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Land Use/Land Cover Classification Using Remote Sensing Techniques . A Case Study AL Mazraa Sub-District .

تصنيف استخدامات الأراضي و توزع الغطاء النباتي باستخدام تقنيات الاستشعار عن بعد ( مركز ناحية المزرعة أنموذجاً )

4021   4   209   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2016
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Studying of land use changing Detection needs to the speed of implementation to convoy the changes on the ground. the traditional ways in the analysis and visual interpretation of the images and field studying need a lot of time and effort. So The objective of this search is to classify group images (Landsat TM , ETM+) taken in different dates automatically, and then to calculate the area of each land use/land cover, during the years studied (1990 -2000- 2010) and comparison areas to identify the most important changes occurring during that period.

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
تناولت الدراسة التي أعدتها الدكتورة صفية عيد مناع أحمد عيسى استخدام تقنيات الاستشعار عن بعد لتصنيف استخدامات الأراضي وتوزيع الغطاء النباتي في منطقة مركز ناحية المزرعة بمحافظة السويداء في سوريا. استخدمت الدراسة مرئيات فضائية من التابع الأمريكي لاندسات الملتقطة في أعوام مختلفة (1990، 2000، 2010) لتصنيف استخدامات الأراضي آلياً وحساب مساحات كل نوع من الغطاء الأرضي. بلغت دقة التصنيف المراقب 79%، وهي دقة جيدة يمكن الاعتماد عليها في الدراسات العامة. أظهرت النتائج زيادة في مساحة الأراضي الزراعية المروية والأراضي الزراعية بشكل عام على حساب تراجع مساحة التكشفات الصخرية من البازلت والبازلت المختلط بالتربة، كما زادت مساحة الاستعمالات العمرانية بشكل واضح خلال الفترة المدروسة. توصلت الدراسة إلى أن النطاقين الخامس والسابع من معطيات لاندسات يمكن استخدامهما بنجاح في الفصل بين التكشفات الصخرية والاستعمالات العمرانية، بينما يمكن استخدام النطاق الرابع في فصل الزراعات المروية بدقة كبيرة. أوصت الدراسة بالتوسع في استخدام الطرق الآلية في تصنيف المرئيات وزيادة دقة التصنيف باستخدام مرئيات ذات دقة مكانية أكبر.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: تعتبر الدراسة خطوة مهمة في استخدام تقنيات الاستشعار عن بعد لتصنيف استخدامات الأراضي، ولكن هناك بعض النقاط التي يمكن تحسينها. أولاً، على الرغم من أن دقة التصنيف بلغت 79%، إلا أن هناك مجالاً لتحسين هذه الدقة باستخدام مرئيات ذات دقة مكانية وطيفية أعلى. ثانياً، كان من الممكن أن تكون الدراسة أكثر شمولية إذا تضمنت تحليلاً أعمق للعوامل المؤثرة على تغير استخدامات الأراضي، مثل العوامل الاجتماعية والاقتصادية. ثالثاً، يمكن أن تكون الدراسة أكثر فائدة إذا تم تطبيقها على مناطق أخرى لمقارنة النتائج وتعميم الاستنتاجات. وأخيراً، كان من الممكن تحسين الدراسة بإجراء مزيد من الدراسات الميدانية للتحقق من نتائج التصنيف الرقمي.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي الأهداف الرئيسية للدراسة؟

    الأهداف الرئيسية للدراسة هي تصنيف استخدامات الأراضي وتوزيع الغطاء النباتي باستخدام تقنيات الاستشعار عن بعد، وتحليل قيم الانعكاسية الطيفية للأهداف المختلفة، وتحديد الأطوال الموجية الأفضل في الفصل بين الأهداف، ورصد تغيرات استخدامات الأراضي في منطقة الدراسة خلال الفترة من 1990 إلى 2010.

  2. ما هي دقة التصنيف التي تم تحقيقها في الدراسة؟

    بلغت دقة التصنيف المراقب 79%، وهي دقة جيدة يمكن الاعتماد عليها في الدراسات العامة التي لا تحتاج إلى معلومات تفصيلية.

  3. ما هي الأطوال الموجية التي تم استخدامها بنجاح في الفصل بين الأهداف المختلفة؟

    تم استخدام النطاقين الخامس والسابع من معطيات لاندسات بنجاح في الفصل بين التكشفات الصخرية (البازلت) والبازلت المختلط بالتربة والاستعمالات العمرانية، بينما تم استخدام النطاق الرابع في فصل الزراعات المروية بدقة كبيرة.

  4. ما هي التغيرات الرئيسية في استخدامات الأراضي التي تم رصدها خلال الفترة المدروسة؟

    أظهرت الدراسة زيادة في مساحة الأراضي الزراعية المروية والأراضي الزراعية بشكل عام على حساب تراجع مساحة التكشفات الصخرية من البازلت والبازلت المختلط بالتربة، كما زادت مساحة الاستعمالات العمرانية بشكل واضح خلال الفترة المدروسة.

