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الحركة الخرمية في العصر العباسي علاقاتها، آثارها

2952   15   103   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2015
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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References used
بيطار (أمينة): تاريخ العصر العباسي، دمشق، مطبوعات جامعة دمشق، 2009.
الخضري بك (محمد): محاضرات تاريخ الأمم الإسلامية (الدولة العباسية)، تحقيق: محمد العثماني، بيروت، دار القلم، 1986
رستم (أسد): الروم في سياستهم و حضارتهم و دينهم و ثقافتهم و صلاتهم بالعرب، لبنان، دار الكشوف، 1955م.
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Women shared men in the cultural aspects of life during the Abbasid ear, by proving to be famous poets and authors. A group of women were very creative in poetry through its various topics, such as praise, criticism and other topics. In Prose, wo men expressed their wide background knowledge especially in two main areas in prose: the art of personal correspondence and the art of dedication. Women's contribution in the field of literature during the Abbasid time, was actually a reflection of their interaction with the cultural background of that era and an attempt for meeting the needs to be open to the new civilisation arid a reflection of the ability to mingle with other types of art in all fields. Women's contribution therefore is an indication of their mental and intellectual potentials and the prominent role they played by that time to give in the end a good example through their genuine literature and writing..
This study aims to highlight the Abbasid court ceremony as it represents all forms of physical and symbols, customs and norms that reflect the power of the Abbasid caliph.vkd study addressed the the palaces of the caliphs and what the purpose of An chaehabaladafah to talk about style any dress caliphs who represents the greatness of king Alabasi kzlk study showed the presence of other manifestations annexed power represented Bisharat caliphate and the King,which developed and updated by the Abbasids Kalqdab and burda Media virtue of openness to all the Sasanian and Byzantine civilizations and even Islamic.
The Arabs have introduced an important contribution in the history of communication, usually ignored, and that was the development of paper in the eighth century A.D. on the hands of the Abbasid's dynasty which ruled Baghdad. By applying the histo rical communication theory, one can see paper’s great impact, not only on Arabs and Moslems, but Europe and the rest of the World in general.
تغيرت الحياة الاجتماعية و السياسية و الاقتصادية و الفكرية في العصر العباسي الأول، فدفعت كثيرًا من الشعراء إلى التمرد و الإحساس بالاغتراب، لذا برزت هذه الظواهر بروزًا جليًا في أشعارهم. و قد اختارت هذه الورقة نماذج من تلك الأشعار، لتدرسها و تكشف أبع ادها، أما أضرب التمرد التي عالجتها -الورقة- فهي: ١. التمرد الفني. ٢. التمرد الاجتماعي. ٣. التمرد الديني. ٤. التمرد النفسي. ٥. التمرد الوجودي و القبلي.
This study aims to highlight the external influences that contributed to the enrichment of Arab Islamic culture through translation, which was one of the most important means of intellectual transmission among different peoples throughout the ages through the opening of the Abbasid state to the heritage of the former nations, whether the heritage of peoples under the control of the Abbasid state Neighboring peoples, such as the Greek, Indian and Chinese, became a general culture of society in which all social, economic, political and cultural groups participated. The impact and impact of Islamic civilization on other civilizations was clear, whether scientific, linguistic, economic and other influences. The study dealt with the factors of the emergence and prosperity of the translation movement in addition to the ways in which Muslims relied on translation and the centers that contributed to the reproduction of translators. The study also explained the efforts of the Abbasid caliphs in the translation process, with an emphasis on the efforts of the Caliph al-Ma'mun. Finally, the study showed the influence of civilizations in Islamic civilization represented in the renaissance of science and its prosperity, such as philosophy, mathematical sciences, astronomy, geography and medicine.
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