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Building Social Accounting Matrix And Using For Analyzing Of Agricultural Subsidies Policies In Syria

بناء مصفوفة الحسابات الاجتماعية واستخدامها في تحليل سياسة الدعم الزراعي في سورية

2090   1   61   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2014
  fields Agrarian Economy
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This research studies the subject of the agricultural subsidies and how the change in it effect on the Syrian economy sectors in general , especially on the agriculture sector to determine suitable policies . It achieves this target by building social accounting matrix for the year 2009 and analyzes its multipliers according to the increasing in agricultural subsidies . This research shows this increase has negative impact on the Syrian economy so the total output, production factors and economic agents incomes will be decreased .

References used
BENEDETTO , R, DONATO, R , RAID , H , 2010-Agriculture .1 Reform And Food Crises In Syria.NAPC, Damascus,Syria,33p
BREISINGER , c , THOMAS , m , THURLOW . j , 2010-Social .2 Accounting Matrix and multiplier analysis . International Food Policy Research Institute ( IFPRI),42p
MACDONALD , K , And Others , 1997- SAM For modeling .3 Agricultural policies. vol 36 , No 4 , 20P
الكواز , أحمد , 2003 - مصفوفة الحسابات الاجتماعية وبعض استخداماتها. منشورات جسر التنمية , المعيد العربي للتخطيط , الكويت , 27.
الكواز , أحمد , 2003 - جداول المدخلات و المخرجات مفاهيم أساسية . منشورات جسر التنمية , المعهد العربي للتخطيط , الكويت, 21.
rate research

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Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM) is a modern method to analyze the polices, it is important to check the net effects of interferences government polices in all commodities affluence steps. This helps in measuring the efficiency of these polices, for a chieving the main objectives, and to evaluate their effects on the producers, consumers, and the whole economy. Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM) depends on the farm budget, that based on returns and costs, these cost divided to tradable inputs and domestic resources. The analysis studied two kind of tomatoes farming system, open summer tomatoes in Dara’a Directorate, and tomatoes under plastic houses in Tortuous Directorate.
The process of soil restoration is one of the most important methods of vertical and horizontal expansion in the agricultural sector; it works to increase the effectiveness of investments on the one hand, and to accelerate mass production on the ot her hand. The processes of reclamating lands include a big number of important procedures that directly affect the utilization of agricultural lands. On top of these procedures come: constructing dams, building modern systems and nets for irrigation and sanitation, reclamating saline soil, protecting soil from drift and erosion, stopping encroachment of desert, settling land slopes, getting rid of stones, building terraces in slopes, drilling artesian wells, improving pastures, and cultivation green belts. The Syrian government developed a multiple-target-agricultural strategy including primarily increasing the reclaimed areas, using modern techniques for irrigation (drip and spray), as well as providing water for irrigation through the construction of several dams. This made the total irrigated area in the country about 1399 thousand hectares in 2011, i.e. about 24.5% of the cultivated land. The percentage of irrigated areas using this method is about 22.4% of the total irrigated area in the country. These actions positively affected the productivity of crops, vegetables and fruit trees, so that the winter irrigated crops reached 5–10 times the non–irrigated crops, and the summer irrigated crops reached 4 times the non–irrigated crops.
This paper addresses the subject of design changes management in the context of a multidisciplinary collaborative Building Information Models (BIM) environment. Within Building projects organization field, This research aims to use change managemen t as tool for design and decision making. The proposed method for the management of design changes depends on both modeling the elements of structure based on BIM and using parameter-based design structure matrix as tool for Change Management in a way that will support the effective flow of information between disciplines, and thus reduces design changes, and will be able to trace a series of successive changes within the BIM environment. This paper offers different necessary models to build the DSM; then they are fed by the information of a commercial building project collected from design engineers. The proposed method represents the various dependencies between the parameters of building and evaluates their impact on the levels of elements, the whole system and subsystems in a way that allows to identify the critical parameters and predict some of the iterative cycles of change to avoid unnecessary rework.
comprehensive planning process for projects and private investment in residential areas and Accessories form One of the main components of the urban planning process to guide the processes of growth and urbanization away from the emergence of forms of growth that’s wrong, and that may be deposited in hazardous and disaster-prone areas. Since the disaster management imperative of sustainable development in all economic, social, political and environmental aspects of factors, it was a must for this administration to be at the heart of all national planning processes and in particular urban planning. As a result, search arrive at a unified model to collect basic realism and results for all the infrastructure and service activities of information, as well as to develop a matrix to identify and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the areas required to be studied according to the classification of all the data required and events urban.
يمثل القطاع الزراعي احد الركائز الرئيسية في تحقيق التنمية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية في سورية إلا أنه يعاني من العديد من المشكلات أهمها ضآلة الدخول الزراعية وبالتالي قصور عملية التمويل الذاتي عند المزارعين .
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