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The Effect of Drama on the Development of Child Personality

أثر المسرح في تنمية شخصية الطفل

3699   8   130   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2008
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This research aims at showing the importance of the child drama on activating child's imagination and developing his creative talents and abilities. It also aims at tracing drama history, its origins, and kinds in poetry, prose and drama fields. It also aims at showing the effect of school drama on the development of child personality and activating the processes of creation and technical creativity.

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
يهدف هذا البحث إلى بيان أهمية مسرح الطفل في استثارة خيال الطفل وتنمية مواهبه وقدراته الإبداعية، وإظهار تاريخ المسرح ونشأته وخصائصه وأنواعه في مجالات الشعر والنثر ومسرح العرائس. كما يهدف إلى بيان أثر المسرح المدرسي في تنمية شخصية الطفل وتنشيط عمليات الخلق والإبداع لديه. انتهى البحث إلى عدد من التوصيات منها: ضرورة تعزيز مكانة المسرح المدرسي واعتماده في مدارسنا ومناهجنا التربوية، وتوظيفه لتحقيق الأهداف التربوية وغرس القيم العربية الأصيلة المنشودة، وذلك من خلال نصوص مسرحية تتلاءم مع المرحلة العمرية للأطفال.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: بالرغم من أن البحث يقدم رؤية شاملة ومتكاملة حول أهمية مسرح الطفل ودوره في تنمية شخصية الطفل، إلا أنه يفتقر إلى بعض الجوانب النقدية. على سبيل المثال، لم يتم التطرق بشكل كافٍ إلى التحديات التي تواجه تطبيق المسرح المدرسي في الواقع العملي، مثل نقص التمويل أو التدريب الكافي للمعلمين. كما أن البحث يركز بشكل كبير على الجوانب النظرية دون تقديم أمثلة عملية أو دراسات حالة توضح كيفية تطبيق هذه الأفكار في المدارس. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، هناك نقص في التركيز على دور التكنولوجيا الحديثة في تطوير المسرح المدرسي وجعله أكثر جاذبية للأطفال في العصر الرقمي.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي الأهداف الرئيسية لمسرح الطفل كما ذكرها البحث؟

    الأهداف الرئيسية لمسرح الطفل تشمل استثارة خيال الطفل، تنمية مواهبه وقدراته الإبداعية، وتطوير شخصيته من خلال تنشيط عمليات الخلق والإبداع.

  2. ما هي التوصيات التي انتهى إليها البحث؟

    التوصيات تشمل ضرورة تعزيز مكانة المسرح المدرسي واعتماده في مدارسنا ومناهجنا التربوية، وتوظيفه لتحقيق الأهداف التربوية وغرس القيم العربية الأصيلة المنشودة.

  3. ما هي أنواع مسرح الطفل التي تم تناولها في البحث؟

    أنواع مسرح الطفل التي تم تناولها تشمل مسرح الطفل الشعري، مسرح الطفل النثري، ومسرح العرائس.

  4. ما هي الفوائد التي يقدمها المسرح المدرسي للأطفال؟

    الفوائد تشمل تنمية ثقافة التلميذ، تطوير قدرته على التعبير، رفع مستوى ملكة التذوق الفني، وتعليمه فن التمثيل، بالإضافة إلى تعزيز القيم الأخلاقية والاجتماعية.

References used
إبراهيم، زكريا، 1992 ، سيكولوجية الفكاهة والضحك، دار مصر للطباعة.
البطراوي، مديحة، 1986 ، مسرح الأطفال التلقائي، الحلقة الدراسية حول مسرح الطفل، الهيئة المصرية العامة للكتاب.
أبو الخير، محمد حامد، 1996 ، عبد التواب يوسف ومسرح الطفل العربي، الهيئة المصرية العامة للكتاب.
rate research

