هدفت الدراسة إلى معرفة أثر التحضر على تركيب السكان في المناطق
الحضرية في الأردن، و إلى اختبار العلاقة بين معدلات النمو السكاني السريع في
المناطق الحضرية و بين احتياجات السكان لبعض الخدمات كالمساكن و المراكز الثقافية
و الرياضية.
The purpose of this study is:
a) To explore the impact of urbanization on population structure of urban
areas in Jordan.
b) To examine the relationship between rapid urban population growth
rates and housing needs, as well as the need for culture and sport youth
References used
Brookerhoff, M. (1999), Urban Growth in Developing Countries: A Review of Projections and Predictions, Population and Development Review, 25 (4), PP 757-778
Ewbank, D. And De Leon, J. And Stoto, M., (1983), A Reducible Four- Parameter System of Model Life Tables, Population Studies, 37 (1) pp. 105-127
صالح، كمال ( 2002 ) تقرير أوضاع المرأة الأردنية، ع مان: صندوق الأمم المتحدة الإنمائي.
This research aims to shed light on the reality of population growth and its
components and highlighting the characteristics and changes in the educational structure of
the population in Syria during the period studied. This study also aims at know
The comprehensive and urban development has many of aspects in
saltanate Omman, these aspects correspond in growing and developing
these cities and in increasing is its size because of the natural growing for
population and the coming emigration .
The study assesses the impact of economic factors in the geography
of services in terms of need, consumption and spatial organization are
topics and trends in a study in this new world.
These economic factors form a stand-alone system that belongs
This study examined the relationship between demographic variables of age, sex,
marital status, educational qualification, and the order of the human needs for employees.
Through a survey study on employees in the textile and cotton industries sect
The provision of health services indispensable to the process of population development, particularly in developing countries, since they must be of the development process be accompanied by a parallel health services aimed at improving