جمعت عيّنات من المياه الجوفية من سبعة مواقع في حوض اللاذقية، خلال موسمي شتاء و صيف 2013 و قد عولجت العيّنات كيميائياً و إحصائياً بهدف تقييم نوعية و كيميائية المياه، بغرض تقييم صلاحيتها، و فهم الوضع الهيدروجيولوجي السائد.
و قد لوحظ أن تراكيز العناصر الرئيسية المحددة يقع ضمن الحدود المسموح بها لمياه الشرب و الري، كما تبين عدم وجود تغيرات حادة سواء بالملوحة أو النمط الجيوكيميائي للمياه باتجاه حركة المياه الجوفية. و أن المياه الجوفية في المواقع المختارة متأثرة بشكل كبير بالتركيب الليتولوجي لصخور الحامل المائي و هي عموماً غير ملوثة بالمياه البحرية باستثناء بئر المينا البيضا القريب من البحر، و هذا ما تم إثباته من خلال حساب بعض النسب الجيوكيميائية, كما أكدت هذه الدراسة أن الجريانات المائية في مختلف الحوامل المائية لحوض اللاذقية تملك علاقة هيدروليكية فيما بينها و بالتالي تشكل جرياناً مائياً واحداً ذا خصائص متجانسة في أغلب أجزائه, و يتطابق اتجاه حركة هذا الجريان في أكثر الأحيان مع الانحدار العام للمنطقة.
Groundwater Samples were collected from seven locations distributed in
Lattakiabasin during the winter and summer seasons of 2013.All samples were treated
chemically and calculated statistically to evaluate the quality of the studied water and its
chemical properties. The aim was to assess the suitability of the water to be potable and to
determine the predominant hydrogeology status.
It was noticed that the concentrations of the detected major elements were within
allowed limits cited for drinking and irrigation waters. Also, it was found that there were
no sharp changes either in salinity or in geochemical type of the water toward groundwater
movement. Furthermore, the groundwater in the studied locations was largely influenced
by lithological composition of aquatic holder. In general, these waters were found to be
uncontaminated with marine waters with exception of the location called " wall of Al
Mena Al Baida" that is located near the sea. This has been proven by calculation of some
of geochemical proportions. Also, this study proved that the aquatic flows in the different
water holders of Latakia basin have a hydrolytic relationship among them. Consequently,
these flows comprise a uniform aquatic flow with homogenous properties in most of its
parts. The direction movement of this uniform flow was identical to the general decline of
the zone mostly.
References used
SANDRA, M.B. and George, L.L. Regionocl ground water Flow and geochemistry in the Midwestern basins and Arches aquifer sestem in parts of Indiana, ohio, Michigan, ILLionois, us geology survey. 2000, 103
AYERS, R.S., and D.W. WESTCOT. ”Water quality for agriculture” FAO irrigation and drainage paper No 29. FAO publications. Rome .Italy,1976
TODD, D.K. and MAYS, L.W. Ground water Hydrology. 3rd. ed., John Willey &Sons Inc, USA, 2005, 636
This study conducted on 30 sample of ground water, spreaded over most of the Cretaceous formations in the studied area, in order to determine origin and quality of water and evaluate it for the purposes of irrigation and drinking.
The study showed t
Barada and Auvage basin, experience of limited water resources against
growing of human activities related to increasing of inhabitants, and climate
changes influence on precipitation and water balance. This research focuses on
the definition of p
When estimating groundwater recharge in karstified and fractured aquifers
it’s important to take into consideration, that they differ from porous aquifers
by inhomogeneities of their hydraulic properties because of the great variance
of infiltrati
An available free groundwater were classified
hydrochemical, and determined its fitting for general uses in a part
of Damascus's Ghouta, which suffers water deficiency, where the
study carried out on groundwater samples taken from 20 wells
Wadi Huraira Basin is considered one of the left boundary basins to
Barada at Kafer Al-Awameed. It extends to an estimated area north-east and
south-west about 56 square kilometers. It is bounded Bisan Basin and Madaya
Mountains Basin from the fro