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Meta learning aims to optimize the model's capability to generalize to new tasks and domains. Lacking a data-efficient way to create meta training tasks has prevented the application of meta-learning to the real-world few shot learning scenarios. Rec ent studies have proposed unsupervised approaches to create meta-training tasks from unlabeled data for free, e.g., the SMLMT method (Bansal et al., 2020a) constructs unsupervised multi-class classification tasks from the unlabeled text by randomly masking words in the sentence and let the meta learner choose which word to fill in the blank. This study proposes a semi-supervised meta-learning approach that incorporates both the representation power of large pre-trained language models and the generalization capability of prototypical networks enhanced by SMLMT. The semi-supervised meta training approach avoids overfitting prototypical networks on a small number of labeled training examples and quickly learns cross-domain task-specific representation only from a few supporting examples. By incorporating SMLMT with prototypical networks, the meta learner generalizes better to unseen domains and gains higher accuracy on out-of-scope examples without the heavy lifting of pre-training. We observe significant improvement in few-shot generalization after training only a few epochs on the intent classification tasks evaluated in a multi-domain setting.
Detecting out-of-domain (OOD) intents is crucial for the deployed task-oriented dialogue system. Previous unsupervised OOD detection methods only extract discriminative features of different in-domain intents while supervised counterparts can directl y distinguish OOD and in-domain intents but require extensive labeled OOD data. To combine the benefits of both types, we propose a self-supervised contrastive learning framework to model discriminative semantic features of both in-domain intents and OOD intents from unlabeled data. Besides, we introduce an adversarial augmentation neural module to improve the efficiency and robustness of contrastive learning. Experiments on two public benchmark datasets show that our method can consistently outperform the baselines with a statistically significant margin.
The main purpose of this research was to identify the impact of customers' perception of corporate social responsibility on behavioral intentions, and evaluate these intentions by measuring corporate image and consumer satisfaction. This includes ide ntifying the impact of customers' perception of economic, social and environmental dimension of this responsibility on the satisfaction and corporate image, and then study their impact on behavioral intentions .

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