يتناول هذا البحث التحول الذي بات يلاحظ في مفهوم حق تقرير المصير تحت تأثير تزايد الاهتمام بقضايا الديمقراطية و حقوق الإنسان و ما يرافقها من عولمة متنامية لمشكلاتها، و على رأسها تلك الناشئة عن علاقة الأقليات العرقية أو الدينية مع حكومات دولها الأم التي باتت ترتفع في كثير منها
أصواتاً تنادي بالتوجه نحو منح تلك الأقليات حق الانفصال و إضفاء شرعية القانون الدولي العام على مثل هذا الانفصال تحت عنوان حق تقرير المصير، و هو ما دفع بعض الفقهاء و الباحثين للتحول في مفهوم هذا الحق من حقيقة كونه آلية دولية أُريد بها تحقيق استقلال الدول الواقعة تحت نير الاستعمار و ضمان مباشرتها لسيادتها الكاملة على ترابها الوطني إلى وسيلة لتسوية صراعات داخلية تخوضها بعض الأقليات مع حكومات بلدانها، الأمر الذي يتطلب إلقاء الضوء على هذا التحول و بيان مدى انسجامه مع مفهوم حق تقرير المصير و مضمونه، مع دراسة لحالة معاصرة من تلك الحالات، ألا و هي انفصال جنوب السودان لإضفاء قدر من الحيوية على البحث و نتائجه .
This paper deals with the transition, which is noted in the concept of the right to selfdetermination
under the influence of the increasing interest in the issues of
democracy and human rights and the accompanying growing globalization of
problems, And notably those arising from the relationship of ethnic or religious
minorities with the governments of its mother, which is now rising in many voices
calling to go towards the prevention of such minorities the right to secession and
legitimize public international law on such a separation under the title of the right to
self-determination , This prompted some scholars and researchers for a shift in the
concept of this right from the fact that he want international mechanism to achieve
the independence of States under the yoke of colonialism and to ensure undertaken
to full sovereignty over its national territory to a means of settling internal conflicts
waged by some minorities with the governments of its countries Which requires to
shed light on this transformation and its compatibility statement with the concept
and content of the right to self-determination, with the study of the contemporary
situation of those cases, namely the secession of southern Sudan to give as much
vitality to the research and its results
References used
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The constitutions of many countries of the world until recently included
traditional rights and freedoms, without paying attention to the
emergence of new rights imposed by human activities in his life, the
most important right to the environment, the right to the environment
was not among the constitutional rights mentioned, Its domestic
legislation on the occasion of its application to the laws of
environmental protection, but with the international and regional
attention to the right to the environment, many constitutions of
comparative countries have recently moved to recognize the principle of
the right of the individual in an appropriate environment.
The eddies at the Egyptian and the Middle East coasts are generated by the instability of the surface circulation (AW: Atlantic Water). For describing these eddies, a lot of satellite images (SST: Sea Surface Temperature) have been treated and analyz
The right of defense can be considered as natural rights, and the most important fair
trial guarantees. It is also an inherent right at the center of public individual rights. It has
not only created in favor of the individual but also for the bene
This research provided an analytical study of Two basic variables Which are cost and
revenue in railway transport Institution, based on the laws relating to the rail system. The
researcher found that different Syrian railways standard gauge railway
In the present study, we tried to compare the sensitivity and the specificity
of the rK39 strips and DAT, to serodiagnose the visceral leishmaniasis disease
in some endemic villages in south of Syria, in order to apply the best and the
easy test i