حضرت أفلام رقيقة من TiO2 بطريقة SOL-GELعلى ركائز من الزجاج العادي باستخدام المحاليل الأولية من ثلاثي كلوريد التيتانيوم والأيتانول وهيدروكسيد الصوديوم وحمض كلور الماء والماء المقطر. لدنت الأفلام المحضرة حراريا عند درجات حرارة (500-400-300-200)لمدة ساعة واحدة.درست البنية البلورية للأفلام المحضرة والمعالجة حراريا بتقانة XRD .بينت الدراسة أن الأفلام المحضرة تتبلور وفق البنية البلورية (orthorhombic) . تم حساب ثوابت الشبكة البلورية ووجد أها تتوافق بشكل جيد مع بيانات بنك المعلومات JPCDS ومع بعض الأعمال العلمية.
The thin films of TiO2 were prepared by the Sol-Gel, on glass
subtracts by using the following initial solutions: trichlorethylene
titanium, ethanol, sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid and
distilled water. The films were annealed at temperatures(200- 300-
400-500)c° for 1 hour. The structure of the prepared and annealed
films were studied by XRD. The XRD rusltes showed that the films
prepared crystallize according to orthorhombic Structure.Lattice
constants were calculated and it was found that it was consistent
with the data JPCDS and with some scientific works.
References used
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Samples were prepared in different ways of Al2O3 / CdO and with one specific mole
Al / Cd: 1-0.25 mol, in the wet joint deposition method. - The thermal disintegration
of aluminum nitrate Al(NO3)3.9H2O and Cd(NO3)2.4H2O nitrate, and the reaction of
In the present paper, we discuss the influence of point defects on electrical and
optical characteristics of ZnO thin films grown by the atomic layer deposition (ALD)
method on glass and silicon substrates at low temperature (100°C). Room temperatu
In this research we have prepared thin films from poly vinyl chloride (PVC) by spin
coating technique in three velocities (1000,2000,3000)RPM on glass substrate (Micro
scope cover glass), at room temperature. The absorbance A, and transmittance T f
The study assure heavy effect of harmful machines waste matter on leaves
cell structure of some plants which grow at conditions of Damascus city, were
cause to anormality of cell form and protoplasm degradation. Jasminum is less
effected with pollutants than Citrus aurantium.
The research was conducted on 24 ewes of Awasi sheep. The
animal study were divided into 4 groups each includes six ewes.
The first three groups were injected via variant proportions of
BST hormone ( as serial doses 40 mg, 80 mg, and 120 mg)