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The Evaluation of Tax Examination Quality Under the Income Tax Law N.24 of 2003, and its Amendments in Syria (An Field Study on Tax Directorates in Syrian Coast)

تقييم جودة الفحص الضريبي في ظل قانون ضريبة الدخل رقم (24) و تعديلاته في سورية (دراسة ميدانية على مديريات المال في الساحل السوري)

2836   1   102   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2013
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The decrease in the tax revenues, as a result of the significant increase in the rate of tax evasion that causes a decline in their abilities to finance the requirements of public spending growing, is considered one of the crucial problems that affect the tax system in Syria. As well-known, the examination of the tax is one of the most important functions carried out by the tax administration to verify the validity of the tax liabilities which are disclosed by the taxpayers. Thus, the extent of the examination quality determines their abilities to secure the tax resources. This research aims to identify the tax examination as a concept and procedures under the Income Tax Law No. / 24 / of 2003, and the means, if any, that have been adopted and used to ensure that the tax examination performing meets the quality requirements. Also, it aims to measure the tax examination based on quality standards, as one of these means, which are applied in other tax systems. These will be done, if these means are not found in Syrian tax system. The results of this research showed that these means are not available in the tax system in Syria. Which forces a measurement process by using the quality control standards, as one of these means, that had been adopted in other tax systems. The results of measurement showed that the tax examination performing does not meet the quality requirements. The study recommends the need to adopt these means, and the proposals to apply the quality control standards that will improve the quality of the tax examination in the light of the evaluation process that has been done.

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Research summary
تتناول هذه الدراسة مشكلة انخفاض الحصيلة الضريبية وارتفاع معدل التهرب الضريبي في سوريا، وتحديداً في ظل قانون ضريبة الدخل رقم 24 لعام 2003 وتعديلاته. يهدف البحث إلى تقييم جودة الفحص الضريبي في مديريات المال في الساحل السوري، من خلال مقارنة المعايير المتبعة في النظام الضريبي السوري مع معايير الجودة المعتمدة في نظم ضريبية أخرى. أظهرت النتائج أن النظام الضريبي السوري يفتقر إلى الوسائل والمعايير التي تضمن جودة الفحص الضريبي، مما يؤدي إلى عدم تحقيق الفحص الضريبي للجودة المطلوبة. بناءً على ذلك، توصي الدراسة بتبني معايير رقابة الجودة وتطوير وسائل جديدة لتحسين جودة الفحص الضريبي، مما سيسهم في زيادة الالتزام الضريبي وتقليل التهرب الضريبي.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: على الرغم من أهمية الموضوع الذي تتناوله الدراسة، إلا أن هناك بعض النقاط التي يمكن تحسينها. أولاً، كان من الممكن أن تكون العينة المستخدمة في البحث أكبر وأكثر تنوعاً لضمان تمثيل أفضل لمختلف المناطق والقطاعات. ثانياً، لم تتناول الدراسة بالتفصيل العوامل الاجتماعية والاقتصادية التي قد تؤثر على جودة الفحص الضريبي، مثل مستوى التعليم والتوعية الضريبية بين المكلفين. ثالثاً، كان من الممكن تقديم تحليل أعمق للبيانات باستخدام تقنيات إحصائية متقدمة، مما قد يضيف مزيداً من الدقة والموثوقية للنتائج. وأخيراً، كان من المفيد تضمين دراسات حالة أو أمثلة عملية من دول أخرى نجحت في تحسين جودة الفحص الضريبي، لتقديم رؤية أوضح حول كيفية تطبيق التوصيات المقترحة في السياق السوري.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي المشكلة الرئيسية التي تعاني منها النظام الضريبي السوري وفقاً للدراسة؟

    المشكلة الرئيسية هي انخفاض الحصيلة الضريبية وارتفاع معدل التهرب الضريبي، مما يؤثر على قدرة النظام الضريبي على تمويل متطلبات الإنفاق العام المتزايد.

  2. ما هي الأهداف الرئيسية لهذه الدراسة؟

    تهدف الدراسة إلى تقييم جودة الفحص الضريبي في ظل قانون ضريبة الدخل رقم 24 لعام 2003 وتعديلاته، وقياس تلك الجودة باستخدام معايير رقابة الجودة المعتمدة في نظم ضريبية أخرى.

  3. ما هي النتائج الرئيسية التي توصلت إليها الدراسة؟

    توصلت الدراسة إلى أن النظام الضريبي السوري يفتقر إلى الوسائل والمعايير التي تضمن جودة الفحص الضريبي، مما يؤدي إلى عدم تحقيق الفحص الضريبي للجودة المطلوبة.

