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To address a looming crisis of unreproducible evaluation for named entity recognition, we propose guidelines and introduce SeqScore, a software package to improve reproducibility. The guidelines we propose are extremely simple and center around trans parency regarding how chunks are encoded and scored. We demonstrate that despite the apparent simplicity of NER evaluation, unreported differences in the scoring procedure can result in changes to scores that are both of noticeable magnitude and statistically significant. We describe SeqScore, which addresses many of the issues that cause replication failures.
We offer an approach to explain Decision Tree (DT) predictions by addressing potential conflicts between aspects of these predictions and plausible expectations licensed by background information. We define four types of conflicts, operationalize the ir identification, and specify explanatory schemas that address them. Our human evaluation focused on the effect of explanations on users' understanding of a DT's reasoning and their willingness to act on its predictions. The results show that (1) explanations that address potential conflicts are considered at least as good as baseline explanations that just follow a DT path; and (2) the conflict-based explanations are deemed especially valuable when users' expectations disagree with the DT's predictions.
This research deals with technique of addressing an imaginary companion, being astylisttic phenomenan aiming at coloring Ibn Muqbel,s poetic discours, it is asudden shift frome one style to anther, serving muti- rhetorical purposes, and embodying t he speaker,s sensation. Being a form of structur deviation whose specific funchion is detected in context its artistic feature, alse reflect on a recipient,s thoug contemplating this highlg aesthetic style. Addressing an imaginary conpanio can be Syntactic, Semantic and Syntactic- Semantic. This study looks into the syntactic forms of addressing an imaginary companion inrolved in changing the use of pronouns that preclude repeating antecedents, retrieving the meanings intended from poetic contexts.
The search gives a total studying about addressing systems in some Arabic and Western countries, and then studying one of the Syrian cities and benefit from its experience. the scientific study had ALZERAA and ALAZHARI neighborhood in LATTAKIA. c onsidering that ALZERAA neighborhood is a regulator housing while ALAZHARI neighborhood is a random one. The working in ALZERAA neighborhood has been done adopting to the current system which is applied from the council of LATTAKIA and decided by the local administration ministry, where we propose amendments on this system which make it easier to understand and use, and apply the proposed system within the geographic information system (GIS) program. Then studying the possibility of applying the proposed system on ALAZHARI neighborhood and making the intransitive modification according to the nature of the random areas like changing in the method of numeration because there are not streets clearly in addition to that the buildings are not regularly distributed on the two sides of the street.

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