalities,
which lead to a new social formula.
This research, aims to i
Struggle for the throne in the Ottoman State started since it was created. Ottoman
sultans tried by all available ways to protect their positions. This explains the various
preventive measures, they adopted, to protect their thrones. Relying on 're
The state consists of three main elements: The human element (people), the physical
component (the region) and regulatory element (authority).
The territory of state consists of the provincial land air region and maritime territory
if thestate and
The research cleans up a phenomenon of the extremism of religious and racial on the
basis of detestation of racial theories arrive to disaster results on all the humanity level
from wars and accupation.
The research studies two distinct samples in
In view of the weak economic position of the shipper vis-à-vis the carrier and his inability to discuss the terms of the maritime transport contract and what resulted from the principle of freedom of contract from severe damage to shippers, insurance companies, banks and consignees, the general rules of liability have become invalid to regulate the responsibility of the carrier.