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The Unlawful Income and The Possibility to Be Subject to Tax

الدخل غير المشروع و مدى خضوعه للضريبة

2089   1   31   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2015
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The unlawful income is that of constitutes a violation of law, public order and morals. Presently, it is numerous and various. What increases its importance is that it has not been enacted by Law whether in the Syrian law of income tax or in the laws in comparison. Therefore, the door is open before jurisprudence and judgment to have theirown say.

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
يتناول البحث الذي أعده الدكتور بديع مستو موضوع الدخل غير المشروع ومدى خضوعه للضريبة. يوضح الباحث أن الدخل غير المشروع هو الدخل الذي يتم الحصول عليه بطرق غير قانونية أو مخالفة للنظام العام والآداب العامة، مثل غسل الأموال، سرقة وتهريب الآثار، الاتجار بالمخدرات، والدعارة. يركز البحث على تحليل موقف القانون السوري والقوانين المقارنة من مسألة إخضاع هذا النوع من الدخل للضريبة. يتألف البحث من مطلبين رئيسيين: الأول يتناول مشروعية الدخل الخاضع للضريبة، والثاني يناقش الاتجاهات المختلفة حول إخضاع الدخل غير المشروع للضريبة من خلال موقف الفقه والقضاء. يستعرض الباحث مفهوم الدخل من الناحية الاقتصادية، المحاسبية، والضريبية، ويقارن بين نظريتي المصدر والإثراء في تحديد الدخل الخاضع للضريبة. كما يناقش مواقف التشريعات الضريبية السورية والمقارنة، ويعرض آراء الفقهاء والقضاء حول إخضاع الدخل غير المشروع للضريبة. في النهاية، يخلص الباحث إلى أن القانون السوري لم ينص بوضوح على مشروعية الدخل الخاضع للضريبة، ويوصي بعدم إخضاع الأرباح غير المشروعة للضريبة استناداً إلى عدة اعتبارات، منها تعارض ذلك مع مبدأ مشروعية الضريبة وصعوبة تقدير الدخل غير المشروع.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: على الرغم من أن البحث يقدم تحليلاً شاملاً ومفصلاً لموضوع الدخل غير المشروع ومدى خضوعه للضريبة، إلا أنه يمكن توجيه بعض النقد البناء له. أولاً، البحث يفتقر إلى تقديم حلول عملية أو توصيات واضحة لكيفية التعامل مع الدخل غير المشروع في النظام الضريبي السوري، مما يجعله يقتصر على الجانب النظري دون تقديم إسهامات عملية. ثانياً، كان من الممكن توسيع نطاق المقارنة ليشمل تجارب دول أخرى غير المذكورة في البحث، مما قد يضيف قيمة إضافية ويوفر رؤى أوسع. ثالثاً، البحث لم يتناول بالتفصيل الآثار الاقتصادية والاجتماعية لإخضاع الدخل غير المشروع للضريبة، وهو جانب مهم يمكن أن يؤثر على القرارات التشريعية. وأخيراً، كان من الممكن تعزيز البحث بدراسات حالة أو أمثلة واقعية لتوضيح النقاط النظرية بشكل أفضل.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هو الدخل غير المشروع وفقاً للبحث؟

    الدخل غير المشروع هو الدخل الذي يتم الحصول عليه بطرق غير قانونية أو مخالفة للنظام العام والآداب العامة، مثل غسل الأموال، سرقة وتهريب الآثار، الاتجار بالمخدرات، والدعارة.

  2. ما هي النظريتان الرئيسيتان لتحديد الدخل الخاضع للضريبة؟

    النظريتان الرئيسيتان هما نظرية المصدر ونظرية الإثراء. نظرية المصدر تركز على الدخل الدوري من مصدر ثابت، بينما نظرية الإثراء تشمل جميع أنواع الدخل بما في ذلك المكاسب الرأسمالية.

  3. ما هو موقف القانون السوري من إخضاع الدخل غير المشروع للضريبة؟

    القانون السوري لم ينص بوضوح على مشروعية الدخل الخاضع للضريبة أو عدمه، مما جعل باب الاجتهاد مفتوحاً أمام الفقه والقضاء. الباحث يوصي بعدم إخضاع الأرباح غير المشروعة للضريبة استناداً إلى عدة اعتبارات.

  4. ما هي التوصيات التي قدمها الباحث في نهاية البحث؟

    الباحث يوصي بعدم إخضاع الأرباح غير المشروعة للضريبة استناداً إلى الاعتبارات التالية: تعارض ذلك مع مبدأ مشروعية الضريبة، صعوبة تقدير الدخل غير المشروع، وعدم اتفاق القضاء على إخضاع الدخل غير المشروع للضريبة.

