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الأداء التصديري للمنشآت الإنتاجية في اليمن (دراسة ميدانية)

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 Publication date 2003
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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No English abstract

References used
.Koh, A.1991,Relationships Among organizational characteristics Marketing Strategy and Performance International Marketing Review

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تهدف هذه الـدراسة إلى الـتعرف على مدى فعاليـة تبني سياسة تشجيع الصادرات على النمو الاقتصـادي، كما تهـدف أيضـاً إلى معرفة مـدى أهمية تـوافر مستـوى معين من التغير الهيكلـي و التنـمية الاقتصادية (الـلذان سيعبر عنهما بمدى مساهمة قطاع الصناعة التحويـلية فـي الناتـج القـومي الإجمالي و مدى مساهـمة عمـال الصـناعة التحويلية في إجمالي القوى الـعالمية في الاقتـصاد) لتـحقيق مـعدلات مرتفعة من النمو الاقتصادي و الصادرات.
The experiment was conducted at the Research Station of Middle Heights, during 2014 and 2015 seasons. Three varieties of Quinoa were used i.e. Ames 13762, NSL 106398 and Ames 137, which were introduced from International Center for Bio Saline Agri culture (ICBA), and they were selected out of five varieties that were grown as observation lines in 2013, to get one variety, high forage and grain yields, also suitable for the local conditions. RCBD design with four replications was used. The traits that were studied were: Earliness, plant height, flowering at 50%, green forage, grain and dry matter yields. Results indicated that there were highly significant (p≤0.01) differences between seasons and varieties in respect to plant height, green forage, dry matter and grain yields. While, no significant effect for the interaction between varieties and seasons overall growth performances.
إن الهدف من هذا البحث هو محاولة معرفة الكيفية التي يمكن لإدارة المنشأة من خلالها التلاؤم مع معطيات التطور التكنولوجي المتواصل و إيجاد السبل الكفيلة بانتظام بل بالتئام العلاقة مع هذا التطور لكي تكون إدارة هذا المشروع جديرة بالحصول على الحصة التي تجعل منه مشروعاً قادراً على الديمومة و الاستمرار.
This research aimed to study the relationship between job rotation and organizational performance in administrative offices at Tishreen University, where job rotation is dealt with as one dimension. Whereas, organizational performance was measured th rough the two dimensions of efficiency and effectiveness. The questionnaire was used as a tool to collect data. The questionnaire was distributed to /363/ individual workers in the working administrative offices at Tishreen University, and the stability of the scale was confirmed by the Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient. In order to test the hypotheses, appropriate statistical methods were used where both researchers used descriptive statistics, a difference test for one sample ‘one sample t test’, and the Pearson test to test the linear correlation between the study variables. Through testing the hypotheses, a number of results were reached, including: The low level of job rotation and the low level of both efficiency and organizational effectiveness in the working administrative offices at Tishreen University. There is a moderate strength positive relationship between job rotation and organizational effectiveness. There is a strong positive relationship between job rotation and organizational efficiency.
The purpose of this study was to know the impact of organizational communication on effectiveness of performance on workers in Damascus university, it was used the statistical program (spssv20) for hypotheses testing and analyze of the results of the study sample, which consists of 110 workers.
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