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Impressive milestones have been achieved in text matching by adopting a cross-attention mechanism to capture pertinent semantic connections between two sentence representations. However, regular cross-attention focuses on word-level links between the two input sequences, neglecting the importance of contextual information. We propose a context-aware interaction network (COIN) to properly align two sequences and infer their semantic relationship. Specifically, each interaction block includes (1) a context-aware cross-attention mechanism to effectively integrate contextual information when aligning two sequences, and (2) a gate fusion layer to flexibly interpolate aligned representations. We apply multiple stacked interaction blocks to produce alignments at different levels and gradually refine the attention results. Experiments on two question matching datasets and detailed analyses demonstrate the effectiveness of our model.
In Visual Question Answering (VQA), existing bilinear methods focus on the interaction between images and questions. As a result, the answers are either spliced into the questions or utilized as labels only for classification. On the other hand, tril inear models such as the CTI model efficiently utilize the inter-modality information between answers, questions, and images, while ignoring intra-modality information. Inspired by this observation, we propose a new trilinear interaction framework called MIRTT (Learning Multimodal Interaction Representations from Trilinear Transformers), incorporating the attention mechanisms for capturing inter-modality and intra-modality relationships. Moreover, we design a two-stage workflow where a bilinear model reduces the free-form, open-ended VQA problem into a multiple-choice VQA problem. Furthermore, to obtain accurate and generic multimodal representations, we pre-train MIRTT with masked language prediction. Our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on the Visual7W Telling task and VQA-1.0 Multiple Choice task and outperforms bilinear baselines on the VQA-2.0, TDIUC and GQA datasets.
This paper describes the system used for detecting humor in text. The system developed by the team TECHSSN uses binary classification techniques to classify the text. The data undergoes preprocessing and is given to ColBERT (Contextualized Late Inter action over BERT), a modification of Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT). The model is re-trained and the weights are learned for the dataset. This system was developed for the task 7 of the competition, SemEval 2021.
Technologies for enhancing well-being, healthcare vigilance and monitoring are on the rise. However, despite patient interest, such technologies suffer from low adoption. One hypothesis for this limited adoption is loss of human interaction that is c entral to doctor-patient encounters. In this paper we seek to address this limitation via a conversational agent that adopts one aspect of in-person doctor-patient interactions: A human avatar to facilitate medical grounded question answering. This is akin to the in-person scenario where the doctor may point to the human body or the patient may point to their own body to express their conditions. Additionally, our agent has multiple interaction modes, that may give more options for the patient to use the agent, not just for medical question answering, but also to engage in conversations about general topics and current events. Both the avatar, and the multiple interaction modes could help improve adherence. We present a high level overview of the design of our agent, Marie Bot Wellbeing. We also report implementation details of our early prototype , and present preliminary results.
Time-offset interaction applications (TOIA) allow simulating conversations with people who have previously recorded relevant video utterances, which are played in response to their interacting user. TOIAs have great potential for preserving cross-gen erational and cross-cultural histories, online teaching, simulated interviews, etc. Current TOIAs exist in niche contexts involving high production costs. Democratizing TOIA presents different challenges when creating appropriate pre-recordings, designing different user stories, and creating simple online interfaces for experimentation. We open-source TOIA 2.0, a user-centered time-offset interaction application, and make it available for everyone who wants to interact with people's pre-recordings, or create their pre-recordings.
We investigate grounded language learning through real-world data, by modelling a teacher-learner dynamics through the natural interactions occurring between users and search engines; in particular, we explore the emergence of semantic generalization from unsupervised dense representations outside of synthetic environments. A grounding domain, a denotation function and a composition function are learned from user data only. We show how the resulting semantics for noun phrases exhibits compositional properties while being fully learnable without any explicit labelling. We benchmark our grounded semantics on compositionality and zero-shot inference tasks, and we show that it provides better results and better generalizations than SOTA non-grounded models, such as word2vec and BERT.
In this paper, we focus on the problem of keyword and document matching by considering different relevance levels. In our recommendation system, different people follow different hot keywords with interest. We need to attach documents to each keyword and then distribute the documents to people who follow these keywords. The ideal documents should have the same topic with the keyword, which we call topic-aware relevance. In other words, topic-aware relevance documents are better than partially-relevance ones in this application. However, previous tasks never define topic-aware relevance clearly. To tackle this problem, we define a three-level relevance in keyword-document matching task: topic-aware relevance, partially-relevance and irrelevance. To capture the relevance between the short keyword and the document at above-mentioned three levels, we should not only combine the latent topic of the document with its deep neural representation, but also model complex interactions between the keyword and the document. To this end, we propose a Two-stage Interaction and Topic-Aware text matching model (TITA). In terms of topic-aware'', we introduce neural topic model to analyze the topic of the document and then use it to further encode the document. In terms of two-stage interaction'', we propose two successive stages to model complex interactions between the keyword and the document. Extensive experiments reveal that TITA outperforms other well-designed baselines and shows excellent performance in our recommendation system.
Dialogue systems like chatbots, and tasks like question-answering (QA) have gained traction in recent years; yet evaluating such systems remains difficult. Reasons include the great variety in contexts and use cases for these systems as well as the h igh cost of human evaluation. In this paper, we focus on a specific type of dialogue systems: Time-Offset Interaction Applications (TOIAs) are intelligent, conversational software that simulates face-to-face conversations between humans and pre-recorded human avatars. Under the constraint that a TOIA is a single output system interacting with users with different expectations, we identify two challenges: first, how do we define a good' answer? and second, what's an appropriate metric to use? We explore both challenges through the creation of a novel dataset that identifies multiple good answers to specific TOIA questions through the help of Amazon Mechanical Turk workers. This view from the crowd' allows us to study the variations of how TOIA interrogators perceive its answers. Our contributions include the annotated dataset that we make publicly available and the proposal of Success Rate @k as an evaluation metric that is more appropriate than the traditional QA's and information retrieval's metrics.
يتم استخدام التقنيات والبيئات التفاعلية المعاصرة من قبل العديد من المستخدمين ذوي الخصائص والاحتياجات والمتطلبات المتنوعة بما في ذلك الأشخاص العاديين والمعاقين والأشخاص من جميع الأعمار وذوي المهارات ومستويات الخبرة المختلفة فهي تخترق جميع جوانب الحياة اليومية، لذا ظهرت العديد من الأبحاث حول كيفية تصميم أنظمة فعّالة لجميع المستخدمين. سنستعرض في هذه الدراسة بعض المنهجيات والطرق المستخدمة في تصميم الواجهات التفاعلية للأشخاص ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة، حيث سنتطرق بالذكر إلى الواجهات الخاصة بالأطفال وكبار السن باعتبارهما فئتين عمريتين تحتاجان إلى اهتمام خاص عند التصميم، كما تم ذكر بعض الحلول المستخدمة في التصميم وتسهيل التفاعل لكل من المستخدمين المصابين بضعف في البصر أو الذين يعانون من ضعف في الإدارك المعرفي والتعلمي أو المستخدمين ذوي الإعاقة الحركية.
This research is concerned in modeling the problem of sloshing in moving cylindrical containers in ANSYS program where we model the problem on a partially filled cylinder then we find the resonant frequencies in addition to study the interaction between the cylinder and the fluid.

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