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The American-Zionist Project and its Implications for the Arab World

المشروع الصهيوني-الأمريكي و تداعياته على الوطن العربي

1954   3   420   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2015
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This project is a Zionist-American update of those projects which have been developed and planned by the Colonial and Zionist departments, which were designed to separate the bright Arab world for western parts, by planting the Zionist entity in the heart of the Arab world, and after a series of conventions and treaties that paved the way for carrying out such as the Convention Sykes-Picot colonial in 1916 and the Balfour Declaration in 1917. Thus, what is happening in the Arab world cannot be separated from the scheme of the US-Zionist-Western European targets to penetrate the Arab region as a whole, in order to synthesize weak statelets which would be easy to control, and thus plunder the riches and capabilities of the Arabs, and to ensure the security "of Israel." In addition, it also reached the objectives of those countries working towards the fragmentation and occupation of the Arab world, as well as the elimination of governments and nationalist parties, thus ending the national project and the Arab system. One of the tools, or the colonial scenarios, posed to achieve this by the owners of the American-Zionist project is to hit the kind of gender in the Arab region, whether sectarian, ethnic or national. And thus ignite sectarian wars and civil between the components of the Arab community until you return the peoples of the region to the pre-national state, which leads to spread chaos and unrest and insecurity, leading to serious implications and repercussions of the disastrous walks of life, different cultural, political, social, economic and others. What progress allows the right climate for the division and fragmentation of the Arab states towards the character of a sectarian and nationalist and sectarian and ethnic, and thus draw a new map for the Arab region to serve the interests of the colonial powers? This climate of chaos gives justifications and arguments of the States project owners a Zionist-American intervention in the affairs of Arab countries, and the violation of their sovereignty and control over their own resources, whether oil or gas, or take advantage of its strategic location in ways to control global trade. ...

References used
الجاسور: ناظم عبد الواحد الجاسور. الأمة العربية و مشاريع التفتيت. دار الأهلية-عمان 1998/ط1
الجراد: خلف الجراد، العرب في الاستراتيجية الأمريكية. دار التكوين-دمشق2007
أحمد: يوسف أحمد، العرب و تحديات النظام الشرق أوسطي، مجلة المستقبل العربي، العدد 179 . تاريخ كانون الثاني 1994
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American foreign policy is closely related to domestic politics, and is influenced by many official institutions And informal, at the level of foreign decision-makers, the White House, represented by the President and his advisers, foreign ministers, the Ministry of Defense, and the US Congress, plays an influential role in directing and implementing American foreign policy, and interest and pressure groups, led by the Zionist lobby, play a major role in influencing these institutions. Relations between the United States of America and the Zionist entity went through several stages, in which the Zionist lobby played an extreme and influential role in the orientations of American policy towards the Arab-Zionist conflict in the Middle East before the declaration of the Zionist entity in1948 until now. The American strategy has met with the Israeli strategic role in the Middle East, which can achieve American interests through mutual agreement on many principles such as preserving the security of the Zionist entity and pressure on Arab countries to recognize it and classify the United States of America as a major ally of the Zionist entity and secure states' access United and its allies on oil supplies in the Middle East. Syria being one of the Arab countries and within the countries of the Middle East was the focus of attention of the United States of America and the Zionist entity in particular Through this study, we are trying to clarify the role of this lobby in incitement and the recent war on Syria and the interests and gains that the Zionist entity has achieved from this war.
Being a hybrid, hyphenated literature, Arab-American Literature, which attempts to articulate the identity of its producer, exhibits wide ranging references to its Arabic and Islamic background. Surveying a vast corpus of Arab-American writings, t he present paper demonstrates the overwhelming presence of Arabic and Islamic culture in such writings, discussing its various textual forms and, thus, confirming the Arabic component of Arab-American identity.
After the research and study conducted about the Zionist Lobby in the United States, we've come to the conclusion that the Zionist Lobby is one of the most organized, funded and pervasive lobbies in American society. This makes it stronger and more effective and the impact on the decision-making in the United States. This enabled the Zionist Lobby to exploit the abilities and potential and influence to serve the Zionist entity, as well as his quest to associate the Israeli interests with the supreme interests of the USA. Therefore, the United States' duty to do everything that would maintain the existence and sustainability of "Israel", through supporting it politically, economically and militarily. Indeed, this is evident when we look at the biased American attitude, in favor of Israel in relation to the issue of Arab- Israeli conflict and the peace process in the Middle East. This prompted many observers and political analysts to say that the American foreign policy is the policy of the "Israeli" par excellence.
The (Middle Eastern) project is a mainly and Zionism call aims to dissolve the Islamic and the Arabic identities in a new identity to be consistent with the identity of the Zionism. While the (Great Middle East) is an American term that in addition to the aim of dissolving the Arabic and the Islamic identities in a new identity depending only on geography, aims also to give the United States the major role in the region. The importance of the study is to clarify that the Middle Eastern project aims to obliterate the Arab identity and to demises of the Arab system of units by melting the Arab countries in an economical, political and security Middle Eastern arrangements.
This research sheds light on a cultural problem, the contemporary researchers consider as one of the most important problems that contributed to the disintegration of cultural and cognitvevariation in our Arab society that revolves around identifying the cultural identity of this community through the relationship between the old cultural heritage of our society with the contemporary cultural heritage. For this reason, we tried very hard to observe the importance of Arab cultural heritage for the Arab intellectuals who raised the banner of the Islamic Arab Renaissance. They point out, in this context, divergent positions of these thinkers of the heritage among Salafi stream strongly advocates adherence to heritage and benefit from it, the contemporary stream calls to go about European modern thinking and go away from the heritage, and the third stream calls for taking cultural and cognitive aspects of the right of the Salafi and contemporary currents -that is, between tradition and modernity with reference to the most important factors that contributed to the failure of the Arab cultural renaissance project.
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