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The Summability Of Derived Fourier Series and Its Conjugate By Nörlund Method

قابلية جمع مشتقة متسلسلة فورييه و مرافقتها بطريقة نيورلند

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 Publication date 2015
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Various types of criteria, under varying conditions, for the Nörlund summability of the derived fourier series have been previously obtainedby Hille and Tamarkin (1932), Astrachan (1936) and Prasad and Siddiqi (1950). In this paper quite a different and general type of criterion for the summability of the derived fourier series has been obtained. Where we shall consider a function f(x) of bounded variation integrable in the sense of Lebesgue, and periodic.

References used
LAL,S YADAV,P 2002 Matrix Summability Of The Conjugate Series Of Derived Fourier Series Tamkang Journal Of Mathematics Vol . 33 . 35-43
TRIPATHI,L PRASAD,B 1963 On The Norlund Summability Of The Derived Fourier Series Department Of Mathematics 548-555
Varshney,P 1961 On The Matrix Summability Of The Derived Fourier Series Bollettion Unione Matematica Italiana Vol . 16 . 379-382
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Let f be a periodic function and integrable, in thesense of Lebesgue.In this paper, quite new theorems on almost Matrix summability of Fourier series and its conjugate have been established. our study generalizes all previously known results of this line of work
في هذا البحث نقوم بدراسة قابلية جمع متسلسلة فورييه ( و تدعى معاملات فورييه ), و ذلك بالطريقة المصفوفية. سيتم عرض هذه الطريقة من خلال مبرهنة مع إثباتها, و لكن بعد وضع التعاريف و المفاهيم الأساسية اللازمة لذلك.
تعد متسلسلات فورييه المثلثية إحدى الدراسات الهامة في التحليل الحديث وقد برزت هذه المتسلسلات لاول مرة عند دراسة العالم برنوبي للأوتار المهتزة عام (1753)
We will first introduce the basic ingredient of Fourier methods in section 1, then we will do some analysis on the Fourier approximation, in the last section, we will apply the Fourier method to solve some ODEs . we will write Matlab code for num erical result .
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