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The Legal Boundaries of Diplomatic Pouch

الضوابط القانونية للحقيبة الدبلوماسية

1139   6   1937   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2010
  fields Law
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Legal controls for the pouch of evolved as the development diplomacy, so it is not necessarily a bag or pouch bag just literal sens of the word. With the increasing number of a bag in the form of large boxes containing documents or objects intended for official use and sometimes written diplomatic bag and sealed with the slogan of the state.

References used
The International and Comparative Law Quarterly – 1961, vol. 10, p667
JANHOVIC B.M., 1984 « Public International Law », New York, p.25
Vienna convention Cosular Relations, I.C.L.Q., 1970, vol. 10, p. 320-325
rate research

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Majority of Muslim scholar forbid interest by considering it as usury and minority of them allow it. In the Syrian law there is a huge confusing in the concept of "interest". Most of the jurists think that it is a simple compensation although that the interest has two large concepts: civil and commercial. The interest in accordance with the civil concept is a compensation for damages. The law provides three different methods to fix the value of interest as compensation: - interest rate to be fixed by the courts. - Interest rate to be fixed by agreement of the contracting parties - And interest rate to be fixed by law.
This research intends to provide an explain about natural of socalled intellectual property that has received considerable attention legal and economic . Intellectual property is usually divided into two branches. First one, industrial property, w hich protects inventions, while the second is copyright, which protects literary and artistic works. Copyright law protects the owner of property rights against those who copy or otherwise take and use the form in which the original work without permission from the owner.
Responsibility, generally speaking, is deemed as one of the most important foundations of the human life since it governs most of the relations between the members of a community. The present study highlights the role of legal responsibility of th e public employee since he is seen as a normal human being and a member of a certain community, in addition to his employment status. The concept and the nature of such a responsibility takes into account the nature, characteristics, and the outcomes of it.
There is no doubt that Freedom is the opposite of Authority. Both lunched its range is determined accordance with society doctrine and political powers. Political doctrine defines targets and tools of authority, consequently, it defines position of Individual and limits of man freedom. Therefore; public freedoms are connected to society's doctrine, so it decides which of the two parts gains priority; Individual, or society. In case of contradict, it decides who must sacrifice for the favor of the other. This point is the essence of the Political Dilemma which the law systems suffer.
Throughout this research we will study the legal rules governing the transferable letter of credit according to the following plan: The first chapter: The items of transferable letter of credit. The second chapter: The mechanism of transferable letter of credit.

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