References used
GOTEZ , S.J; Prince; S.P; THAWLEY, M.M ;SMIT , A.J.Applications of multitemporal land cover information in the Mid-Atlantic Region.2000
DMITRY, L.V; Wright, R . K; Goetz, S. J. Advances in land cover classification for applicationsresearch. a case study from the mid-Atlantic(RESAC) Department of GeographyUniversity of Maryland . 2006
HUI, Y. R .Development and evaluation of advanced classification systems using remotely sensed data for accurate land-use \land cover mapping . north Carolina state university 2002
rate research

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Al- Qusier region is important agricultural areas in Syria, and contribute to cover a significant part of the agricultural needs of the country ,but it was suffering of poor land use in some locations. This study aims to prepare maps of land use an d land cover using remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) techniques, the study relied on SPOT-4 satellite images with spatial resolutions 10 m for (white–black) images and 20 m for color images. The study found a view of results were the ability of remote sensing and geographic information systems in the production of accurate maps of land use/land cover and establish a digital database for spatial land use and land cover for Al- Qusier region.
In developing countries, where resources are often scarce, land availability, productivity potential, capability and sustainability for agriculture and, planning and maximizing the use of the land resources for a particular land utilization type is e ssential. In order to ensure appropriate decision and, continued and sustainable productivity, thereby continuing to support the population economically without degradation, land use planning is essential. Remote sensing (RS) and geographic information systems(GIS) are useful tools in land use planning processes .in this study 4 landscape units (costal leveled plains ,valleys and channel bed, Piedmont :slight slopping ,moderately slopping ,sever slopping ,and Summit unit) were described and compared its characteristics with the land utilization requirements for 6 land utilization types (LUT1: irrigated citrus low mechanized ,LUT2: irrigated potato high mechanized ,LUT3: irrigated tomato medium mechanized,LUT4: rainfed olive low mechanized,LUT5:rainfed wheat low mechanized, LUT6:natural forests)by using LAMIS program .the results showed that43.07% of studied area is moderate suitability S3, 27.9% is low suitabilityS4 ,and 20.24% is unsuitable N1.the land suitability evaluation for LUT2 :35.18% good suitability S2 ,35.17% moderate suitabilityS3 and 20.24% low suitability S4 and for LUT3:50.97% good suitability S2,20.04% moderate suitabilityS3 and 20.24% low suitability S4. 43.07% of lands are very suitable S1 for LUT4 ,27.91% good suitability S2 and 20.24% moderate suitabilityS3.for LUT6 ; land suitability evaluation shown that 59.24% of lands are very suitable S1 and 31.93% good suitable S2. Land use planning processes include matching between physical and socio-economic conditions by using Definite program .optimal land utilization types are determined depending on 3 multi-criteria ( costs ,gross margin , water requirements for irrigation) and according to two scenarios ( SC1:conservative scenario with concerned to water requirements , SC2:economic scenario with concerned to gross margin ).the results showed that LUT4 is the optimal current land use type of all three physiographic units (costal leveled plains ,valleys and channel bed and slight slopping).2 suggested land utilization types ( LUT7:irrigated kiwi low mechanized ,LUT8:irrigated groundnuts high mechanized) are proposed to costal leveled plains and compared with LUT4,comparison results shown that LUT4 is the optimal land use according to SC1 and LUT7 is the optimal land use type according to SC2.for valley and channel bed unit , the optimal land use type according to SC1 is multiple land use type ( rainfed wheat under rainfed olive trees) and according to SC2 is LUT7.3 land utilization types(LUT7,LUT8,LUT9: rainfed lentil low mechanized)are suggested for slight slopping piedmont .the results of planning process showed that the optimal land use type is LUT4 for both scenarios SC1,SC2.
This study aims to show the land use changes during the period 1970 – 1991. The study includes the city of Homs and the surrounding areas, with total surface area of 9686 ha. To carry out this study, aerial photographs were used where sets of diff erent periods were taken, one was taken in 1970 with a scale of 1/20000, and the other set for the year 1991 with a scale of 1/15000, the two sets of aerial photographs were interpreted and analyzed after the delineation of the targets, and two maps were prepared after unifying the scales and selecting the proper legend. The results indicated obvious changes in land use, for example, the area of cereals crops was in 1970 about 32.9 % of the total area and decreased by 11.8 % in 1991. In the area of gardens a reasonable increase was recorded, while in the area of vineyards an increase of about 1 % was noticed. But the big issue is the urban expansion at the expense of arable lands, the expansion area of housing has been increased from 8% in 1970 to 24% in 1991, and the area of civil establishments was increased from 2.27 % in 1970 to 5.47 % in 1991, in the new concept of desertification urban expansion at the agricultural land means a permanent desertification, this matter should be considered seriously and the necessary measurements must be taken into account.
The research aimed to study vegetation change detection of Lattakia province by using remote sensing techniques, By applicating Normalized Differences Vegetation Index (NDVI) due to what these techniques had from quickly, accuracy, and completely. In addition to saving efforts and money. that change detection methods have showed by applicating it on Sentinel2 images the plant situation, it's area and distribution in the studied area. In addition to knowing plant's cover changes through time passing. Putting geo databases which benefit in knowing plant situation, and the periodicity supervision for it's changes. The yearly and monthly changes of vegetation cover have been studied in Lattakia province, By making change detection for plants cover of march between (2016-2017). Then making change detection between march and august of 2017. It was observed that there were no big changes, Whether increasing or decreasing for plants cover when studying the yearly changes. While there was big decreasing of plants cover at western plain areas of province when studying the monthly changes between march and august due to raising of temperatures. And big increasing of vegetation in high areas.
Optimum Index Factor (OIF) technique of statical analysis is fusion with Decision Tree Classification (DTC) method in determine the spectral critical value for separation the features in the image processing programs, and the architecture of this app roach is designed for accuracy extracting the area and distribution urban from space image. Accuracy assessment of that approach is tested by comparing the supervised classification results for these feature from both the original bands of image and synthetical bands/indices of the image upon OIF value. Applied results of the approach on certain district represent the north Swaidaa city by Quick Bird image are: 98% for the suggested approach opposite 93% for supervised classification method of the synthetical bands image and 82% for original bands image. Accuracy of the approach is derived from exact separation the urban feature than similar spectrally objects in the image as basalt exposures and roads, where achievement of the other processing methods are less.
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