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Divine Retribution in Hesiod’s Theogony

القصاص الإلهي في قصيدة ( ثيوغوني) للشاعر الإغريقي هيسيود

1461   2   149   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2007
  fields English
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This paper seeks to discuss the question of divine retribution in Theogony, a Greek poem attributed to Hesiod (8th c. B.C.) It shows that divine retribution occurs in the wake of crimes, which brings about gods’ wrath in Greek mythology. Then it proceeds to reveal this poet’s major purpose which consists in his conception of poetry as an educative tool, which reminds us of its time-honoured role as a public forum geared towards inculcating ethical values into its recipients.

References used
(Adam, James. The Religious Teachers of Greece. (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1988
(Apollodorus. The Library. Translated into English by Sir James George Frazer (Cambridge Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1921
(Bacchylides. Complete Poems. Translated by Robert Fagles and edited by AdamM. Parry (Yale University Press, 1961
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This paper is concerned with the theme of divine justice in The Spanish Tragedy (1592) by Thomas Kyd (1558-1594), a famous English Elizabethan dramatist. It first defines the term "didactic", and then moves to discuss the Portuguese playlet in Th e Spanish Tragedy as a miniature play-within-the-play which reveals the issue of divine judgment. This paper concludes by asserting that this play is a tragedy of divine justice and punishment.
The purpose of the research is to deepen the feeling of aesthetic entity of Arab poetry from moralities standpoint, that is the secret behind its immortality. and to affirm that the idiom of 'poets potency' by Alasmae is an aesthetic principle tal king about the make inside the poem, its uniqueness, characteristics and the effect of the poet on others who come later . This poem was chosen from the rest of his poetry as a measure of Alhadera's potency because of its uniqueness and characteristics . The research method: text induction by searching on proofs about poetry potency in this poem, if there is many we are satisfied with some samples which indicate others, so that we avoid extension ,boredom and increasing repetition towards one side. the comparison has been done between its entity and Thalaba Ebn Soaer Almazne poem entity (Does Amra have victuals of a traveler..) to show that there are similarities in some parts of the image and there is a difference inside the inner entity. The research is based on the entity of the poem, its structure method, creative characters and the causes of its uniqueness. The research results: the purpose has been achieved, we recognize the uniqueness of the poem in its structural method, poetical images and moveable scenes, also the specialty of the poet in creating the whole poem and how it affects other poets just with even a few of its aspects.
يعالج البحث تقنية القناع في قصيدة "رحلة المتنبي إلى مصر" لمحمود درويش، إذ ُتعد القصيدة الأولى التي يستخدم فيها الشاعر تقنية القناع. و يتناول البحث توظيف القناع ضمن أربعة محاور: المونولوج الدرامي، و الوجه و القناع، و زحرحة القناع، و العنصر الدرامي و العنصر القصصي. و علاقة هذه المحاور بحركة القصيدة و أبعادها الدلالية، و مدى نجاح الشاعر في توظيفها.
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