درِست هذا البحث التغيرات المناخية و أثرها في الموارد المائية في محافظة نينوى، من خلال دراسة البيانات المناخية المرصودة في المحافظة، تبين أن الاتجاه العام لدرجات الحرارة ازداد على معدلاتها و ازدادت موجات الحر الشديدة و عدد الأيام
الحارة في الصيف، و كذلك انخفضت كمية الأمطار الساقطة خاصة خلال العقدين الأخيرين، فضلاً عن سوء توزيع الأمطار خلال الموسم المطري و تأخر الموسم المطري و زيادة تكرار دورات الجفاف و شدتها في المنطقة.
This paper focuses on climate change in Nineveh based on climatological data records in
this governorate. The general trend of the temperature appeared to surpass its average mean.
The severe hot days also increased in summer, the precipitation in general deceased practically
in the last two decades, irregular and delayed distribution of the rain, as well as drought cycles
did occur.
References used
Parry, M.L. (2002). Atmosphere Climate & Environment Information programmer Manchester Metropolitan University. Chester Street, Manchester M1 5GD
World bank, 2006. Making the Most of Scarcity Accountability for Better Water Management in the Middle East and North Africa
أكساد، المركز العربي لدراسات المناطق الجافة والأراضي القاحلة( 2008 ). التغير المناخي و تأثيره على الموارد المائية في المنطقة العربية. المؤتمر الوزاري العربي للمياه. القاهرة. مصر.
Vulnerability assessment of freshwater resources in the Orontes
basin was estimated in the provinces of Homs, Hama and Idlib to
better understand the current situation of water under the prevailing
conditions and to identify the most prominent fac
This research aims to shed a light on the distinctive economic characteristics of water
resources and to identify the reasons that led to increasing interest in studying these
resources and their economics.
depending on descriptive analytical meth
The study shows the factors affecting rain precipitation, general
rate and annual, monthly and daily changes by calculating the
standard deviation and the annual fluctuation. The standard
deviation from the general average shows large values in th
Information Technology and systems theory with its powerful
mathematical techniques, such as modeling, simulation and optimization,
are very useful tools in the planning, development and management of
water resources. These techniques are even mor
Because rainfall in the coastal area is high and water projects are nearly missing, we think it is important to make use of available water resources. In order to predict future rainfalls and suggest proper management of resources, we created a mathe