References used
Browmlee and Alen “Economics of public finance” Znded, Ny, 1960
C.T.S and Ford “Economics of public finance” Pergamon press, New York, 1976
Seligmma, E, Studies in public finance, New York, 1972
rate research

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This research aims to explain accounting bases to determine Zakat and income tax bowl, according to Syrian Tax System, following the descriptive analytical method. The results showed that there is partial compatibility in accounting bases for det ermining Zakat and income tax seat, and there is difference in accounting bases of definition the amount which acceptable to rebate, according to Syrian tax legislation.
The random income tax Introduced by Law No. (112) of 1958 with several amendments at last the Income Tax Law No.( 24) of 2003 has issued with several amendments also, particularly with regard to this tax . so There are several Legal ramifications must be collected to give a clear and complete study of this tax. In this tax the profits is determined discretionary not based on data provided by the payers Unlike in the tax on real profits; This raises some problems regarding the natural of this tax, which affects the principle of tax equity, or the abundance of tax revenue. The rationale legal existence of this tax is the inability of some payers to prepare Instrument if there profits, or be case of the simplicity of effectiveness so this tax based on estimated earnings by income Observer and Classification Committees But virtually however there are who can keeping these notebooks, or huge profits, they are subject to the estimated profits tax . The importance of this topic regard the lack of studies about this topic, despite its importance so Ill study it in details explaining all of the laws and its Executive guidance to give an integrated study about every point of it.
The aim of this research is to evaluate the rights of taxpayers in the Syrian tax legislation, especially the Income Tax Law No. (24) for the year 2003 and its amendments, and related laws. The evaluation process includes the availability of these ri ghts from a legislative point of view, on the other hand, to ensure the extent of their application in practice by the tax administration. A set of fundamental rights have been identified and agreed to by most tax systems, in addition to the statement of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development that has been adopted as a reference document in this field. These rights are the right to information, assistance, and listening, the right to appeal, the right to pay no more than the correct amount of tax, the right to certainty, the right to privacy, the right to confidentiality and confidentiality. The descriptive approach was mainly used in constructing the problem of this research and developing its hypotheses. In addition to using research tools such as personal interviews that included many employees in the tax administration, and access to some practical cases in that administration, in addition to the questionnaire that included a sample of taxpayer income. The data collected was analyzed using the SPSS statistical program and the Likert binary scale. The results of this research have shown that the Income Tax Law No. 24 of 2003 and other related laws have not explicitly, clearly and completely stipulated most of these rights, and their non-application by the tax administration. These rights are the right of the taxpayer to obtain information, assistance and listening, the right to certainty, the right of the taxpayer to pay no more than the correct amount of taxes, and the right to privacy. It also showed the important imbalance in the right to object, and stipulated the right to confidentiality only.
The decrease in the tax revenues, as a result of the significant increase in the rate of tax evasion that causes a decline in their abilities to finance the requirements of public spending growing, is considered one of the crucial problems that aff ect the tax system in Syria. As well-known, the examination of the tax is one of the most important functions carried out by the tax administration to verify the validity of the tax liabilities which are disclosed by the taxpayers. Thus, the extent of the examination quality determines their abilities to secure the tax resources. This research aims to identify the tax examination as a concept and procedures under the Income Tax Law No. / 24 / of 2003, and the means, if any, that have been adopted and used to ensure that the tax examination performing meets the quality requirements. Also, it aims to measure the tax examination based on quality standards, as one of these means, which are applied in other tax systems. These will be done, if these means are not found in Syrian tax system. The results of this research showed that these means are not available in the tax system in Syria. Which forces a measurement process by using the quality control standards, as one of these means, that had been adopted in other tax systems. The results of measurement showed that the tax examination performing does not meet the quality requirements. The study recommends the need to adopt these means, and the proposals to apply the quality control standards that will improve the quality of the tax examination in the light of the evaluation process that has been done.
This research aims to identify one of the most important factors that contribute in improving of tax compliance in general, which is an implication of self-assessment system in a lot of tax systems at the international level, including the tax syst em in Syria. This research focuses on measuring the availability of a self-assessment system in all its components under the income tax law N.24 of 2003, and its amendments in Syria, and its effectiveness in the application process. The results of this research showed that part of the elements of this system does not exist already, which reflected negatively on the effectiveness required in the performance of the functions and achieve the goals that is mainly designed for. Accordingly, the study recommended the need to find and activate these ingredients within the range of other environmental factors that work with each other to achieve the desired effectiveness, and improve the rate of tax compliance.
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