ازدادت أبعاد الدور الإعلامي و الاتصالي من خلال الأقمار الصناعية، و البث
المباشر، و ازدياد أعداد المحطات الفضائية على نحو لم يكن مسبوقاً من قبل، و شيوع شبكة الإنترنت و ربطها العالم بشرايين معلوماتية لم تكن متاحة سابقاً، الأمر الذي جعل من الميسور وضع الجمهور في دول العالم كافة عرضة لتأثير وسائله المتنوعة، من هنا تنبع مشكلة هذه الدراسة من تغيرات تكاد تكون انقلابية على مفاهيم الحياة و أسلوبها في السنوات السابقة، و يقود هذه التغييرات وسائل الإعلام و الاتصال لتشكيل عقل جديد مختلف معرفياً و وجدانياً و سلوكياً عن الأجيال السابقة، و تنبع أهميتها من أن الإعلام و الاتصال يشكل في عصرنا الحاضر القوة الأكثر تأثيراً في حياتنا بسبب التطور التكنولوجي، و ذلك بهدف رصد دور وسائل الإعلام و الاتصال في عصره الرقمي في تشكيل المنظومة القيمية للأسرة، حيث تنتمي هذه الدراسة إلى نمط البحوث النوعية (كيفية)، و تعتمد على منهج المسح التحليلي، و جمعت بياناتها بوسيلة الملاحظة العامة.
The role of information and communications have increased through
satellites, live broadcasting, the unprecedented increase in the number of
TV channels, and the spread of the internet which connected the world in
ways which were not available before. This made it easy for the audience
worldwide to be influenced by different information channels. Herein
comes the problem of this study with changes which seem to be contrary
to the concepts and lifestyles of the previous years. These changes are led
by mass media and communication systems to form new minds which
are different from previous generations cognitively, affectionately, and
behaviorally. The significance of this study stems from the fact that the
mass media and communication form the most influential power in our
lives because of technological development in our present age. This
study aims at exploring the role of mass media and communication in our
digital age in forming the family system of values. This study belongs to
qualitative research type, and depends on the analytical descriptive
method. The data were collected through general observation.
References used
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This study aims to identify the specific family factors for violence, the sample of
this study consists of (214) students from Latakia city schools.
The results of the study indicated the existence of a relationship between each of:
(the income le
This study aims to know the reality of the role played by the visual media to educate the youth cultural challenges incurred by globalization,
and demonstrate the positive aspects of this role and the ways to strengthen them , and deficiencies and w
In the midst of the ongoing revolutions on the level of communication ,Technology , the reflection of that on the events in the communities and the media play an important role in shaping the Political culture of a large number of university youth wh
The study aimed to investigate the status of the school media’s role (radio, press, and theatre) in the development of the patriotic
affiliation values from the perspective of teachers of the study social in the basic learning stage at Homs city.
This study aims to investigate the work values embedded in the
Arabic language textbooks taught in the first and second cycles of basic
education in the Sultanate of Oman. The number of textbooks analyzed is
18. The study adopted a quantitative as well as a qualitative approach to
content analysis.