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منذ مطلع القرن العشرين بدأ المشرع الدولي يهتم بعقد اتفاقيات دولية لمعالجة مشكلة المخدرات على الصعيد الدولي بعدما أضحت هذه المشكلة مشكلة دولية.
The concentration of the research in this research was the subject of grievance from the light disciplinary penalties for defining its essence, procedures and effects.
This research deals with the study of the concept of electoral crime, the types of electoral crimes and the penalties to be imposed on each of them in the Syrian General Elections Law No. 5 of 2014.
The Principle of Comprehensiveness of public budget of state and the Principle of Popularity of it, are considered the most important on which the public budget is based these days. And each principle has terms, justifications, exceptions and scop e of applications. This study sheds light on the concept of the principle of comprehensives and the principle of popularity (Non – allotment of revenues) and the terms of it by showing its definitions, justifications, exceptions and scope of applications in the Syrian legislation. This study aims to answer on this question: is it preferred to keep on the principle of comprehensiveness of public budget or it is necessary to return to the rule of "net product" as was the case in the past? This study consists of introduction and two chapters, besides conclusion to present the most important results and suggestions.
The discount for pre-trial detention of the sentence period is a fair idea because it prevents looting freedom sentenced for a longer period of time set by virtue of a conviction, but this idea becomes more fairer if a person commits more than one offense so he stopped up at the disposal of one of them and acquitted them, while spent his conviction for another crime. This research tried to study this issue through the comparison between the Syrian and Egyptian legislation by analyzing legal texts governing it.
The random income tax Introduced by Law No. (112) of 1958 with several amendments at last the Income Tax Law No.( 24) of 2003 has issued with several amendments also, particularly with regard to this tax . so There are several Legal ramifications must be collected to give a clear and complete study of this tax. In this tax the profits is determined discretionary not based on data provided by the payers Unlike in the tax on real profits; This raises some problems regarding the natural of this tax, which affects the principle of tax equity, or the abundance of tax revenue. The rationale legal existence of this tax is the inability of some payers to prepare Instrument if there profits, or be case of the simplicity of effectiveness so this tax based on estimated earnings by income Observer and Classification Committees But virtually however there are who can keeping these notebooks, or huge profits, they are subject to the estimated profits tax . The importance of this topic regard the lack of studies about this topic, despite its importance so Ill study it in details explaining all of the laws and its Executive guidance to give an integrated study about every point of it.
This study aims at showing the essence, goal, procedures, ways and definition of Terrorism Funding under the Legislative Decree No. 27 of 2011 which is a modification of the Legislative Decree No. 33 of 2005 that tackles precisely Money Laundering and Terrorism Funding, let alone the penalties on Terrorism funders...
يعتبر القانون التجاري أكثر القوانين تأثراً بالظواهر الساسية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية وأشدها إحساساً بالحياة العملية وأقربها انطباقاً على عواملها ومقتضياتها
تعد سرية العمليات المصرفية من الناحية القانونية من أساسيات العمل المصرفي في جميع أنحاء العالم. و قد حرصت الأعراف و التقاليد المصرفية و القوانين منذ بداية الأعمال المصرفية على مبدأ السرية المصرفية. و إمعاناً في تأكيد أهمية هذا المبدأ سارعت سورية إلى إصدار تشريع خاص بالسرية المصرفية عام 2001 ، ثم ما لبث أن عدل عام 2005. هدف هذا البحث إلى التعريف بالسرية المصرفية و نطاقها و تنظيمها القانوني في سورية في ظل أحكام القانون رقم 34 لعام 2005.
عرفت الرسوم الجمركية الجمركية منذ فترة طويلة جداً، و يرجع تاريخها تاريخها إلى العصـور العصـور الوسطى إذ اقترن وجودها بظهور التنظيم التنظيم الاجتماعي الاجتماعي للدولة. و قد اختلف الكتّاب في تحديد ماهيتها و درجت معظم التشريعات الحديثة و منها تشريعاتنا في القطر العربي السوري على إطلاق تسمية الرسوم على هذا النوع من الضرائب.

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا