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الغزو المغولي و أثره في الشعر

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 Publication date 2002
  fields Arabic
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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الأدب في بلاد الشام، د. عمر موسى باشا، دمشق ط2 ١٩٧٢.
أدب المقاومة، د. غالي شكري، بيروت، ط2 ١٩٧٩ م.
الإنسان في المرآة، كلايد كلوكهن، ترجمة د. شاكر سليم، بغداد، 1964.
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This research deals with the phenomenon of combining rhetoric and poetry at a number of the Gahleon, and the statement of the effect of this combining in their poetry, explaining through the issue of conflict of prestige betweenthe orator and the poe t in pre-Islamic era, and how this conflict has been compromised between who combined the technocracy, as the research shows the reason oflack of those who gathered between technocracy. The effect of combining in poetry is dealt with research on two levels: the stylistic level, and shows all forms of repetition: repeating letters, words and methods. While appears in the substantive level (moral): the pursuit of incomprehensible, the concentration on thinking and subjects, and the large number of wisdom and wills.
The reflection of the reality of the Arab world in the present age makes us discover that there is an intellectual crisis that has spread in the body of the nation as well. That the seeds of Western colonialism grew and penetrated among the Arab so cieties Arab countries, and the Arab countries, although militarily independent from the Western colonial countries, they still suffer from intellectual colonization, which led to divisions and fighting and violence in their societies, which led to its cultural and intellectual invasion by Western society. I spoke about the culture, its concept and its role in society and its importance to the people in general and young people in particular and how they became the subject of conflict and conflict between societies and I referred to the concept of culture industry and the impact of globalization on the fragmentation of cultural identity. Then I spoke about cultural invasion and its objectives, Arab and I pointed to the role of the media in the cultural invasion, especially the Internet and its role in the dissemination of the Western cultural model and ways to address it through education and media attention and concluded my talk to focus on the internal environment of society and development The framework is characterized by freedom of expression and thinking so that we can make use of the energies of young people and their qualifications and the face of foreign domination.
هذا البحث ما هو إلا مقدمة لأبحاث تاريخية لاحقة تنتظر ظهور معلومات جديدة عن خلفيات الحرب على العراق و أسرارها و صفقاتها الخفية. يتطرق هذا البحث إلى عرض تاريخي للسياسة الأمريكية في منطقة الخليج العربي و خاصة العراق و دعم الولايات المتحدة له إبان الح رب ضد إيران، و تغير هذه السياسة بعد غزو العراق للكويت عام ١٩٩٠ و قيادة الولايات المتحدة لتحالف دولي ضد العراق و إخراجه من الكويت عام ١٩٩١ و فرض الحصار عليه مما أدى إلى آثار كارثية على الشعب العراقي . و بعد أحداث الحادي عشر من أيلول ٢٠٠١ و غزو أفغانستان، أعلن الرئيس جورج بوش الابن أنه سيهاجم العراق " وقائيًا " لنزع أسلحة الدمار الشامل و تغيير نظامه و بالطبع فإن الهدف الرئيسي للاحتلال كان السيطرة على مقدرات العراق النفطية. و يجيب البحث عن الأسباب الكامنة وراء تحقيق أمريكا للانتصار السريع في العراق، و لماذا انهارت الدفاعات العراقية بهذه الصورة المأساوية و هل استقرت أميركا في العراق أم إنها تورطت فيه؟ أخيرًا ما هي تداعيات الاحتلال الأمريكي للعراق على المستويات السياسية و الاقتصادية و الثقافية و انعكاساتها على المدى البعيد.
١- الوجور: صب الماء أو الدواء أو نحوهما في وسط الفم. ٢- أقوال و آراء وأفكار العلماء في أثر الوجور في أحكام الرضاع و ذكر أدلتهم من الكتاب و السنة و المعقول ما أمكن، و مناقشة ما يحتاج إلى مناقشة. ٣- نتيجة البحث/ و هو ثبوت الحرمة بالوجور للبن.
The analogy of the investigation is one of the most of important investigational methods at the fundamentalists. The research came upon three researches in the first dissertation. I issued the meaning of investigational analogy in language that me ans to request the evidence and in the structures, it has four meanings: one of them investigation in the sense of analogy and it has images and one of the most important is the opposite analogy and the evidence analogy. Then, I spoke about the proof, some say that it is not more than a proof, and others said that it is not a proof. In the second research, 1 spoke about investigation analogy and its effects on the jurisprudence branches. 1 set some applicable examples to the contrast analogy in the jurisprudence branches : one of them stipulations of fasting for the validity of seclusion and also some applicable examples for the evidence analogy in its jurisprudence branches: one of them the verdict of prayer on the martyr.
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