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Evaluation and development the digital address in the regular and random areas in geographic information system environment application on Lattakia city

تقييم و تطوير العنوان الرقمي المعتمد في المناطق التنظيمية و العشوائية في بيئة نظم المعلومات الجغرافية_ تطبيق على مدينة اللاذقية

1219   1   33   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2015
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The search gives a total studying about addressing systems in some Arabic and Western countries, and then studying one of the Syrian cities and benefit from its experience. the scientific study had ALZERAA and ALAZHARI neighborhood in LATTAKIA. considering that ALZERAA neighborhood is a regulator housing while ALAZHARI neighborhood is a random one. The working in ALZERAA neighborhood has been done adopting to the current system which is applied from the council of LATTAKIA and decided by the local administration ministry, where we propose amendments on this system which make it easier to understand and use, and apply the proposed system within the geographic information system (GIS) program. Then studying the possibility of applying the proposed system on ALAZHARI neighborhood and making the intransitive modification according to the nature of the random areas like changing in the method of numeration because there are not streets clearly in addition to that the buildings are not regularly distributed on the two sides of the street.

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
يقدم هذا البحث دراسة شاملة لأنظمة العنونة في بعض البلدان العربية والغربية، ومن ثم دراسة إحدى المحافظات السورية والاستفادة من تجربتها. تناولت الدراسة العملية حي الزراعة وحي الأزهري في مدينة اللاذقية، حيث يمثل حي الزراعة سكن منظم وحي الأزهري سكن غير منظم. تم العمل في حي الزراعة باعتماد النظام الحالي المطبق من قبل مجلس مدينة اللاذقية والمقرر من قبل وزارة الإدارة المحلية، مع اقتراح تعديلات على هذا النظام لجعله أسهل للفهم والاستخدام، وتطبيق النظام المقترح ضمن برنامج نظم المعلومات الجغرافية (GIS). ثم تم دراسة إمكانية تطبيق النظام المقترح على منطقة الأزهري وإجراء التعديلات اللازمة بما يتوافق مع طبيعة المناطق العشوائية. يهدف البحث إلى إيجاد نظام عنونة يواكب التطور والتوسع العمراني الحادث في المدن السورية كافة ويساهم في توضيح معالم المدينة والمواقع المختلفة لأي زائر، مع التركيز على تسهيل عملية الانتقال بين أجزاء المدينة وإيصال البريد والخدمات بسرعة وكفاءة. كما يقدم البحث توصيات لتحديث البيانات باستمرار وتطوير الكوادر البشرية القادرة على متابعة العمل واستبدال العناوين في حال تغيرها.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: يعتبر هذا البحث خطوة مهمة نحو تحسين نظم العنونة في المدن السورية، خاصة في ظل التوسع العمراني الكبير. ومع ذلك، يمكن توجيه بعض النقد البناء للبحث. أولاً، كان من الممكن أن يكون هناك تفصيل أكبر حول كيفية تطبيق النظام المقترح في المناطق العشوائية التي تفتقر إلى البنية التحتية الأساسية. ثانياً، لم يتناول البحث بشكل كافٍ التحديات المحتملة التي قد تواجه تطبيق النظام الجديد، مثل مقاومة السكان للتغيير أو التكلفة المالية لتطبيق النظام. ثالثاً، كان من الممكن أن يقدم البحث دراسات حالة من مدن أخرى مشابهة لتقديم نماذج ناجحة يمكن الاقتداء بها. على الرغم من هذه النقاط، يبقى البحث ذو قيمة كبيرة ويوفر أساساً قوياً لتحسين نظم العنونة في المدن السورية.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي الأحياء التي تم دراستها في البحث؟

    تم دراسة حي الزراعة وحي الأزهري في مدينة اللاذقية، حيث يمثل حي الزراعة سكن منظم وحي الأزهري سكن غير منظم.

  2. ما هو الهدف الرئيسي من البحث؟

    الهدف الرئيسي من البحث هو إيجاد نظام عنونة يواكب التطور والتوسع العمراني الحادث في المدن السورية كافة ويساهم في توضيح معالم المدينة والمواقع المختلفة لأي زائر.

  3. ما هي التوصيات التي قدمها البحث؟

    قدم البحث عدة توصيات منها ضرورة تحديث البيانات باستمرار، تطوير الكوادر البشرية القادرة على متابعة العمل، وتطبيق العنوان الرقمي على قاعدة البيانات ونشره على الشبكة العنكبوتية.

