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The Image of The City in The Divan of Abdul-Aziz Al-mukaleh

صورة المدينة في ديوان عبد العزيز المقالح

1394   2   40   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2013
  fields Arabic
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The research deals with city image in the divan of the poet Abdul-Aziz Al-mukaleh. It searches for the objective dimensions of the image and shows its importance and variety devoting itself for the image in a way related to general native, national and human issues. It also deals with the aesthetic dimensions of the city image, and investigates its language, music and how it can get benefit of the heritage in a multi-dimensional way. The research has tried to define the features of the city image at Al-mukaleh, which are related tightly to Yemen and its history, and that has made the city image – at Al-mukaleh – more distinguished than that of other Arab poets, like Al-Bayani, Abdul-Sabour, Hijazi and others. The researcher has also referred to the poet’s success in conveying his message to the reader, and what helped him to do that was a clear linguistic form, which we can say about it: “ easy but rather impossible “. And an honesty of an intellectual attitude which is equal to the saying: “what comes from the heart pours in it “.

References used
د.الربيعي,محمود.الشاعر و المدينة. عالم الفكر, وزارة الإعلام,الكويت, مجلد19, عدد3, 1988,ص133.
د. أبو غالي, مختار. المدينة في الشعر العربي المعاصر, عالم المعرفة, الكويت, عدد 196, ص 7و8.
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