أدى حقن جرعات متزايدة من الميتوتركسات (25 ،50 ،100 ،150 ،200 ،250 ،300 ملـغ/كـغ)
عضلياً في ذكور الفئران من السلالة strain Swiss إلى تناقص مضطرد في عدد خلايا السلالة المنويـة
في المرحلة VII من موجة تشكل النطاف ، و ذلك عند الجرعات المنخفضة من هذه المادة، و إلى تـأثير
مميت عند الجرعات العالية.
كانت الجرعات 25 و 50 ملغ/كغ محتملة من قبل الفئران، و لكن السمية الدوائية للعقـار المـستخدم
كانت مرتفعة عند الجرعات 100 و 150 ملغ/كغ.
و قد لوحظ أثر السمية الخلوية الحاد عند الجرعة 200 ملغ/كغ و نجم عنه تخريب واضح في المكونات
الخلوية لجدران الأنابيب المنوية.
بينما كان تأثير الجرعات العالية (250 و 300 ملغ/كغ) مميتاً إذ أدى الحقن بهذه الجرعات إلى نفوق
جميع الحيوانات بعد أسبوع من الحقن.
يبدو من النتائج أن لعقار الميتوتركسات تأثيراً سمياً واضحاً في السلالة المنوية، و ذلـك بـدءاً مـن
الجرعة 100 ملغ/كغ، إذ بدأ إنتاج النطاف ينخفض، و كان كبيراً عند الجرعة 200 ملغ/كغ، في حـين أن
الجرعات العالية قد سببت تخريباً مميتاً في خلايا السلالة المنوية و نفوق الفئران بعد أسبوع من الحقن.
Intramuscular injection of increasing doses of Methotrexate Folateantagoniste
(25, 50, 100, 150, 250, 300 mg/ kg) on Swiss strain males mice ,
resulted in decreasing Spermatogenesis at stage VII whereas higher doses had
lethal effects.
In fact doses of 25 and 50 mg per kg were tolerable by mice and the
cytotoxic tolerance level decreased at higher doses (100 and 150 mg/kg).
Acute cytotoxic effect was noted at doses of 200 mg/kg and resulted in
destruction of cell line.
Doses of 250 and 300 mg/kg had lethal effect and the mice died 1 week after
In conclusion Methotrexate had cytotoxic effects on sperm cell lines.
100mg/kg doses decreased spermatogenesis while 200 mg/kg doses caused
greater side effects and higher doses were lethal to the mice 1 week after
References used
Vergel, R. G., Sanchez, L. R., Hereders, B. L., Rodringues, P. L. and Martinez, B. I. (1990). Primary prevention of Neural tube defects with Folic supplementation: Cuban Experience. Penat Digan, 10(3) :149-152
Manganel, P., Triose, R. W. (1993). Weekly low-dose in rheumatoid arthritis. Review of the literature Minerva Med. Oct. (10) : 541-52
Jolivet, J. and Chabner, B. A. (1983). Intracellular Pharmacokintics of Methotrexate polyglumates in human breast Cancer cell. Selective retention and less dissociable binding of 4-NH2, 10- CH3 pteroylglumate 4 and 4- NH2-10-CH3 pteroylglumates to dihyrofolate reductase. J. Clin.Invest. Sept. 72 ( 3) : 773-778
Increasing intramuscular doses of Methotrexate (25 mg / kg, 50 mg / kg,
100 mg / kg, 150 mg/ kg, 200 mg / kg, 250 mg / kg, 300 mg / kg) were tested on
Swiss strain Mouse by intramuscular injection. The reproductive potency was
evaluated by total s
Increasing dose of Mithotrexate (25, 50, 100, 150, 200 mg/kg) were tested on Swiss
strain mouse by one intramuscular injection, and their effects were studied (15) days later.
The mean values of total spermatogonia and those of them undergoing mito
Mice embryos were irradiated in utero by gamma rays (٠،٢،٤،٦ Gy) at
١٠،١٢،١٤،١٦،١٨ days of gestation. Histological study was carried out on the
first premandibular molar after ٢،٤،٦،٨ days of irradiation, to investigate the
effect of irradiation on different stages of molar development.
Freezing sperms and eggs is one of the contemporary jurisprudential Issues. Therefore knowing its rules in
Islamic jurisprudence requires searching for similar cases in the resources of Islamic Jurisprudence and
practicing analogy where, in origina
This study involved the irradiation of mouse embryos at different stages of
pregnancy, using dose of ٤ Gy γ-radiation, at ١٠, ١٢, ١٤ and ١٦ days of
pregnancy. Pregnant mice were killed after ٢, ٤ and ٦ days post irradiation.
Embryo’s heads were is