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Automatic rule generation for time expression normalization

توليد القاعدة التلقائي لتطبيع التعبير

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The understanding of time expressions includes two sub-tasks: recognition and normalization. In recent years, significant progress has been made in the recognition of time expressions while research on normalization has lagged behind. Existing SOTA normalization methods highly rely on rules or grammars designed by experts, which limits their performance on emerging corpora, such as social media texts. In this paper, we model time expression normalization as a sequence of operations to construct the normalized temporal value, and we present a novel method called ARTime, which can automatically generate normalization rules from training data without expert interventions. Specifically, ARTime automatically captures possible operation sequences from annotated data and generates normalization rules on time expressions with common surface forms. The experimental results show that ARTime can significantly surpass SOTA methods on the Tweets benchmark, and achieves competitive results with existing expert-engineered rule methods on the TempEval-3 benchmark.

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This paper tries to examine the relationship between analogy and the grammatical rule. Analogy is one of the basic principles and bases of Arabic grammar during times of rule formation and judging it. Linguists were divided in their attitude to ana logy, with some supporting it and others against it. Grammarians were more inclined toward analogy than compilers, because grammarians’ research was based on the existing similarity between words, phrases, and style used in speech reported by tellers of what had been said by the Arabs. They based their rules and origins of analogy on that similarity. Analogists transliterated some foreign terms, Arabized, and derived new words out of them in a manner similar to that done with Arabic terms. However, some grammarians went very far in their excessive use of analogy to the extent that it becomes far removed from linguistic reality to be a form riddle and guessing, leading to reaction against analogy then against grammar. Analogy became an end in itself; it overlooked its original purpose; was then manifested in rule formation of words said spontaneously.

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