حوض وادي هريرة إحدى الحويضات اليسرى الرافدة لنهر بردى عند بلدة كفر
العواميد، يمتد بمحور شمالي شرقي- جنوبي غربي، على مساحة تقدر بنحو
56 )كم 2، يحده من الشمال حويضة بيسان و حويضات جبال مضايا، و من الشرق )
حويضتا بيسان و وادي مهدي، و يشترك الأخير مع حويضتا أبو سالم و وادي اللوز في
رسم الحدود الجنوبية، في حين يشكل نهر بردى الحد الغربي للحوض.
Wadi Huraira Basin is considered one of the left boundary basins to
Barada at Kafer Al-Awameed. It extends to an estimated area north-east and
south-west about 56 square kilometers. It is bounded Bisan Basin and Madaya
Mountains Basin from the from the north, and from the east both of Bisan and
Wadi Mahadi Basins; whereas the later shares forming the southern boundaries
with both of Abou Salem and Wadi Alawaz; whereas, Barada River forms the
western boundary of Wadi Huraira Basin.
References used
Ahnert, F, (1998).Introduction to geomorphology the Holddes Healince Group London
Azor, A & Keller, E & Yeats, R; (2003): Geomorphic indicators of active fold growth: South Mountain- Oak Ridge anticline Ventura basin, south- -ern California
Dade .W.B;(2001): Multiple Scales in River Basin Morphology, AJS, vol 301
The basin of Al-Kandeel Valley represents one of the basins of
western northern area's mountains in the Syrian Arab Republic which is
situated just like the axe in the eastern northern and western southern
direction covering approximately 155km2 w
This research define and study geomorphological properties of the Karstic spring
nameled “Al Gamka” , characterized one of seasonal springs that flux up as “fontain” .
For this issue, we achieved a detailed geological and geomorphological Study in
The objective of this article is describing the changes of the coastline shape during
the time period extended between 1973-2014.
the coastal zone is very special because it occur at the interface between the three
major natural systems at the ear
This research define and study geomorphological properties of the Karstic Polje,
located in the southern parts of the coastal area “Beerat Aljerd and Ein alshams rgeons”
For this issue, we have used “ G I S” Technology to clarify properties and pla
Groundwater Samples were collected from seven locations distributed in
Lattakiabasin during the winter and summer seasons of 2013.All samples were treated
chemically and calculated statistically to evaluate the quality of the studied water and its