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Is Level V Neck Dissection Necessary in Primary Parotid Cancer?

هل يعد تجريف المستوى الخامس ضرورياً في جراحة سرطان النكفة؟

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 Publication date 2015
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Objectives: This study aims to evaluate the pattern of nodal metastasis to level V in parotid cancer and to examine the clinical value of level V neck dissection (LVND). Study Design: Retrospective study. Methods: LVND was performed in 10.6% and 28.2% of patients with clinical N0 (cN0) and cN+ neck disease, respectively. The prevalence of pathological positive nodal metastasis was 0% (cN0) and 81.8% (cN+). In patients with cN0 neck, the rate of recurrence in level V was 6%. Conclusion: in our patient cohort, LVND was necessary in patients with cN+ neck because there was a high likelihood for pathologically positive nodal metastasis. In patients with cN0 neck, the rate of recurrence in level V was low enough not to warrant a routine inclusion of LVND.

References used
CUMMING, Ch. W. OTOLARYNGOLOGY HEAD & NECK SURGERY. 4th ed, mosby, USA, 2005, 2816
STELL & MARAN, J. C. HEAD and NECK SURGERY. 5th ed, Butterworth, London, 2013, 520
LORE, J. M. HEAD & NECK SURGERY. 4th ed, Elsevier, Pennsylvania, 1988,1491

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تقييم نمط الانتقالات العقدية إلى المستوى الخامس في سرطان النكفة وتحديد أهمية تجريف هذا المستوى من الناحية السريرية. شملت الدراسة 43 مريضاً، 23 منهم لم يكن لديهم انتقالات عقدية سريرية و20 منهم كان لديهم انتقالات عقدية رقبية سريرية. أجري لجميع المرضى استئصال نكفة مع تجريف عنق، وتمت دراسة نسيجية للعقد المجرّفة في المستوى الخامس الرقبي. أظهرت النتائج أن نسبة العقد المصابة عند المرضى سلبيي عقد العنق سريرياً هي 0%، في حين كانت 6.6% عند المرضى إيجابيي عقد العنق. خلصت الدراسة إلى أن تجريف المستوى الخامس ضروري عند وجود نقائل عقدية رقبية بسبب الاحتمال العالي لوجود انتقالات مجهرية نسيجية، بينما نسبة النكس العقدي في المستوى الخامس عند المرضى سلبيي عقد العنق ضئيلة ولا تستوجب إجراء تجريف بشكل روتيني.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: تقدم هذه الدراسة معلومات قيمة حول أهمية تجريف المستوى الخامس في جراحة سرطان النكفة، ولكن هناك بعض النقاط التي يمكن تحسينها. أولاً، حجم العينة صغير نسبياً مما قد يؤثر على دقة النتائج. ثانياً، لم يتم تناول تأثير العوامل الأخرى مثل العلاجات المساعدة (كالعلاج الشعاعي) بشكل كافٍ. ثالثاً، كان من الممكن تضمين فترة متابعة أطول لتقييم النكس العقدي بشكل أكثر دقة. وأخيراً، يمكن أن تكون الدراسة أكثر شمولية إذا تضمنت مقارنة مع دراسات أخرى في نفس المجال لتأكيد النتائج.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هو الهدف الرئيسي من هذه الدراسة؟

    الهدف الرئيسي هو تقييم نمط الانتقالات العقدية إلى المستوى الخامس في سرطان النكفة وتحديد أهمية تجريف هذا المستوى من الناحية السريرية.

  2. ما هي نسبة العقد المصابة عند المرضى سلبيي عقد العنق سريرياً؟

    نسبة العقد المصابة عند المرضى سلبيي عقد العنق سريرياً هي 0%.

  3. هل تجريف المستوى الخامس ضروري عند جميع المرضى؟

    تجريف المستوى الخامس ضروري عند المرضى الذين لديهم نقائل عقدية رقبية، بينما لا يستوجب إجراء تجريف بشكل روتيني عند المرضى سلبيي عقد العنق.