  4. ما هي التحديات التي قد تواجه تطبيق النظام الجديد؟

    من التحديات المحتملة مقاومة السكان للتغيير، التكلفة المالية لتطبيق النظام، وصعوبة تطبيق النظام في المناطق العشوائية التي تفتقر إلى البنية التحتية الأساسية.

References used
GOVERMENT OF GHANA, Street Naming And Property Numbering System, Ghana,2010,60
rate research

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The process of collecting and transporting solid waste is the first and fundamental issue in the management of solid waste as it is the most economically expensive operation, in which its expenses in the process of system of municipal solid waste man agement (MSWM) reaches about 60-70% of the total expenditure. This process starts from placing waste in containers till unloading these containers in transportation vehicles and then carry them to transfer stations or final disposal sites. The fees of collection and transportation can be reduced through the selection of the optimal path, and thus obtaining many economical benefits. In this research, the applications of geographical information systems (GIS) have been used in order to choose the optimal route for waste collection, transportation and transference in the city of Lattakia, Where a database has been designed which included mainly the streets, bridges and tunnels, it also included residential areas serviced by waste containers, and the process of linking them to each other took place by using the techniques of GIS in order to choose the best economical and timetable ways for the traffic of vehicles to collect and transport the waste, which contributes practically and effectively in improving the activities of municipal solid waste management in this city.
This research aimed for using Geographic Information System (GIS) in producing Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for Dimas District, By applying various methods: Spatial Analyst, Geo Statistical Analyst, Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN), and interp olating DEM from contour lines. The study showed that the best methods for interpolating DEM is Kriging method, Which interpolated an evaluated surface for scattered points which had (Z values) whether they were closed or scattered from each other. And (TIN) method which required less area on hard disc to be stored comparing with other methods, and it's perfect for representing surfaces in wide areas, Also generating DEM from contour lines produced DEM which had very accurate representing for surfaces.
The Drastic method has been used to assess the potential sensitivity of the Groundwater In Lattakia basin using Arc GIS 9.2 Where the modified Drastic system has been developed by combining the land uses and its divisions with general Drastic model .As a result, final values of Drastic have been modulated into two categories "low and moderate sensitivity" It has been found that the introduction of the human criteriahas increased the potentialof the moderate sensitivity of the Groundwater. As a final result, the general content of the sensitivity map which has been establishedfor Lattakia basin, showed, the domination of low sensitivity category in the north western and the north eastern areas which has big location depths of the Groundwater and high topographic altitudes.In contrast, the moderate sensitivity category dominated in the southern areas of the study region. The latter areas which are characterized by the existence of varied human activities havelocation ofGroundwater levels close to the surface.
With the increasing population, the rising standards of living, industrial progress and rapid technological advancement, solid waste has varied and increased in amount as a result of various human activities. Thus, waste disposal has become one of the main problems facing cities and human populations because of the dangers posed by this waste to the environment and natural resources and health. Therefore, the development of an integrated management system for solid waste has become one of the most important elements of urban development strategies. Traditional management of municipal solid waste disposal, which includes collection, transfer and backfilling or burning operations, has evolved the concept of disposal of solid waste during the previous decades and begun waste management programs that focus on the use of computer programs such as geographic information systems, which help environmental planning for cities, and selection of the most optimal and economical solutions and. This study includes the use of geographic information systems software technology in the planning and selection of the optimal paths to collect and relay solid waste containers in the city of Latakia. In fact, selecting these routes undergoes the equations of length and time as to choose the shortest path, taking into account traffic regulations and diesctions in the streets. As for time, it takes the shortest path in terms of speeds specified for each road.
This study concentrates the use of remote sensing and geographic information systems to identify prospective areas for water harvesting, This study concentrates on the identification of the potential areas for water harvesting projects in Hessia a nd the adjacent areas, within a total area of 1300 km2. The data and information for the study area are collected from different sources and satellite images. The thematic maps and digital database were prepared through analysis and visual and automatic interpretation of satellite images, and analysis and intersections between different layers were procedure in order to apply the criteria that are used in these studies to determine optimal and typical sites for the establishment of preparation water harvesting. The result of this study shows the efficiency of using the remote sensing techniques and the geographic information system in the identification of the potential areas for water harvesting projects.
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