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Policy gradient algorithms have found wide adoption in NLP, but have recently become subject to criticism, doubting their suitability for NMT. Choshen et al. (2020) identify multiple weaknesses and suspect that their success is determined by the shap e of output distributions rather than the reward. In this paper, we revisit these claims and study them under a wider range of configurations. Our experiments on in-domain and cross-domain adaptation reveal the importance of exploration and reward scaling, and provide empirical counter-evidence to these claims.
Syntax is fundamental to our thinking about language. Failing to capture the structure of input language could lead to generalization problems and over-parametrization. In the present work, we propose a new syntax-aware language model: Syntactic Orde red Memory (SOM). The model explicitly models the structure with an incremental parser and maintains the conditional probability setting of a standard language model (left-to-right). To train the incremental parser and avoid exposure bias, we also propose a novel dynamic oracle, so that SOM is more robust to wrong parsing decisions. Experiments show that SOM can achieve strong results in language modeling, incremental parsing, and syntactic generalization tests while using fewer parameters than other models.
يستعرض البحث أضرار الانفجارات على المباني والمنشآت الهندسية وآلية توصيف هذه الأضرار ونمذجة المنشآت باستخدام البرامج الحاسوبية لدراسة طرائق الترميم و توقع سلوك المنشأ المتضرر.
The management of lower extremity trauma has evolved over the last two decades to the point that many extremities that would have required amputation are routinely salvaged. The use of transposition muscle is regarded as the optimal method for the treatment of extensive defects of soft tissues in limb traumatology. The aim of the study is to investigate the therapeutic effect of repairing soft tissue defects of mid-tibia open fractures with muscle flap pedicled with medial half of soleus. A retrospective study of our outcome of 10 performed soft-tissue reconstruction of an open tibial wound cases. All these patients were operated using the proposed surgical technique between 2013 and 2015 in AL-ASSAD University Hospital in Lattakia, Syria. The results of this technique of reconstruction are excellent. Medial hemisoleus flap is a valuable option for soft tissue coverage of middle third of lower leg. It does not sacrifice the whole function of the Soleus muscle. Due to its longer arc of rotation, this flap can cover the defects of different size and shape in middle third of leg. The operation is relatively easy. The muscle can fill the narrow cavity and repair the soft tissue defect simultaneously. The donor-site injury is minor.
The reconstruction of the nasal ala requires the achievement of esthetic and functional results. Composite auricular grafts are extremely valuable here. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the surgical outcome after using composite grafts for al ar nasal reconstruction according to our experience. A retrospective study of our outcome of 10 performed alar nasal reconstruction cases. All these patients were operated using the proposed surgical technique between 2011 and 2015 in AL-ASSAD University Hospital in Lattakia, Syria. The cosmetic and functional results of this relatively simple technique of reconstruction are excellent. It provides an internal lining and support. The integration was total. We could fill the alar nasal defect using composite grafts. The defect has disappeared consequently. The form of the nose could be improved. The use of this technique efficiently enables a one-stage reconstruction of nasal defects. The morbidity rate within the donor areas was low. We believe that composite grafts have an important and under-utilized role as an adjunct to the flaps in nasal reconstruction.
If it is not cracked then it is not working. This statement is the actual result of difference between tension strength of concrete and tension strength of steel in concrete structures elements that are economically designed. In spite of that, eng ineers rarely use this statement to explain cracks in buildings, but sometimes they use it to calm down the owner of some cracked building. That's why we should define acceptable cracks and their degrees. Cracks in concrete and reinforced concrete structures are a bad sign, although some of these cracks have no negative effect on the utilization of the structure. Reasons of cracks are various and different, some of them might occur in different types of cracking while others may lead to a single type of crack. Cracks formation in concrete varies due to the different factors causing them, which also may be structural or related to the utilization of building. It is not easy to put a useful list for probable reasons of cracking as cracks have many shapes and any one of them might increase the danger of another one or even exceeds it. To explain the relationship between these types, we proposed the cracking tree, which may help the designer to take into consideration the probable reasons for cracking. The main specification of cracks is that its three nodes define the three periods in the life of a structure: design, construction and service. These are also divided into lists including reasons causing cracking and their effects on each other. Cracking tree branches into tension roots, taking into consideration that the first branches determine the physical properties of cracks (width, depth, length,…). Then these branches take their way throughout the three phases,(restriction of movement is the most important branch). When these branches stop growing, they can tell the severity of cracking, in respect to durability and beauty. This definitely still needs accurate study and repair. This research aims to study the direct reasons of cracking, factors that increase cracks, and types of cracking growing in structural members (Columns, Beams, Plates,..). Add to that the procedures needed to prevent or stop cracks growing. We also offer an attempt to point the best methods and materials to be used for restoration.
كان الحفاظ على حيوية الأسنان وما زال من أهم الاهداف الرئيسية في مداواة الأسنان إلا انه في بعض الحالات نكون بحاجة لإجراء معالجة لبية للسن مثل حالات النخور الواسعةالنافذة إلى اللب
Nasal reconstruction is considered as one of the difficult reconstructive problems to solve. That is due to the importance of the cosmetic appearance of the nose, the several types of tissues forming the nose and the complexity of the anatomy of th e nose. Due to the small nostrils, delicate tissue and lack of surrounding tissues enough for reconstruction, this problem becomes more difficult to in the reconstruction of children’s noses, The aim of this research is to look at the cases of nasal reconstruction in children at Mouassat university hospital, and to suggest a new modification on the forehead flap, which leads to lengthening the flap by recruiting a piece of the Galea as a facial flap connected to the distal end of the forehead flap. This flap will be covered with a split thickness skin graft, then it will be folded to reconstruct the inner surface of the nose.
The micro surgery did not take its role correctly in our country in spite of it being well known and widespread throughout the world for a relatively long time. The micro surgery is an essential part in the reconstruction of tissue of skin, muscle s, bones and nerves with its blood vessels where it could re-connect (anastomos) in the right place. The wide loss of full thickness tissue in the scalp is considered as a serious challenge for the reconstructive surgeon and the micro surgery is considered one of the most important methods of reconstruction of such defects. Objective: To study the importance of the use of free flaps in the reconstruction of the wide defects and loss of tissue in the scalp in Al Mouassat Hospital patients.
تشكل الحاصات في الفروة من أصول مختلفة (رضـية – نـدبات الحـروق – جراحية ....) تطبيقات رئيسية للعلاج بالتوسيع الجلدي. منذ عام 1997 و عبر ثماني سنوات أُسستْ تجربة بالموسعات الجلدية ( في مشفى المواساة الجامعي ) بأماكن مختلفة من الجسم لأكثر من 80 مريضا ً، كان منهم 23 مريـضاً (31) % في مستوى الفروة. وصِفَتْ و شُرِحت في هذه التجربة تم التقنية الجراحية و مختلف أنـواع الـشرائح الجلديـة المستعملة و تم وصف المواد المستعملة، كما شرحت المضاعفات و وضحتْ ذلـك بـصور فوتوغرافية للحالات المرضية خلال مراحل العلاج المختلفة. كما أجريت مقارنة النتائج لدينا مع نتائج دراسات عالمية مختلفة واسعة و حديثة.

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