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Are BERTs Sensitive to Native Interference in L2 Production?

هل تنعسل بيرت للتدخل الأصلي في إنتاج L2؟

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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With the essays part from The International Corpus Network of Asian Learners of English (ICNALE) and the TOEFL11 corpus, we fine-tuned neural language models based on BERT to predict English learners' native languages. Results showed neural models can learn to represent and detect such native language impacts, but multilingually trained models have no advantage in doing so.

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The use of transfer learning in Natural Language Processing (NLP) has grown over the last few years. Large, pre-trained neural networks based on the Transformer architecture are one example of this, achieving state-of-theart performance on several co mmonly used performance benchmarks, often when finetuned on a downstream task. Another form of transfer learning, Multitask Learning, has also been shown to improve performance in Natural Language Processing tasks and increase model robustness. This paper outlines preliminary findings of investigations into the impact of using pretrained language models alongside multitask fine-tuning to create an automated marking system of second language learners' written English. Using multiple transformer models and multiple datasets, this study compares different combinations of models and tasks and evaluates their impact on the performance of an automated marking system This presentation is a snap-shot of work being conducted as part of my dissertation for the University of Wolverhampton's Computational Linguistics Masters' programme.
International demand of energy resources increase as result of economical and social accelerated development, and under scenarios which predicted depletion of fossil fuel resource, the efforts trends to alternative energy resource as biofuel, whe re a native strain of Botryococcus braunii was isolated from Room reservoir in Sweida-Syria and used to produce biofuel, production conditions optimized in flasks, then turn to work on photobioreactor which made by native experience. Dry biomass, lipid content of Botryococcus braunii and optical density were calculated to express algal growth.
With the advent of Experimental Psychology in the middle of the last century and took control of scientists on the research and studies that have appeared in that period, which was on the whole attempt to find and understand the cognitive processes taking place during the learning and performance of the studies that appeared in that period, and is a model unique to the relationship between cognition and motor performance Contextual Interference that have received since the appearance of the many studies that have proven the effect of overlapping content is that some of the results did not demonstrate this effect, scientists these results are attributed to the nature of the tasks and subject to the influence of one general motor program. This research is an applied study of overlapping content adopted in his experience on the skill of the correction in basketball from different points in order to verify or deny the impact of the emergence of overlapping content in skills which are subject to the influence of one general motor program. Find showed the impact of the emergence of overlapping content in skills which are subject to the influence of one general motor program, the results of which is a pilot for the use of unconditional support for overlapping content by teaching motor skills.
Humans started to produce the bread for Thousands years ago; they used to prepare the dough by using fermented dough which left for many days before used, so that this fermented dough has been prepared from dough fermented by aerobic microorganisms w hich can attack the milling wheat. Recently the Bekar’s yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae produced in variable type's liquid, dry and soft which used in preparation of dough. The high cost of yeast production and limited quantity in the emergency and catastrophe conditions and difficulties in delivery to far away places lead to study the production of fermented sourdough instead of soft yeast completely or reduce its quantity relatively. Many kinds of fermented sourdough have been produced; liquid with moisture content 75%, normal density with moisture content 55% and high density with moisture content 47%, the fermentation's force and rise's force for their different value have been determined which ranged from 3% to 15%. The results investigated that production of dough from fermented sourdough 3%, 5%, 7%, 9% and 11% produced fermented dough with metabolic productions, which produced Arabic bread without significant changes in characteristics compared to the bread which produced by using 2% soft yeast.
نفذت الدراسة في مخابر الهيئة العامة للتقانة الحيوية بدمشق خلال الفترة من 1-3-2013 حتى 28-2-1014 بهدف انتاج الاجنة خارج الرحم في المعز السوري

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