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A Case Of Fungal Liver Abscess Caused By Basidiobolus Ranarum

حالة خراج كبدي فطري سببها فطر Basidiobolus ranarum

716   0   12   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2003
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Basidiobolus ranarum is a known cause of subcutaneous Zygomycosis. Recently, its etiologic role in gastrointestinal infection has been increasingly recognized (7) .So far, there have been no data available about liver abscess caused by B. ranarum in the English literature. We report a case of fungal liver abscess due to B. ranarum.

References used
(Bettencourt, A. L., M. A. R. Ayala, and E. A. G. Ramos. 1979. A new form of abdominal Zygomycosis different from mucormycosis: report of of the literature. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 28:567- two cases and review 569 (Medline
Cameroon, H. M. 1990. Entomophthoromycosis, p. 186-198. In E.S. Mahgoub (ed.), Tropical mycoses. Janssen Research Council, Beerse, Belgium
(Davis, S. R., D. H. Ellis, P. Goldwater, S. Dimitoiou, and R. Byard. 1994. First human culture-proven Australian case of entomophthoromycosis caused by Basidiobolus ranarum. J. Med. Vet. Mycol. 32:225-230 ( Medline
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This paper investigates the syntactic type of ambiguity. It provides background information concerning various principles related to ambiguity on the syntactic level. This study also aims to shed light on the possible cases where Arab learners of English lack the ability to comprehend certain syntactically ambiguous constructions. It also discusses each kind of syntactic ambiguity according to the syntactic form it takes. In addition, this paper explores the several sources of syntactic ambiguity. Recently, many studies have been conducted to disambiguate ambiguous constructions. This paper provides some theoretical issues that many linguists have posed in order to tackle the phenomenon of ambiguity in syntax.
The benign vascular tumors are the most common of benign soft tissue neoplasms, majority of them appears in the skin and mucosa, but they are rare in the skeletal muscles, the difficulties during the management of these tumors are pre-operative dia gnosis and completely remove the lesion, especially those neoplasms arising in the face and neck. These difficulties not allow wide range to prevent the recurrence. It has done clinical surgical histopathological studying for girl 25 years old, she has intramuscular hemangioma of the mylohyoid muscle, it should done accurate clinical examination and (MRI) before the operation, and used frozen section technique during the operation, for the best result of the ideal surgical procedure.
In this paper we compare Oxford Lexico and Merriam Webster dictionaries with Princeton WordNet with respect to the description of semantic (dis)similarity between polysemous and homonymous senses that could be inferred from them. WordNet lacks any ex plicit description of polysemy or homonymy, but as a network of linked senses it may be used to compute semantic distances between word senses. To compare WordNet with the dictionaries, we transformed sample entry microstructures of the latter into graphs and cross-linked them with the equivalent senses of the former. We found that dictionaries are in high agreement with each other, if one considers polysemy and homonymy altogether, and in moderate concordance, if one focuses merely on polysemy descriptions. Measuring the shortest path lengths on WordNet gave results comparable to those on the dictionaries in predicting semantic dissimilarity between polysemous senses, but was less felicitous while recognising homonymy.
Extracranial carotid artery aneurysm (ECAA) is extremely rare, accounting for only 0.4-4% of all peripheral artery aneurysms. Sir Astley Cooper is credited with the first successful operation for ECAA in 1808. These aneurysms are of interest becau se they have diverse etiologies and present diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. The symptoms of ECAAs vary according to their location, size, and etiology. The presentation of such aneurysms may vary from an asymptomatic mass in the neck to the development of a permanent neurological deficit as a consequence of micro emboli arising from within the aneurysmal sac. Although most carotid artery aneurysms are caused by atherosclerosis, other common causes include trauma and infection. Carotid artery aneurysms are usually diagnosed by means of ultrasonographic scanning. Additional diagnostic testing -by computed tomographic angiography, or magnetic resonance imaging- can lead to more accurate information on the aneurysm’s size and its relationship to surrounding structures. We herein report an extra cranial carotid artery aneurysm detected in a 46 years old patient with complaint of neurologic Symptoms. Because aneurysm located in the distal ICA, the treatment involved stent graft deployment. There has been no complications noted during the 10 months follow up after treatment. In conclusion, Extra Cranial Carotid Artery Aneurysm is a rare condition and has high rate of complication with conservative approach.
Kikuchi’s disease called also Kikuchi- Fujimoto’s disease or Histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis is a rare entity. It is a self-limiting process of unknown etiology first reported in Japanese literature separately by Kikuchi and Fujimoto in 1972 . Then similar cases have subsequently been reported throughout the world. We reported a case of Kikuchi's disease in a. 38-year-old man presenting with generalized lymphadenopathy and persistent fever throughout more than 2 months. It’s the first case was diagnosed in Al muwasat University Hospital in Syria. We reviewed the literature to summarize and report the most common clinical, laboratory and histology characteristics of Kikuchi- Fujimoto’s disease.
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