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Isolation, Phenotyping, and Differentiation of Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells (UCMSCs)

عزل الخلايا الجذعية المتوسطة من نسيج الحبل السري و تنميطها و تمايزها

1356   0   23   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2012
  fields Pharmacy
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This research aims at establishing and testing protocols for isolation, in vitro proliferation, phenotyping, and differentiation of MSCs embedded in umbilical cord tissues of Syrian newborns. MSCs were isolated from two caesarian births depending on their adherence characteristic on plastic surfaces, and cells were cultured in MSC medium for their growth and proliferation. Cell phenotyping was performed by flow cytometry using fluorescent monoclonal antibodies specific to MSCs’ surface markers. Cultured cells were passed several times and a portion of these cells was cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen, and cell viability was assessed. Differentiation of these MSCs into adipocytes was conducted using culture medium Indomethacin and hydrocortisone.

References used
Cognet, P.A., and Minguell J. J., 1999. Phenotypical and functional properties of human bone marrow mesenchymal progenitor cells. J. Cell Physiol; V.181, pp. 67-73
Meirelles, L.D.S., Caplan, A.I., and Nardi, N., 2008. In search of the in vivo identity of mesenchymal stem cells. Stem Cells; V.26, pp. 2287–2299
Haniffa, M.A., Collin, M.P., Buckley, C.D., and Dazzi, F., 2009. Mesenchymal stem cells: the fibroblasts’ new clothes? Haematologica; V.94, pp. 258-263
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Stem cells have unique capability to differentiate into many cell types that can normally replace the loss in some cells of the body due to tissue injury. Umbilical cord blood (UCB) and umbilical cord (UC) are the two main sources for hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), respectively, which constitutes the basis for stem cell banks that have been established worldwide and very recently in Syria. Research in our region has mainly focused on cell storage and freezing protocols, and only few studies were conducted to prove the ability of the stored cells to differentiate into their destined lineages. This study aimed to test the potential of cryopreserved MSCs isolated from an umbilical cord taken from new delivery at Maternity University Hospital in Damascus, to differentiate into various types of cells in response to growth and induction factors specific to cell lineages.
The study included 143 children from 214 newborn with high umbilical cord blood IgE (UC – IgE) at birth: more than 0.5 international unit per ml. We followed up these children from birth for 8 years. We found positive atopic familial history by 51.7 % from study samples, against negative history by 48.3% . During control duration atopic diseases were developed by 76.22 % of children with high UC – IgE, against 23.8 % without atopic diseases. These children with atopic different disorders suffered from allergic rhinitis 19.6 % , allergic skin disorders (eczema, urticaria) 25.2 % and asthma 31.5% . The rate of atopic diseases development was 51.7% in children with high UC-IgE, and positive history together, while only 24.5 % in children with high UC-IgE with negative familial history.
Cancer stem cells in solid tumors are a "rare" group of cells and their role in carcinogenesis has been proven during the past few years. The pursuit for specific oral epithelial stem cell surface markers leads to the identification of markers su ch as CD44 and Bmi-1. The combination between CD44 which has been considered a potential prognostic marker for cancer stem cells in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC), and Bmi-1 the pluripotency stemness marker may lead to identify the cells sharing the properties of both markers and could give a closer look into its appearance and density in the tissue. The aim of this study was to study the percent of cells stained positive for both markers and the histological grade of (HNSCC) and the anatomic location of the tumor. Statistical analysis showed that higher density of positive stained cells for both markers was in the severe grade of the tumor, whereas the second higher ratio was in the mild grade then the moderate , there was no significant association between the density of cells and the anatomical location. Our results suggest that the two markers together could be used as prognostic factors for patients with even mild grade SCC, which might help in prediction of recurrence.
This paper presents the application of electromagnetic wave scattering in human cervical cells. Particularly, studying the effect of morphological and physiological alterations on the properties of light scattering. Tissue alterations are caused b y multi-grade dysplastic cervical cells and its internal structures.
Multi-task learning with transformer encoders (MTL) has emerged as a powerful technique to improve performance on closely-related tasks for both accuracy and efficiency while a question still remains whether or not it would perform as well on tasks t hat are distinct in nature. We first present MTL results on five NLP tasks, POS, NER, DEP, CON, and SRL, and depict its deficiency over single-task learning. We then conduct an extensive pruning analysis to show that a certain set of attention heads get claimed by most tasks during MTL, who interfere with one another to fine-tune those heads for their own objectives. Based on this finding, we propose the Stem Cell Hypothesis to reveal the existence of attention heads naturally talented for many tasks that cannot be jointly trained to create adequate embeddings for all of those tasks. Finally, we design novel parameter-free probes to justify our hypothesis and demonstrate how attention heads are transformed across the five tasks during MTL through label analysis.
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