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The Relationship Between International Monetary Fund and World Trade Organization: Are They Complementary or Contradictory?

العلاقة بين صندوق النقد الدولي و منظمة التجارة العالمية: تكامل أم تناقض؟

2915   5   77   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2012
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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There are several aspects of the relationship between International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Trade Organization (WTO). Although of the overlapping matters which they concern with, as the IMF concerns with exchange matters, where as the WTO cares to liberalizing of international trade, nevertheless, it seems they are tangled in details. So, it is difficult to separate international trade fromexchange matters. This research deals with the relationship between IMF andWTO through three points: First point responses to the question: what are the legal bases of relationship between IMF and WTO? The second one focuses on differences in scope and exercise of jurisdiction, in order to clarify that the purposes of the WTO and the IMF are complementary, although they are asymmetrical organizations. Third point searches on homogeneous rights and obligations in both organizations, especially as to Articles of WTO’s Agreements which relate to IMF’s jurisdiction, such as exchange restrictions in the GATT and in the GATS. ...

References used
AHN (Dukgeun), Linkages Between International Financial and Trade Institutions: IMF, World Bank and WTO, Journal of World Trade, Aug. 2000
AUBOIN (Marc), Fulfilling the Marrakesh Mandate on Coherence: Ten Years of Cooperation between the WTO, IMF and World Bank, WTO DISCUSSION PAPER NO 13., Printed by the WTO Secretariat - 6006.07, 2007
(COLLINS (David), Efficient Breach, Reliance and Contract Remedies at the WTO, Journal of World Trade 43, No. 2 (2009
rate research

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يعد التشاور بين صندوق النقد الدولي (الصندوق) و منظمة التجارة العالمية (المنظمة) موضوعاً تتفاعل فيه هاتان المؤسستان الدوليتان. و يثير هذا البحث تساؤلاً عن: هل تكون عملية التشاور حقاً لهاتين المؤسستين أم لإحداهما، أم التزاماً مترتباً عليهما أم على إحدا هما. و قد عولج الموضوع من خلال بندين رئيسين، تناول أولهما النظام القانوني للتشاور بين الصندوق و المنظمة، إذ حدد الأساس القانوني للتشاور من جهة، و القيمة القانونية له من جهة أخرى. أما البند الثاني فقد عولجت فيه قضيتان عرضتا أمام قضاء المنظمة، انطوتا على مسائل في صميم اختصاص الصندوق، إحداهما (قضية الرسوم على الواردات التي فرضتها الأرجنتين) و أثيرت فيها مشروطية الصندوق، و ثانيتهما (قضية ميزان المدفوعات الهندية) التي أقيمت ضد الهند لفرضها قيوداً كمية بسبب وضع ميزان مدفوعاتها. في كلتا القضيتين كانت فرق تسوية النزاعات مطالبةً بالتشاور مع الصندوق. لكن فرق التسوية اتخذت مواقف مختلفة حيال مسألة التشاور.
تأثير التعامل الاقتصادي مع الدول المحيطة والاتحاد الاوروبي على حكة البضائع الزراعية وأثر ذلك على الميزان التجاري
The existence of the Arabs in Africa extends deeply in history. In fact, there are many theorems to trace when Arabs arrived at Africa. These theorems vary depending on the way we want to define who Arabs are. In addition, the humanitarians' dimensio ns in international relations are in themselves rather vague because such interpretation is not agreed upon in both western and international law especially in relation to Arab and African situations. There is no doubt that international relations, especially neighbourhood relations, are not as they are supposed to be. In fact, these relations are completely oriented by maintaining interest, ignoring morals, which results in replacing intimacy with resentment. It is true that Westerns succeeded in contaminating Arab-African relations to extent of hostility. The can be attributed to the cooperation between Arabs and Africans is completely controlled by the political moods rather than on true mutual interest. This fluctuating mood has led to the absence of common vision to face challenges. Therefore the necessity demands taking practical action not merely wishes and words to create a new regional cooperation for the human good. This cooperation should result in developing bordering cities economically, culturally, and at humanitarian level. There is also a need to boost up financial aids to be as or exceed the western financial aids, which make people less dependent on Western and rebuild historical relations and revive ties of kinship between regional countries. All this in the context of a humanitarian status-strong neighbor and good neighborliness. ...
International terrorism is considered a serious problem in the international community which can be used for political purposes and to put pressure on countries. In the Middle East in particular, and in the light of sharp conflicts, the internation al community gave this issue special attention and adopted several treaties and agreements under the supervision of UN and other regional and religious organizations, such as the Organization of Islamic Conference. The study aims at presenting the discrepancy between Islam and terrorism in addition to challenging and denying the unfair charge that terrorism is linked to Islam. We will discuss in our study the phenomenon of terrorism in accordance with the Organization of the Islamic Conference Treaty and show the definition of the crime of terrorism and its cornerstones and penalty owed by linking this topic to the terrorism experienced by Syria and practiced by terrorist groups disguised by takfiri extremist ideas which are definitely unrelated to Islam.
This paper tries to examine the relationship between analogy and the grammatical rule. Analogy is one of the basic principles and bases of Arabic grammar during times of rule formation and judging it. Linguists were divided in their attitude to ana logy, with some supporting it and others against it. Grammarians were more inclined toward analogy than compilers, because grammarians’ research was based on the existing similarity between words, phrases, and style used in speech reported by tellers of what had been said by the Arabs. They based their rules and origins of analogy on that similarity. Analogists transliterated some foreign terms, Arabized, and derived new words out of them in a manner similar to that done with Arabic terms. However, some grammarians went very far in their excessive use of analogy to the extent that it becomes far removed from linguistic reality to be a form riddle and guessing, leading to reaction against analogy then against grammar. Analogy became an end in itself; it overlooked its original purpose; was then manifested in rule formation of words said spontaneously.
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