تؤدي القراءة دوراً مهماً في تكوين ثقافة الشباب، لكن نوعية القراءة، و مصادرها
(من كتب و صحف و مجلات. . الخ) و موضوعاتها تختلف من فرد إلى آخر، و ترتبط
بعوامل اجتماعية و ثقافية عديدة، مثل التنشئة الاجتماعية، و حجم الأسرة، و مستوى تعليم الأبوين، و ثقافتهم، و مستوى الدخل و المهنة..الخ فضلاً عن عمر الفرد، و مستوى تعليمه، و مهنته و اختصاصه و ميوله و اتجاهاته. و قد تتباين درجة القراءة و نوعية موضوعاتها باختلاف الجنس، و التخصص الدراسي. و تسهم الأسرة بدور كبير في تحفيز الأبناء على القراءة أو تثبيط هذا الحافز.
Reading is playing an important role in shaping the youth culture,
however degree and quality of reading paper resources such as(books,
magazines, newspapers and periodicals ..etc) are different between youth.
Its depends on social upbringing, family background(education,
employment and profession) and individual diversities such as (age's, sex,
level education and specialization takeoff this hypotheses.
References used
ESCWA ، Regional Features Of The Information Community In South Western Asia Countries ،U. N. ، New York 2005
عمران، كامل، محددات ثقافة الشباب في سورية، دراسات إستراتيجية، جامعة دمشق، السنة الثالثة، (العدد 9)، دمشق، 2003
أبو حلاوة، كريم، البعد الثقافي للعولمة، عالم الفكر، مجلد 29 ، آذار 2001
This research aims to reveal the extent of the manifestationspsychological alienation among university youth, and the effect of gender, marital status and accommodation on the level of psychological alienation phenomenon. This research was applied on
The study aimed to identify the role of university youth in
achieving development in its different dimensions (sociocultural-
social-political). To achieve this goal, the researcher
prepared a questionnaire that was applied to a sample of
students of Damascus University, consisting of 566 students.
The research aims to expose the of The Educational Effects Social Connections
Network on University Youth. This research depended on the descriptive and analytical
approach. The questionnaire was toll used to collect data. The questionnaire content
The research aims to expose the characteristics of friendship and it's
role in the life of the University youth, and how youth choose friends
from one sex or both sexes.
The descriptive analytical approach was used. A questionnaire was
The purpose of the research is to identify the trends of university youth towards
civil marriage, and to know the extent of the influence of some factors such as education
and the presence of civil marriage cases within the large family in the acce