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Field experiment was carried out at Research Station of the Faculty of Agriculture, Muthanna University, Iraq, during 2014/2015 season, to study the effect of adding NPK, biofertilizers Bacillus Subtilis and Glomus Mosseae on the growth and yield of maize (Zea may L.). The treatments were i.e control (zero: no vaccine), biofertilizers Bacillus subtilis treatments, Glomus mosseae, both biofertilizers (F0, F1, F2 and F3), respectively, Three levels of NPK liquid fertilizer i.e. 0, 5000, 7500 mg )C0, C1, and C2 respectively). The experiment design was RCBD with three replications arranged according to split plot.
The effect mycorhizal fungi on tomato wilt disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum was studied. The results showed that % of disease incidence reduced in treatment whit mycorrhizal fungi . % of disease incidence reached to 33% when plants infected wit h mycorrhizae and Fusarium wilt compared to plants infected with Fusarium wilt just where% of disease incidence reached to 70% .The results showed a sighificant increased in plant height ,leaf number , fresh and dry matter of shoot and root in treated plants with mycorrhiza and Fusarium wilt compared whit treated plants with Fusarium wilt.The increase in plant height reached 24.13% ,16.93% in leaf number,36.13% in wet weight of shoot ,48.14 in wet weight of root,30.37% in dry weight of shoot and 29.18% in dry weight of root in treated plants with mycorrhiza and Fusarium wilt.
The influence of vesicular - arbuscular Mycorrhiza fungi (VAM) on symbiotic fixation of N٢ in alfalfa plants has been observed. Beneficial effects of VAM plants in saline soil are of great interest. The aim of this work was to study the effect of VAM or phosphorous fertilization on alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) yields, number of nodules and N٢ fixation by N١٥ isotope dilution at different salinity levels.
للفطريات الممكرزة أهمية تطبيقية كبيرة و بخاصة فيما يتعلق بتحسين تغذية النباتات المضيفة بالعناصر المعدنية و زيادة مقاومتها للظروف البيئية المتطرفة من برودة و جفاف و ملوحة تربة، و مقاومتها للعوامل الممرضة. تعد مثل هذه الدراسات عن التعايش نادرة في سور ية، لذلك فقد حاولنا دراسة هذا النوع من التعايش لدى بعض النباتات الاقتصادية في مناطق مختلفة في سورية ، و حاولنا تحديد الجنس أو النوع الفطري المسؤول في كل حالة، و ركزنا على بعض نباتات الفصيلتين السرمقية و الملفوفية، بعد أن أشار بعض الباحثين إلى عدم قدرة نباتات هاتين الفصيلتين على تشكيل فطريات جذرية.

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