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Monitoring TheLevel Of Some Ions inThe Water Of Some Investors Wells Adjacent to ALSHAMALY ALKEBIR River in Lattakia

مراقبة مستوى بعض الشوارد في مياه بعض الآبار السطحية المحاذية لمجرى نهر الكبير الشمالي في محافظة اللاذقية

1649   1   16   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2012
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Given to the danger of chemical pollution in general and in Surface water wells in agricultural and populated areas, we carried out a scientific study to measure the existence level of some metal ions in distributed water wells within environment villages (SitGers, RuwaysatHarash, Bdmeon) and to monitor changes in their values as an indicator of the rate of chemical pollution in the study area due to existing activities. Research has included analyzes monthly periodical physical chemical to invested wells of villages (SitGers, RuwaysatHarash, Bdmeon) in Lattakia over the full year starting from November 2010 untilOctober 2011 with two wells selected from each village in the study, The study included identification pH , electrical conductivity , temperature and set of negative electrolytes (nitrate NO3-,phosphatePO4-3, sulfateSO4-2) in addition to positive electrolytes (ammoniumNH4+,potassiumK+), The recorded Values for the studied ions varied during the study months to the same wells, due to existing activities, especially the agricultural and climatic conditions that prevailed during the sampling dates. The recorded results show the existence cases of chemical contamination in studied water wells portend a lot of environmental and health risks, especially that most of these wells water used for drinking and irrigation together.

References used
American public Health Association (APHA):Standard methods for the Examination of water and waste water 18Edition .U.S.A.1992,566P
Barrett,M.H. Characteristics of UrbanGroundWater.In Urban Ground Water Pollution .Aabalkem a publishers,The Nether Lands,2004 ,PP29-51
BenjamainNgounonNgatchaa and DjoretDairab.Nitrate pollution in ground water in two selected areas from Cameroon and Chad in the lake Chad basin, Received 16 February 2009 ;accepted in revised from 3 March 2009 .Available on line 4 January 2010
C.k.SHARMA.Chemical pollution of the soil and ground water in the Kingdom of Nepal ,Ground water Monitoring and Management(proceedings of the Dresden symposium ,March,1987
rate research

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This study deals with the determination of total mercury concentration in the water taken from three sites on Al-Kabeer Al-Shemaly River ( near the industrial area and Al- Damat Lake, and 16 Tishreen Lake), also the effect of some physio-chemical p arameters including: DO, pH, T °C. of water in the three sites was studied. Results showed that the total mercury concentration was low in general, where the medium concentration in the three studied sites was 0.29 ppb and it was less than the permission level of total mercury in the surface water(> 10 ppb), the higher value of the medium concentration of total mercury(0.35, 0.31, 0.21)ppb was recorded in the Industrial Area, Damat Lake, then 16 Tishreen Lake, respectively. For the changes in the total concentration of mercury in the three studied sites during seasons of a year, was higher in Summer comparing with other seasons. The results showed positive correlation coefficient between the total mercury concentration and temperature, pH value, but it was negative with DO in Summer.
This research was carried out during 2014 - 2015. The research aimd to describe some chemical characteristics of the river's water used for irrigation, chemically compare it with the Syrian Standards Specifications in terms of salt quantity and qua lity and Cd and B concentrations, water samples were taken from four observation points along the river: A (domestic), B (industrial), C (mixed) and D (estuary), also Soil samples from the river edges were also analyzed. The findings revealed that the EC value in B was 0.61 mg/l i.e. less than those of others, with significant difference 0.72, 0.74, 0.73 mg/l, respectively. The study also showed a significant increase in B and C concentration by 0.48 and 0.49 mg/l, respectively, compared with A and D by 0.4 mg/l each. A significant increase in Cd concentration was noticed for B, C and D by 0.73, 0.88 and 0.75 mg/l vs. A 0.67 mg/l. However, Cd concentration in the river water in all seasons and sites was excessive and higher than the permissible limit for water discharge into seas estimated at 0.05 mg/l, whereas the other parameters were lower than the permissible limits according to the Syrian Standards. The effect of water pollution on soil showed a significant increase in EC for B by 1.01 dS/m than others. The increase was also more significant in subsurface layer than surface one by 0.45 and 0.62 dS/m, respectively. In addition, the findings demonstrated a significant increase in Cd for C (2.67 mg/kg) than other points. The increase in Cd concentration was more significant in the surface layer (2.648 mg/kg) than the subsurface one (2.631 mg/kg), and this concentration was lower than the normal range of soil content from Cd (3 ppm).
The big value of dams in the Syrian coast comes from using them for irrigation and sometimes as source of potable water. This study aimed to determine some chemical indicators of water quality in Lattakia dams during ten years (2002-2011). The conce ntrations of ions (Cl-1, SO4-2, NO2-1, NO3-1, PO4-3, K+1, Na+1) in five dams (Balloran, 16 Tishreen, Al-thawra, Alsafarkia and Alhweez) were studied. The results indicated that most of the ions showed significant difference in concentrations during 2002-2011.The ions concentrations in most studied dams increased. The increase related to characteristics of dams (location, capacity, the activities located around the dam…).
This study was conducted to determine the chemical and physical analysis of two important water sources in the coastal erea, namely: Northern Elkabeer river and Balloran Dam. The study took a year and a half starting from June ١٩٩٩. The temperatu re the cations and the anions were periodically determined in three sites selected along the river bed. Results showed, that there are a large variations in the concentrations of the studied elements, in both water sources. The same variations were also observed among the three defined sites of the same source according to the ruling climatic factors during the year. The increase in the concentrations of most of chemical elements in water source was observed when the temerature increased. These concentrations generally reach the highest value in the latest Summer and the beginning of Autumn. It was shown that the impact of the biogeochemical factors namely: rainfall and floods, the water drianing from soils and the effect of agricultural and in dustrial waste - water became clear . According to the international and Syrian standards of water chimical qualities, the water of Balloran Dam and ١٦ Tishreen Dam can be used for drinking and irrigation purposes. While water of the tow studied sites on the Elkabeer river can only be used for irrigoation.
Six water stations were chosen along the lower reach section of AlKebir ALShimaly river and some of it's tributaries, differing in their biotic and abiotic features. Water and animal samples were collected bimonthly during spring, summer & autumn a nd monthly during winter during the period 25/8/2013 – 26/8/2014. Seventeen species of freshwater molluscs were identified in all stations, fifteen belonging to Gastropoda (6 of Prosobranchia & 9 of Pulmonata) and 2 belonging to Bivalvia, one of it (Corbicula fluminea) was recorded for the first time in Syrian Arab Republic. We focused on in this study on the station ( Mafraq Quesmeen) that we studied it's chemical and physical properties of the water and we identified 11 mollusc species and the most frequency of it was Melanopsis praemorsa and it's frequency rate was 46.48% and it was the most constant in all continuous samples and it was 100%
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