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This research seeks to reopen an old and new file of so as to find out the real reasons the disappearance of the art of drama in the Arab region, despite the abundance of many of the objective circumstances which should lead to the creation of dra ma . After presenting the views which have attempted to explain this phenomenon, this research proceeds to put forward a new view which the researcher thinks is worthy of attention . New attributes of the reason for this disappearance, is the feature of the man of this region , who does not often believe in settling conflicts or tacking them to their utmost, but rather believes in compromise as a solution . Conflict is one of the fundamentals of drama without which it cannot exist, And the man who innovates art , creates it in the form of his image and example . But the man of this region does not believe that conflict which if it continues can lead to a solution , therefore how can he create an art which is basically founded upon conflict .
Many of nowadays directions in psychology indicate to the importance of first years of human life , and assure that the influence of first five years in child life will remains in his personality ,and in format his point view to life , and in format his aims and his affection ,and deter his outer and inner relationship , so we must by attention to the first years of child life ,because it the fast years of child growth, where the growth of nerve system is too quick, so the mind growth have a quick rate, and many of his basic traditions is form, which did not deter his possibility as a child, but as adulthood person . the psychologists said: that the most of nerves an stability ,which human body have it causes by the first years of childhood, and there are many cases ,which recorded by psychologists doctors shows that the loss of love and trust ,and smoothly in the first years of childhood, it has the bad influence on mind and affection growth of child , but the child who was grow with love in familial environment he can have more stability life. The emotions have a wade area in the psychology of child , and it form his affection and his soul , so if he have as a stabile person he will be a good person in future and in hole life, but if he have another way he will have many of an solved problems, so if he have more than he needs he will be poled person and he cannot do the life needs , but if he have less than he needs he will be too tough and too hard relationship toward author peoples. Psychological building of child begin from parents by understanding, and love, and intercourse between them , and from knowing how dealing with their children, and if necessary appear some controversy between them , so it is better to be faraway of child, and if the child have some bad habits, soit is better to use intact education manner , for calibration him without too tough chastisement, or dereliction.
Feature engineering is an important step in classical NLP pipelines, but machine learning engineers may not be aware of the signals to look for when processing foreign language text. The Russian Feature Extraction Toolkit (RFET) is a collection of fe ature extraction libraries bundled for ease of use by engineers who do not speak Russian. RFET's current feature set includes features applicable to social media genres of text and to computational social science tasks. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the tool by using it in a personality trait identification task. We compare the performance of Support Vector Machines (SVMs) trained with and without the features provided by RFET; we also compare it to a SVM with neural embedding features generated by Sentence-BERT.
educational institutions are Seeking to pay attention to childhood because it is the most important stage in the establishment of a human being, so they are working on Investment various ways and means which contribute in healthy upbringing of the child, and perhaps the most prominent of these ways, "Children's Theatre", which can be through advancement of its exploitation potential literary and artistic tremendous to raise up of the teaching-learning process, so the current study aimed to know the effectiveness of the stage in the development of some of the scientific concepts at kindergarten children (Animals and their growth, the growth of plants, the senses, water conservation, professions Tools, materials and their derivatives.) by using tow tools, theatrical program and a photographer test for some scientific concepts. study was applied on a sample of kindergarten children in Damascus countryside. The research sample included the experimental group "15" boys and girls from Basmt Altfolah kindergarten and control group "15" boys and girls from Ashbal Alghad kindergarten, the main findings are summarized as follows: - There is a statistically significant difference between the average scores of children of the experimental group and the control group children grades in the post-test for the experimental group. - There is a statistically significant difference between the average scores of the experimental group children before and after the application for the post. So a researcher see necessity of activating the role of the theater so that it becomes a based way permanently in the kindergarten curriculum and kindergartens teachers should do training sessions on how to use the theater within the daily activity in the kindergarten.
This study aimed at investigating the effect of dialogue and debate strategy in the Development of speaking skills of the Jordanian fourth Grade students in North eastern Badia Directorate of Education. This study used the qusai - experimental des ign along with the descriptive method in term of using pre_ post tests and a questionnaire Male and female teachers. The sample of the study consisted of (108) Jordanian fourth grade students and (68) male and female Arabic language teachers who teach the fourth grade in north eastern Badia directorate of education in the academic year 2017_2018. to achieve the purpose of study the researcher distributed the sample of the study into tow experimental groups and two control groups. to achieve the purpose of the study descriptive statistics and MONCOVA were used. The results of the study showed that the experimental groups out performance and it was in favor of females also.
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