  4. ما هي التوصيات النهائية للدراسة؟

    التوصيات تشمل الاهتمام بأرشفة المرضى إلكترونياً، إجراء خزعة خلوية قبل الجراحة، تشجيع المراجعة الباكرة للمرضى، إرسال العينات المستأصلة مع شرح مكان استئصال كل عينة، وتجريف جميع مستويات العنق عند وجود عقد سريرياً.

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Objective : to analyze the level (site) of ipsilateral neck recurrences after supraomohyoid neck dissection in patients with lip, oral and oropharyngeal cancer treated in a single institution. Between 2010 – 2013, 38 patients underwent 38 supraomo hyoid neck dissection. Results: there were 5 cases (13%) of ipsilateral neck recurrences, 2 were beyond the limits of the supraomohyoid neck dissection, and 3 were inside these limits. There was no association of neck recurrences with pathological status of lymph nodes. 4 of the 5 recurrences were in patients who underwent postoperative radiotherapy.
Objective: to evaluate the efficacy of the selective neck dissection in the management of the clinically node-negative neck. Study Design case histories were evaluated retrospectively. Methods the results of 75 neck dissections performed on 52 pat ients were studied. Results theprimarysites were oral cavity 20, oropharynx 7, hypopharynx 4, and latynx 21. 14 necks (23%) were node positive on pathological examination. The number of positive nodes varied from 1 to 9 per side. Of necks with positive 4 (24%) had extracapsular spread. The median follow up was 24 months. Two recurrences developed outside the dissected field. The incidence of regional recurrences was similar in patients in whom nodes were negative on histological examination 3% when compared with patients with positive nodes without extracapsular spread 4%. In contrast regional recurrence developed in 18% of necks with extracapsular spread. This observation was statistically significant. Patients having more than two metastatic lymph nodes had a higher incidence of recurrent disease than the patients with carcinoma limited to one or two nodes. Conclusion SND is effective for controlling neck disease and serves to detect patients who require adjuvant therapy.
Objective: Neck dissection remains the standard method of treating cervical metastasis from head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. We reviewed our experience with radical and modified RND (MRND) plus radiotherapy as treatment for N2/N3 neck diseas e in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Methods we retrospectively reviewed our clinical records from july 2010 to june 2014 identify 43 neck dissections in 39 patients who were found to have N2 or N3 neck disease treated primarily by neck dissection and postoperative radiotherapy. All patients had head and neck squamous cell carcinoma with a minimum follow up of 24 months. Conclusions the combination of RND or MRND and radiotherapy is effective in controlling neck disease in the absence of persistent or recurrent local disease. MRND supports preservation of the spinal nerve whenever oncologically feasible.
A retrospective study included 25 cases with inflammatory breast cancer. The patients were admitted to AL-Assad University Hospital, Lattakia, Syria (average age 55, and range 49-61 years old). The most common clinical signs and symptoms were: erythe ma 100%, edema 100%, enlarged axillary nodes 100%, Nipple flattened/inverted 96%, warm Breast 92%, Ridges/thickening of breast 84%, Peau d’orange 88%, painful/tender Breast 88%, and Mass 80%. Mammography findings were: an increase in skin thickness 100%, an increased tissue density in the involved breast 100%, and an asymmetric widening of the sub-cutaneous lymphatic vessels 33.33%. 80% of cases were diagnosed as stage IV. All patients received primary neoadjuvant chemotherapy for three cycles. After that a modified radical breast mastectomy and axillary lymph nodes dissection were performed for all patients. The wound edges were closed primarily after dissecting the skin in 76%, for 4 patients 16% a split-thickness skin grafts were performed, and for 2 patients 8% a Latissimus dorsi pedicled myocutaneous flap was performed.
This paper seeks to show the development to Henry V's image from a legendary figure into a tragic hero. It first explores his legendary image in the anonymous chronicle play entitled The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth, where he appears as a f olk hero with his patriotic vaunting. Then this study moves to examine the image of Henry V in Shakespeare's Henry IV and Henry V, and proceeds to assert that the playwright presents this hero as an individual who has his personal ambitions for loyalty. But, despite his heroic feats, we note that Shakespeare ironises him because the letter conceals some qualms about his father's usurpation and complicity in Richard II's murder.
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