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A total of 48 chicken samples (24 thigh and 24 breast) were collected from eight sites in local market in Hama city and analyzed for enrofloxacin and ciprofloxacin residues. The antibacterial residues were estimated by using HPLC technique.
Conditions for Gas chromatography (GC) equipped with Flame Ionization Detector (FID) were optimized in order to dtermine volatile N-nitrosamine in meat and meat products, using optima XLB (30m × 0.25 mm × 0.25µm) column. Results reveal that the metho d has a low detection limit with repeatability and linearity and with average recovery ranging from 89% to 105.5% and accepted relative standard deviation
This study included a test of 90 chickens; 90 samples as (a chest) and 90 samples as (a thigh). These samples were divided into four categories: the first one (45 chests) was stored with packages in a tin sheet, the second (45 chests) unpacked, the t hird (45 thighs) was stored with packages in a tin plate, the fourth (45 thighs) unpacked. The samples of each category were divided into three groups. Each group consists of 15 samples. These groups were stored at (25+°, 4+°, 20-°) .Then, the pH and the total count of bacteria were measured during storage in order to observe the time in which the samples will start to spoil in accordance with the Syrian Standards and Specifications Corporation 2007. We noticed the following physical changes: color, odor, flavor and texture. The results showed that the spoilage of the thigh samples happened before the chest ones and the packaged samples before the unpackaged ones. The samples spoiled after 24h of storage at 25+° and after 7 days of storage at 4+°, whereas, there was no spoilage noticed for the samples at 20-° but the appearance changed after 6 months of storage. Packing had a good effect on preservation. The conclusions and the suggestions were written in order to guide the consumer in the field of poultry meat storage.
إمكانية تصنيع عجينة الكبد القابلة للمد / الباتيه/ محلياً وتحديد مؤشرات جودة المنتج النهائي :تعتبر متطلبات ورغبات المستهلكين بشكل دائم مما يشكل دافعا لمنتجي الأغذية للبحث عن منتجات جديدة وتطوير اساليب التسوق
استخدم في التجربة ١٥ حملا ذكرًا من سلالة أغنام العواس، ُفطمت بعمر متوسطه ٦٥ يومًا، و بلغ متوسط أوزانها ٢٥,٧ كغ. وزعت الحملان عشوائيًا في ثلاث مجموعات، و سمنت في ظروف إيواء و رعاية متماثلة. أضيفت اليوريا إلى علائق المجموعات الأولى (الشاهد) و الثانية و الثالثة بنسبة ٠%, 1%, ١,٥ % على التوالي. غذيت الحملان بصورة حرة لمدة ٩٠ يومًا ، و وزنت حملان كل مجموعة ، أسبوعيًا و بشكل إفرادي، وفي نهاية التجربة ذبحت ثلاثة حملان من كل مجموعة اختيرت عشوائيًا.

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