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Determine the Area and Distribution urban in the western part of the AL sweeda, using remote sensing techniques

تحديد مساحة و انتشار السمة العمرانيّة في الجزء الغربي من السويداء باستخدام تقنيات الاستشعار عن بعد

1997   0   113   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2017
  fields Geography
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Optimum Index Factor (OIF) technique of statical analysis is fusion with Decision Tree Classification (DTC) method in determine the spectral critical value for separation the features in the image processing programs, and the architecture of this approach is designed for accuracy extracting the area and distribution urban from space image. Accuracy assessment of that approach is tested by comparing the supervised classification results for these feature from both the original bands of image and synthetical bands/indices of the image upon OIF value. Applied results of the approach on certain district represent the north Swaidaa city by Quick Bird image are: 98% for the suggested approach opposite 93% for supervised classification method of the synthetical bands image and 82% for original bands image. Accuracy of the approach is derived from exact separation the urban feature than similar spectrally objects in the image as basalt exposures and roads, where achievement of the other processing methods are less.

References used
Chavez, P.S., Berlin, G.L. and Sowers, L.B. Statistical Method for Selecting Landsat MSS Ratios. Journal of Applied Photographic Engineering. 1982. 8; 23-30
Chavez, P.S., Guptill, S.C. and Bowell J.A. Image Processing Techniques for Thematic Mapper Data. Proc. ASPRS-ACSM Tech. Paper. 1984. 2; 728-742
Ehsani, A . H . Quiel, F.Efficiency of Landsat ETM+ Thermal Band for Land Cover Classification of the Biosphere Reserve “Eastern Carpathians” (Central Europe) Using SMAP and ML Algorithms. Int.J. Environ. Res., 4(4):741-750 , 2010. P743
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Remote sensing is one of most important technology that provides information on large areas in a short time. The study was carried out in Sweida governorate with the aim of calculating the area of strategic crops and its distribution for the agricu ltural season 2014/2015 by classifying satellite images-type (BKA). The images were received by the station at General Organization for Remote Sensing in Damascus, Syria. The spatial resolution of the satellite BELARUSIAN SPACECRAFT is 10.2 meters. The results showed that the spread of the three crops (wheat, barley and chickpea) was generally on the four sides of the governorate, especially barley crop. Chickpeas and wheat concentrated in the west and center but in scattered areas. The area of wheat crop according to image classification was 30494 ha which accounted 8.97% of the studied area (Sweida governorate without Badia). The degree of approach to the proportion of the Ministry of Agriculture was 95.19%. The area of barley crop resulting from the classification process was 16705 ha, which accounted 4.92% of the study area. While the area of barley according to the statistics of Ministry of Agriculture was about 15933 ha. The area of chickpea crop resulting from the classification process was 26063 ha which represented 7.67% of the studied area. The results showed that the accuracy of the total classification was 82.4%, which allows satellite image to be used in calculating the area of strategic crops and determine its locations and distribution.
Studying of land use changing Detection needs to the speed of implementation to convoy the changes on the ground. the traditional ways in the analysis and visual interpretation of the images and field studying need a lot of time and effort. So The objective of this search is to classify group images (Landsat TM , ETM+) taken in different dates automatically, and then to calculate the area of each land use/land cover, during the years studied (1990 -2000- 2010) and comparison areas to identify the most important changes occurring during that period.
This study concentrates the use of remote sensing and geographic information systems to identify prospective areas for water harvesting, This study concentrates on the identification of the potential areas for water harvesting projects in Hessia a nd the adjacent areas, within a total area of 1300 km2. The data and information for the study area are collected from different sources and satellite images. The thematic maps and digital database were prepared through analysis and visual and automatic interpretation of satellite images, and analysis and intersections between different layers were procedure in order to apply the criteria that are used in these studies to determine optimal and typical sites for the establishment of preparation water harvesting. The result of this study shows the efficiency of using the remote sensing techniques and the geographic information system in the identification of the potential areas for water harvesting projects.
This study aimed to describe the water erosion modeling in Daher Aljabal and its surrounding areas in Al-Sowaida Governorate based on GIA and RS. The water erosion risk map was obtained by applying GIS model developed on the basis of ten factors i nfluencing the erosion process. GIS layers were built for every factor. The weights for all factors were added together. Based on sum of these factors, water erosion was divided into six erosion risk levels. Results showed that 12% of the study area was classified in levels 5 and 6, which reflect high and very high water erosion risks. Land topography was the main factor in water soil erosion. Terraces are effective ways to decrease the water soil erodability. Results also showed that GIS and RS were powerful tools in water erosion risk assessment mapping.
To determine the prime potential locations of the hydrocarbon structural traps in Al-Qaryatein region, which can help in the hydrocarbon exploration processes and reducing a lot of time and fieldwork efforts, lineaments and circular features were i dentified in the study area by processing and analysing Satellite data using several Remote Sensing techniques and Geographic Information Systems. The priority locations of subsurface structures were distinguished using several special criteria; these criteria are related to the density of the lineaments and their directions within the circular features of the study area. The priority locations of subsurface structures were evaluated by the integration of remote sensing and non-seismic geophysical data which were processed and interpreted by using their own techniques, to determine the prime potential locations of the hydrocarbon structural traps which reached three locations in the study area. The integration between geophysical data and remote sensing techniques increased the trust in the results of this study.

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