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إمكانية تصنيع عجينة الكبد القابلة للمد / الباتيه/ محلياً وتحديد مؤشرات جودة المنتج النهائي

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 Publication date 2011
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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عودة كرم أبو الخير صالح (2004) اللحم وتصنيع اللحوم الطبعة الثانية منشورات كلية الزراعة
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The aim of this investigation was to compare between liver pate mixtures manufactured from local raw materials and determine the best mixture. Twelve pate mixtures with three types of livers (sheep, chicken, calf) and different concentrations of w ater and fat were prepared and analyzed for microbial counts (aerobic, anaerobic, yeast, mold, Staphylococcus spp, Salmonella spp, Listeria, mono- cytogenes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Clostridium spp, E.coli O157:H7 ،Campylobacter spp), emulsion stability and sensory evaluation to determine the acceptability of the pate mixtures. Microbiologically, most of raw materials which used to prepare the pate mixtures were going with Syrians Standard (No. 2179, 2007), The mixtures were free of the aerobic microbial counts after the completion of the sterilization process. Sheep fat was better than vegetable oil for processing liver pate mixtures. According to sensory evaluation and emulsion stability, the mixture No12 containing 10 % of three types of liver, 30% sheep fat and 20% water was the best.
The majority of known polymer materials are electrically insulating. But there are some of polymers are intrinsically conducting in nature, However, it is lacking in process ability, and the scope for manipulation of electrical and mechanical prop erties is limited. The method which used to solve this problem is an addition of a conductive metal filament into a polymer filament yarn. Which can be directly integrated into a textile, or can be knitted. So we made a device able to produce this kind of conductive yarns which depends on melt spinning technique but with the elimination of necessary pressure for extrusion. And we were able to produce samples of copper filament coated with polymeric material (low density polyethylene).
The Ultrafiltration (UF) technology was conducted on samples of akawe cheese whey to obtain the non-protein and fat whey (permeate) that rich in lactose and was concentrated by evaporation and carefully prepared after fortification by nutrients, (0.2) gr/100ml (NH4)2Hpo4 and (0.2) gr/100ml MgSo4, and (0.3) gr/100ml (NH4)2SO4, and prepared as a fermentation medium for yeasts capable of metabolizing sugar, and after that (15) samples were chosen and chemically analyzed along with the whey. Pure isolated Kluyveromyces lactis (42-K) yeast, recognized by ß- galagtosidase enzyme and its important application in food, medicine and pharmacy, was proliferating on the fermentation medium. The optimal conditions were determined to obtain single cell protein (SCP). The results referred that typical conditions of yeast growth were (6.5)% lactose concentration, pH (5), temperature (30°c), Fermentation time (24) hour, and the optimal speed of incubator shaker (350) rpm and the typical average of aerator (8%). The optimal values were applied in the bio fermentor (electrolab) to obtain biomass which was heated at (75-90 c°) for the extraction of the Single Cell Protein (SCP). The chemical analysis was conducted on (15) samples of single cell protein (SCP), and the results were in accordance with all the Syrian special specification, and (FOA) specification. The microbial estimated results met (FOA) specification, and the product was free from toxicity elements and cancered factors, which proved that the product was with high quality of proteins. The single cell protein (SCP) was added to Labneh, that manufactured by direct method, and to the proceed speared cheese between (1-10%), alternately with dried skimmed milk. The chemical and microbial analysis of Labneh met all the Syrian special specification and international codex. The result of sensory evaluation referred that percentage of single cell protein (SCP) must not exceed (4%) in the Labneh. The chemical and microbial analysis of proceed speared cheese met all the Syrian special specification and international codex. The result of sensory evaluation referred that the percentage of single cell protein (SCP) must not exceed (3%) in the proceed speared cheese. The results of a simplified feasibility study on the Labneh supported by single cell protein (SCP) (4%), and proceed speared cheese supported by single cell protein (SCP) (3%), referred to good gaining both of the products.
أجريت عملية الترشيح فوق العالي UF لعينات من مصل الجبن العكاوي لإزالة الدسم والبروتينات للحصول على المصل منزوع البروتينات والدسم ( راشح المصل)
هدف البحث: إن استخدام الرماد في صناعة السيراميك هو عمل بيئي يسهم في الحفاظ على الموارد الطبيعية، و يساعد في التخلص من النفايات، و يعد خطوة اقتصادية هامة لأنه يخفف من تكاليف صناعة السيراميك إذ إنَّه لا يحتاج إلى عمليات تصنيع مثل الطحن أو السحق. من هن ا كان هدف البحث دراسة إمكانية استعمال الرماد، الناتج عن مختلف أنواع الصناعات، بوصفه مادةً أوليةً في صناعة السيراميك المستخدم لتغطية الجدران و الأرضيات. طرائق البحث : اعتمد البحث على الطرائق التجريبية المخبرية لاستخدام الغضار و الرماد (بنسب مدروسة مخبرياً)، كمواد أولية للحصول على الخلطة اللازمة في عملية تصنيع سيراميك الأرضيات و الجدران. و من ثم تم اختبار كل من المقاومة على الكسر و نسبة امتصاص الماء على العينات المشكلة من هذا الخليط و قارنا نتائج هذه الاختبارات بالمتطلبات العالمية لهذه الصناعة. النتائج : في هذا البحث تم التوصل إلى تحديد النسب الملائمة لمكونات الخلطة اللازمة لصناعة السيراميك مع تحديد المعايير و البيانات التي تساعد في نقل هذه التكنولوجيا إلى الواقع الصناعي التجاري.

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