أجريت هذه الدراسة على 30 عينة مياه جوفية، موزعة على أغلب التشكيلات الكريتاسية في منطقة الدراسة. بهدف تحديد منشأ و نوع هذه المياه و تقييمها لأغراض الري و الشرب.
بينت هذه الدراسة أن عينات المياه الجوفية المأخوذة ليست ذات منشأ واحد، و لكنها ذات نمط هيدروكيميائي واحد، هو النمط الهيدروكربوناتي، مع وجود 4 مجموعات من الأملاح المتشكلة. أظهرت هذه الدراسة، كذلك، أن مياه جميع العينات صالحة للري، أما لأغراض الشرب فقد تبين أن العينات المأخوذة من (بشونا، المتن، المران، كفر دبيل، قصابين) صالحة للشرب، أما بقية العينات فهي غير صالحة للشرب بسبب الزيادة في تركيز شاردة الكالسيوم عن الحد المسموح به. أما العينة المأخوذة من (عين قطعة) فقد لوحظ فيها زيادة في تركيز شاردتي البيكربونات و البوتاسيوم، و قد تجاوزت قيم تركيز هذه الشوارد الحد المسموح به حسب المواصفات القياسية السورية لمياه الشرب.
This study conducted on 30 sample of ground water, spreaded over most of the Cretaceous formations in the studied area, in order to determine origin and quality of water and evaluate it for the purposes of irrigation and drinking.
The study showed that samples taken are not of the same origin, but of the same hydrochemical type of hydrocarbons. Four sets of formed salts also detected. All samples of this study were valid for irrigation water. The samples taken from Bchuna, Al-Matn, Al- Maran, Kafrdabel, Kassaben sites were safe for drinking, the rest of the samples were not because of the increase of calcium ions concentration. The sample of Ain-Kataa site had an increase in concentration of bicarbonate and potassium ions. An exceeded concentration of the limit of these electrolytes values for drinking water according to the Syrian Standard Specificationswas noticed.
References used
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PONIKAROV, V. P; KOZLOV, V. V; ARTEMOVE, A. V. and KALIS, A. F. The geology of Syria. Explanatory Notes on the Geological Map of Syria, scale 1:200 000, sheets I-37-XIII, I-36-XVIII (Trablus, Homs). Ministry of Industry, S.A.R, 1966
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Groundwater Samples were collected from seven locations distributed in
Lattakiabasin during the winter and summer seasons of 2013.All samples were treated
chemically and calculated statistically to evaluate the quality of the studied water and its
This study was carried out in AL-Querdaha Sheet, in the north and center of the coastal chain in northwestern Syria, in order to determine the spread and model of dolomitization in the region due to its importance (scientific and economic), three str
This paper deals with a geochemical study of radioactive elements (uranium, thorium, and potassium) in rocks of different composition within the Latakia sheet, where the concentration of radioactive isotopes 238U, 232 Th, 40K was determined using a
An available free groundwater were classified
hydrochemical, and determined its fitting for general uses in a part
of Damascus's Ghouta, which suffers water deficiency, where the
study carried out on groundwater samples taken from 20 wells
Cretaceous formations have been studied in number of wells at Al_Daww depression
by taking /57/ crashed samples for preps of studying their content of fossils of Foraminifers
and Ostracoda, study of Ostracoda reveals their important beside the fora