  4. ما هي التوصيات التي قدمتها الدراسة لتحسين جودة الفحص الضريبي في سوريا؟

    أوصت الدراسة بتبني معايير رقابة الجودة وتطوير وسائل جديدة لتحسين جودة الفحص الضريبي، مما سيسهم في زيادة الالتزام الضريبي وتقليل التهرب الضريبي.

References used
Monaco, J. The New Coordinated Program, Journal of Tax Executive, U.S.A, V43. N3. 1991, 167
Escoffier, S.D; Fortin, K.A. Taxation for Decision Makers. Pearson Prentice Hall. Inc, New Jersey, 2006, 546
Heady, C. Tax Policy Developing Countries: What Can We Learned from OECD Experience? Institute of Development Studies, France, 2002, 15
rate research

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This research aims to identify one of the most important factors that contribute in improving of tax compliance in general, which is an implication of self-assessment system in a lot of tax systems at the international level, including the tax syst em in Syria. This research focuses on measuring the availability of a self-assessment system in all its components under the income tax law N.24 of 2003, and its amendments in Syria, and its effectiveness in the application process. The results of this research showed that part of the elements of this system does not exist already, which reflected negatively on the effectiveness required in the performance of the functions and achieve the goals that is mainly designed for. Accordingly, the study recommended the need to find and activate these ingredients within the range of other environmental factors that work with each other to achieve the desired effectiveness, and improve the rate of tax compliance.
The aim of this research is to evaluate the rights of taxpayers in the Syrian tax legislation, especially the Income Tax Law No. (24) for the year 2003 and its amendments, and related laws. The evaluation process includes the availability of these ri ghts from a legislative point of view, on the other hand, to ensure the extent of their application in practice by the tax administration. A set of fundamental rights have been identified and agreed to by most tax systems, in addition to the statement of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development that has been adopted as a reference document in this field. These rights are the right to information, assistance, and listening, the right to appeal, the right to pay no more than the correct amount of tax, the right to certainty, the right to privacy, the right to confidentiality and confidentiality. The descriptive approach was mainly used in constructing the problem of this research and developing its hypotheses. In addition to using research tools such as personal interviews that included many employees in the tax administration, and access to some practical cases in that administration, in addition to the questionnaire that included a sample of taxpayer income. The data collected was analyzed using the SPSS statistical program and the Likert binary scale. The results of this research have shown that the Income Tax Law No. 24 of 2003 and other related laws have not explicitly, clearly and completely stipulated most of these rights, and their non-application by the tax administration. These rights are the right of the taxpayer to obtain information, assistance and listening, the right to certainty, the right of the taxpayer to pay no more than the correct amount of taxes, and the right to privacy. It also showed the important imbalance in the right to object, and stipulated the right to confidentiality only.
The tax audit of the most important means of tax administration to make sure of the fact that the tax revenue generated, as the role of the auditor is to being a means and not an end aimed at Tax Administration Service in determining the tax base as a scientific organizer maintains the assigned rights and the state along In addition to increasing the level of commitment to the provisions of tax legislation and compliance with, and reflected the importance of ensuring the accuracy of the books came in charge of the accounting items and checks of all aspects to ensure the integrity of cases of fraud and tax evasion. This research seeks to demonstrate the reality of the tax audit in tax circles in Syria and its impact on tax evasion procedures, for the purpose of access to the results, the researcher used descriptive analytical approach was to identify a tool for the study design, were distributed to a sample of income monitors and heads of departments in the districts money Latakia province where consisted of 82 individuals have been selected at random, and after the study and analysis was reached the following conclusions: 1- are doing the planning process for the audit by the tax administration before starting that process, where there is a positive correlation between the tax audit planning relationship and the ability to detect tax evasion. 2- weakness the income observer verification of accounting books and records and to collect sufficient number of evidence and clues procedures, contribute to the reduction of strengthening the credibility of the tax audit, thereby reducing the ability to detect tax evasion. 3- Prepare the income of the final report includes an observer in a clear reference to the extent to which the financial statements with generally accepted accounting principles, and with the tax law materials, as well as the commitment to generally accepted standards, help in the discovery of tax evasion.
This research aims to explain accounting bases to determine Zakat and income tax bowl, according to Syrian Tax System, following the descriptive analytical method. The results showed that there is partial compatibility in accounting bases for det ermining Zakat and income tax seat, and there is difference in accounting bases of definition the amount which acceptable to rebate, according to Syrian tax legislation.
The main target for this study is to shed lights on the importance of this kind of taxes, and their application requirements in Syria since it’s considered as one of the most important taxes that affect the state’s financial resources and decrease the budget deficiency which has a bad influence on the state’s finance, and many countries apply the kind of taxes because it affords stable financial resources and helps in adapting with all different economic progress. Also, applying it in a continuous way gives the state long-lasting monetary money.
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