تعد الصناعات النسيجية من الصناعات المهمة و العريقة في سورية، و هي قديمة منذ عهد بعيد، حيث اشتهرت منطقة بلاد الشام بها، و من أشهر أنواعها ( الدامسكو و البروكار ) التي انتشرت في أنحاء العالم، علماً أن هذه الصناعة هي محصلة لصناعات متعددة تبدأ من الغزل ثم النسيج و الصباغة و الخياطة للمنتج النهائي.
تعد الصباغة أهم حلقة في هذه الصناعة لأنَّها تعطي المنتج رونقاً و تمايزاً يتماشى مع الأذواق المتعددة و تغيرات الموضة, و هي صناعة فنية و علمية دقيقة تحتاج إلى مهارات عالية و يد عاملة كبيرة نسبياً.
إن الهدف من هذا البحث هو دراسة الضجيج (Noise) الناتج عن الآلات في ثلاث شركات للصباغة و تحضير الأقمشة من خلال قياس مستويات الضجيج بمقياس معتمد، و مقارنة نتائج القياس بالمقاييس العالمية لمعرفة سويات الضجيج التي يتعرض لها العاملون في المنشآت الصناعية و وضع الاقتراحات الضرورية لتخفيض هذه المستويات.
Textile industries are very important in Syria. Sham Countries are known with it, and the most famous
kinds of it are: Damsko and Brokar, that spread in the world. This industry is a result of many industries
starting, from spinning then fabric and dyeing and sewing for the final product. Dyeing is an important
phase in this industry, because it offers to the product its beauty and specialty that comes with many
gestations and the changes of fashion and style, and it's an artistic and scientific industry that needs high
skills and numerous staff for work and operating.
The purpose of this research is to study noise caused by machines in three companies working in dyeing
and preparing clothes, by measuring noise levels with anchor equipment and comparing the results to
international standards in order to estimate the amount of dosages that workers in industrial
establishments face, and to come up with recommendation to reduce noise levels.
References used
بحي الحسين: الصوت في بيئة العمل.
BellhAR, L.H., Fundamentals of Industrial Noise Control. New York: Harmony Publications, 1989
حمد رشيد الشربجي: ديناميك الآلات والاهتزازات, جامعة دمشق, 1988.
Food Industries are among the most important and ancient industries in Syria. The most famous kinds of
it are: Yogurt and cheese industries, biscuit and juice industries.
Food industries' factories are special because of its many production lines a
This research is based on the use of different types of mineral
mordants, mineral salts, in the dyeing process using the aqueous
extract of eucalyptus leaves. The used mordants are aluminum
potassium sulphate, copper sulphate, iron sulphate and mi
We have studied the attenuation of the surface rapid magnetic waves in the sun resulting from solar radiation and collisions and their role in heating the layers of the chromosphere and the corona of the sun, considering that this damping may be one
In this paper, A random modeling has been performed for
gyroscopes' components noise in unit measurements inertial
Crossbow IMU400CD MEMS by Alan Variance. Three random
components were discriminated in the noise sensors in addition to
the estimat
Determination of infertility cause and the quality of sperms in semen are the
most important factors when we want to choose the suitable method of therapy
of assisted reproduction techniques, which has been proven to be the most
effective method t