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The availability of language representations learned by large pretrained neural network models (such as BERT and ELECTRA) has led to improvements in many downstream Natural Language Processing tasks in recent years. Pretrained models usually differ i n pretraining objectives, architectures, and datasets they are trained on which can affect downstream performance. In this contribution, we fine-tuned German BERT and German ELECTRA models to identify toxic (subtask 1), engaging (subtask 2), and fact-claiming comments (subtask 3) in Facebook data provided by the GermEval 2021 competition. We created ensembles of these models and investigated whether and how classification performance depends on the number of ensemble members and their composition. On out-of-sample data, our best ensemble achieved a macro-F1 score of 0.73 (for all subtasks), and F1 scores of 0.72, 0.70, and 0.76 for subtasks 1, 2, and 3, respectively.
The aim of this study is to determine the concentration of caffeine in energy drinks available in Syrian market to ensure whether the caffeine concentration in them follow the FDA recommendation or not , and detection the presence of alcohols . Three types of energy drinks available in Syria are studied in this experiment. Caffeine content is analyzed and quantified by UV spectroscopy. Specific tests for alcohol hydroxyl are used to detect its presence and determine the alcohols type. This study has shown the existence of variable quantities of caffeine; however the highest percentage is existed in Marinas Turbo 51.81 micro gram/100 ml and the lowest percentage is existed in XXX L Flash Red 1.89 micro gram/100 ml. Research has shown that energy drinks have negative effects on their users , especially the youth.A survey is done on a sample of 130 people in Alqadmous – Tartous. No alcohol is found in XXX L Flash Red and Power Horse, but it was found in Marinas Turbo.
تحري الرصاص في ألعاب الأطفال المستوردة والمصنعة محلياً:يعتبر الرصاص من المواد الاكثر سمية وخاصة لدى الأطفال حيث يعتبر صغار السن من اكثر الفئات عرضة للأذيات الدماغية لانهم في مرحلة النمو
Lichen (Lecanora epibryon) collected from Arshany reservation at Idleb city was taken for screening antibacterial activity. Acetone was used as solvent for extraction of active compounds from lichen. The activity of extract was tested against thre e isolated infectious bacteria (Pseudomonas sp., Salmonella sp., Klebsiella sp.) by cytotoxicity assay using MTT test. Acetone extract of lichen showed antibacterial activity against all test organisms, but Salmonella sp. was highly susceptible to the extract even at low concentration.
In this experiment, liquid of soap at three dosages (3, 5 and 7 ml/L) and Abamectin (12.5 ml/100L) has been used with releas of the mite predator, Phytoseiulus persimilis for controlling the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae on bean pla nts under laboratory conditions. Contact toxicity of soap liquid and Abamectin were evaluated and classified according to IOBC. Efficacy of soap liquid at 3 and 5 ml/L was not sufficient to repress spider mite populations while the using of soap liquid at three concentration with predatory mite showed supporter effect and provide satisfactory control whereas soap liquid determined to be slightly harmful- moderately to P. persimilis. Abamectin with predatory mite or if used only gave sufficient control to spider mite population but without supporter effect between Abamectin and predatory mite whereas Abamectin determined to be harmful to P. persimilis. However, using soap at suitable dosage, with or without predatory mite, gave encouraging results for controlling spider mites. Generally, using of soap showed adaptation with predatory mite and proved supporter effect for controlling the spider mites. In despite of, soap showed no phytotoxicity to host plants but needs to be tested in greenhouse and field conditions before application.
Intramuscular injection of increasing doses of Methotrexate Folateantagoniste (25, 50, 100, 150, 250, 300 mg/ kg) on Swiss strain males mice , resulted in decreasing Spermatogenesis at stage VII whereas higher doses had lethal effects. In fact do ses of 25 and 50 mg per kg were tolerable by mice and the cytotoxic tolerance level decreased at higher doses (100 and 150 mg/kg). Acute cytotoxic effect was noted at doses of 200 mg/kg and resulted in destruction of cell line. Doses of 250 and 300 mg/kg had lethal effect and the mice died 1 week after injection. In conclusion Methotrexate had cytotoxic effects on sperm cell lines. 100mg/kg doses decreased spermatogenesis while 200 mg/kg doses caused greater side effects and higher doses were lethal to the mice 1 week after injection.

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